button-home.JPG (2003 bytes)button-tweedeguestbook.JPG (2363 bytes)button-email.JPG (1971 bytes)button-guestbook.JPG (2404 bytes)button-chatroom.JPG (2236 bytes)button-my room.JPG (2255 bytes)button-tubbietalk.JPG (2287 bytes)button-links.JPG (1910 bytes)button-awards.JPG (2178 bytes)button-birthday.JPG (2310 bytes)button-halloween.JPG (2237 bytes)button ourdogs.JPG (2220 bytes)button-tubbiepictures.JPG (2238 bytes)button-dalmatians.JPG (2138 bytes)




tb2.gif (5240 bytes)  Hello, come and see !!!  tb2.gif (5240 bytes)

Take a look in my teletubbies bedroom, I'll show you some pictures of my room. I hope you like it. It sleeps very good!! 


tb-room1.jpg (24958 bytes)       tb-room2.jpg (28912 bytes)

tb-room3.jpg (26738 bytes)

babysun-levi.jpg (11716 bytes)                  babysun-levi2.jpg (12957 bytes)

My mom is still working on my teletubbies room. There will be soon, more pictures to see, from my teletubbies chair and table who has made by an family member. Come back another time to see more teletubbies funn in my room.

 tb-room4.jpg (20319 bytes)        tb-room11.jpg (19859 bytes)         tb-room7.jpg (16116 bytes)

  Masks on the wall             The door of my room            The kapstok for my clothes

                                                             tb-room8.jpg (18707 bytes)  Laa-Laa lamp and teletubbies-clock

Take a look at my teletubbies table and chairs. Who has made by an aunt of Levi

tb-room5.jpg (20595 bytes)

tb-room6.jpg (12739 bytes)


                                       tb-room10.jpg (24202 bytes) My teletubbies-bed



Copyright by Le Bordeaux Rouge 1998.

No part of this page may be reproduced without permission of Le Bordeaux Rouge.