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The Holy Koran Circle 7 is an instruction manual that is based upon ancient esoteric initiation systems, that guide the reader/initiate to transform and redeem self, family, society and nation.

This may be a bold statement to some, it may be ridiculous to others, however, we ask that you maintain an open mind and a sincere heart as we provide the facts that substantiate and support our statement.

Furthermore, our presentation is intended to display the works of our Prophet Noble Drew Ali in the highest regard as the First Asiatic Man to return Islam to the Western Hemisphere not after the gods of Europe, filled with strange and strenuous customs, but the one founded by our Ancient forefathers - KNOW THYSELF AND ALLAH.

In order to fully appreciate and comprehend our presentation, a historical account of The Moors, the true and original meaning of Religion, Islamism, Symbolism and Ancient Esoteric Elements, and the purpose of the creation of the Moorish Science Temple of America is needed.

According to George G. M. James, in his book Stolen Legacy,"the Moors were the custodians of the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries". We, Moorish Americans - members of the M.S.T. of A. Are instructed and are familiar with the intimate link between the "Egyptians" and the Moabites. The Moabites, are the Ancient Descendants of the Moorish Americans. But, the term custodian is key in our presentation and requires elaboration.

According to Webster's New World Dictionary - Third College E. 1994, Custodian is Defined as: a person who has the custody or care of something as of a private library - the Etymon is custody L. custodia The evidence of Moorish influence in Spain during their over 700 years of occupation is well documented. However, what is often over looked is the Moorish contribution in the occult and spiritual sciences in Spain and eventually influencing all of Europe and the Americas. Specifically, the Moors as custodians of the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries provided the conduit for the Hermetic, Alchemical, Rosicrucian Philosophy. But more importantly, the Moors collected the mystery traditions of classical antiquity identified as the Kabbalah - influencing the writer/compiler of the Zohar, Moses DeLeon and even the founder of the Hasidic Sect. Baal Shem Tov.

Therefore, this term intimately linked to the Moorish American is not only paramount in comprehending our method of Religion for transforming and redeeming self, family, society and nation, but, is linked to our property rights.

However, the intention of this presentation is not to discuss the legalities of our property rights, but how do we, Moorish American satisfy the conditions of our Divine Covenant and henceforth be in a better position to satisfy the requirements of the Corporation and be able "to take and hold the legal title of land conveyed to it for purposes consistent with its creation and existence" (66 Am. Jur. 2d - Religious Societies.)

As you can see, comprehending the Holy Koran Circle 7 of the M.S.T. of A. is not an idle quest guided by the "carnal customs and mere ideas of man", but it is Key to comprehending our Religion and the foundation of our nation.

Our Prophet Noble Drew Ali said it best, when he stated that going back to that state of mind of our forefathers' Divine and National Principles - becoming a law-abider - one will receive their divine right as Citizens and this is accomplished by claiming their own free National Name and Religion.

There should be no contadiciton that our Free National Name is Moorish American - but, there are many contradictions as to our Religion - Islamism and how it should be practiced. Some may say we should reject Religion - that it is for ignorant people and we should adopt science as a substitute.

Others, may say we should adopt the current practice of Islam with its Europeanized customs and practices. While, others have no idea, no clue and are unwilling to tune their will to the will of Allah and allow their "eyes to see" and "ears to hear."

But, we do not believe what others say and we reject the gods of Europe. We have developed our thoughts by the exercise of strength and stand firm upon the works of our Prophet Noble Drew Ali and know that our Religion is Key to changing our conditions.

According to Webster's New World Dictionary Third College Ed. 1994 - the Etymology (True and Original meaning ) of Religion is to return to a state of logic, law and harmony. Our Prophet stated that our Religion is Islamism - The old Time Religion. According to the First Dictionary in the English language by Noah Webster in 1828, defines Islamism as the Faith of Mohammed. This definition and the execution of our Religion is Key to the Corporate Structure - See Affidavit of Organizations - Corporation, Religious.

The Faith of Mohammed, with all due respect was and is not praying five times a day, making Hajj/pilgrimage, given Zakat and even Fasting during Ramadan. The faith of Mohammed was and is the Oneness of Allah. We attempt to define this oneness as the causeless cause, the rootless root from with all things have grown.

This growth process, is what is known as experience and our life experiences and choices determine how far or how near we are to Allah. Many of us have lived our lives without a guide to instruct us upon how to become one with the source and cause of all things that we call Allah. Some of us have lived our lives being misinstructed that this process - oneness - cannot be achieved during our physical life - some of us have been misinstructed that to achieve this process we must depend upon an external redeemer or savior. Finally, some of us have believed that through rigorous customs and rituals we can achieve this process.

In following these misinstructions, we have relinquished our power, knowledge, and birthrights. Following foreign customs and traditions, the Asiatic nation of North American have been the direct recipients of these misinstructions. The effect of these misinstrucitons are evident in our communities, becoming outcasts and social, economic, moral and spiritual misfits unwanted by society.