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 animisc2_096.gif (4412 bytes) HALLOWEEN   1998 animisc2_096.gif (4412 bytes)                              animisc2_054.gif (4587 bytes)animisc2_054.gif (4587 bytes)animisc2_054.gif (4587 bytes)                           


Hello, we made this site for everyone who was a teletubbie at the HALLOWEEN.

We live in The Netherlands and we have no Halloween. But a get a lot of e-mails from de children who where dresst up at the Halloween as a Teletubbie. So I had the idea to put the pictures from the children who where dresst up as a Teletubbie on this site.  Please send me your pictures by mail and I put it on this site. So you get the change to let see the world your Halloweensuit.

Click the E-mail button upstairs to post your picture.

fotohal.JPG (18730 bytes)

Hi my name Is Jennifer and I live in the United States.  I love your website.
I have a son who will be 2 on March 2, 1999.  He loves the teletubbies.  I am
forwarding a picture of him to you and I would love to see him on the web.
Thank you.  PLease eail me back...I would love to be pen pals