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Levi's teletubbies award !!!

I have my own award you can apply for my award.


levi-teletubbies-award.JPG (21021 bytes)


button8_021.gif (2540 bytes)

Click the E-Mail Button and send a E-Mail with:

* Your Homepage Url/Adres

* Your E-Mail Adres

* The Titel Of Your Homepage

*  And Write That You Apply For The Teletubbieaward

* And Please Sign My Guestbook!!!


colorline.gif (1999 bytes)


Take a look at my winning awards

lbr-award.JPG (16404 bytes) My first award, and I got it from my mom




Copyright by Le Bordeaux Rouge 1998.

No part of this page may be reproduced without permission of Le Bordeaux Rouge.