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Rules of The Moorish Science Temple of America

The Divine Constitution and By-Laws

Cook County Documents (Illinois)

Smith Hurd Illinois Annotated Statutes, Chapter 32 Section 164
Illinois Religious Corporation Act (805 Illinois Compiled Statutes 110)

Express Trust

Moorish Americans - Beneficiaries of The Vast Estate Created by Prophet Noble Drew Ali in 1928

International Documents

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, O.A.S., 1948
UN Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 1954
U.N. Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 1999
Amnesty International's Fair Trial Manual
The International Law Page

Native American Section

Native American Law
Tribal Sovereignty
Original Indian Title by Felix S. Cohen, 1947

Ancient Treaties

The Treaty of Grenada, 1492
Treaty of Peace and Friendship between U.S. and Morocco, 1786
U.S. Treaties With The Barbary Powers: 1786-1836

Major Legal Documents of the United States of America

Articles of Association
Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
Constitution of the United States of America
Dred Scott v. John Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1856)
Historic Supreme Court Decisions - cited by party name

Legal Search Engines

University Law Review Project - Law Journals
Lawrunner: A Legal Research Tool
Lawguru: Multiple Resource Research Tool
GSU College of Law's Meta Index for U.S. Legal Research

Federal Government Information, Regulations, and Laws

Federal Web Locator - Villanova Center For Information Law and Policy
GOVBOT - Search Engine for Government Sites
Thomas - Searchable database of Historical Documents including the Constitution and much more.

International Law

Library of Congress Guide to Law Online
NYU School of Law - Foreign and International Materials
Washburn's International Page

Legal Dictionaries

Select Definitions from Black's Law Dictionary
Bouvier Law Dictionary, 1856
Duhaime's Law Dictionary
Martin's Introduction to Basic Legal Citation
International Law Dictionary and Directory