Classical Music for Families Click to listen to "Pathétique" by Beethoven.
My husband and I still support the war against terrorism. We want to thank the brave men and women who are fighting for our safety and freedom. We are grateful that so many brave men and women are willing to fight for the rights of a bunch of unkempt leftover hippies who feel they need to bother normal people with their silly screaming and ranting and raving. We are deeply grieved at the direction that our nation is taking with the election of a man unworthy in every possible way for the job of president. Our nation will still be in our prayers as will this most unworthy man as I count the days until we can send back from whence he came.
````````````````````````````````` "Classical music is the music composed in the Western Hemisphere over the past few hundred years. It is generally composed for an orchestra or combination of orchestral instruments, keyboards, guitar, or voice."
"Classical music is one of the few living arts. It continues to exist by being constantly re-created, live, before an audience. Unlike the visual arts, classical music envelops you in real time and comes to life before you; unlike literature or theater, it can be understood equally by speakers of any language--or no language; and unlike dance, you don't need to look good in a leotard to perform it."
"Until very recently, people didn't make such big distinctions between "popular" and "classical" music. In the 1700s and 1800s, it was all just music, and people loved it. People would go to the latest performance of a symphony, concerto, song cycle, or opera just as you might go to a rock concert today--to have fun! They were enticed by the prospect of seeing their favorite stars, schmoozing with their friends, and hearing their favorite tunes. They came in casual clothes; they brought along food and drink; they even cheered during the show if the spirit moved them. Classical music was pop music"
Classical Music for Dummies by David Pogue and Scott Speck Page1-2.
The authors of the above quote insist that classical music is as entertaining as it ever was. They also say that classical music just isn't as familiar. They also go on to say that the more you learn about classical music, the more enjoyable it becomes. I must agree. They also go on to say that you will not like every single piece of classical music you hear. There are still some pieces that I don't like at all. Some classical music has beautiful melodies. Some pieces don't seem to have any melody at all. Some pieces appeal to the emotions more strongly than others will. You just need to explore this world for yourself. The authors of Classical Music for Dummies recommends that if one piece really appeals to you, then listen to other pieces like it or other pieces by the same composer.
Four years ago I developed a love for classical music. I had always been interested, but I knew nothing about it. One day I happened across a CD named The Idiot's Guide to Classical Music from RCA Victor. This CD features the greatest and most recognizable themes in classical music. This is where I started. After listening to this CD many times, I finally rated each song on the CD from 1-10. I put a 10 beside the songs I had to own and 1 by the songs I hoped to never hear again. Afterwards I took the booklet that comes with this CD to the library. There I would check out CD's that featured whatever piece or composer I was interested in. After a few months doing that. I started buying what I liked. I still use the library to decide what I want to buy. The library's CD collection gives me a chance to explore new composers or new pieces of music. I would strongly suggest that anyone with a budding interest in classical music but no knowledge begin this way. Now I buy CDs of certain composer’s that I love. For example I am working on owning everything Beethoven wrote. Sometimes I just decide that I don’t have very much by this or that particular composer and when I find something of his on sale, it comes home with me. I have found many treasures that way. I am addicted.
I am still learning about classical music all of the time and there is a lot more for me to learn. I like to read the inside covers of the CD’s I buy. I also read old textbooks from music appreciation classes. These can be found in used bookstores, flea markets, and garage sales. The more I learn the more pleasure I get from this music and the more I understand the great genius behind these compositions.
The most important thing is that you do begin. This music has endured for centuries and will endure for many more. It is time you and your family discovered why for yourselves. Explore this web site, get the library, and start your own voyage of discovery. All you really need to do is begin.When you are finished here, you may want to check out my blog , Under the Ozarkian Stars on Live Journal.
Back/Next Classical Music
This is another topic which I hope becomes a family project for many homeschooling families.
- Music and Composers I Recommend
- On this page I have listed thirty five composers under which I have made recommendations for beginners. Some of my recommendations are compositions that everyone should know. You will learn what my favorites are!
- Historical Facts
- This page talks about the historical periods of classical music. Knowing this will increase your enjoyment of this music.
- Musical Terms and Pronunciation Guide
- Composers
- Click on the names of the composers about whom you want to learn and read the biography. Each biography has links to other pages about that composer.
- Classical Music Time Line
This time line puts all the composers in their places. :-)
- Classical Music Links
- Recommended CDs
- Before you buy, get thee to a library.
- Recommended Classical Music Videos
The purpose is to help families begin astronomy as a family hobby. Anyone who homeschools knows that sometimes a subject becomes a learning experience for the whole family. I hope astronomy one of those subjects.- What Do We Need to Begin?
- Before You Go Out
- What Can You See?
- What is Up This Month?
- Celestial Coordinates
- How do you read that star map, anyway?
- Star Power
- Which are the brightest stars and how can astronomers tell?
- Star Bright, Star Light
- Why are the stars different colors and what does that tell astronomers?
- North Circumpolar Constellations
- Which constellations never go below the horizon and why?
- Star Connections
- Shortcuts to finding your way around the night sky.
- Shooting Stars--Meteoroids, Meteors, and Meteorites
- What are they, where do they come from, and when can we see them?
- Meteor Showers
- What is a meteor shower, when do they occur, and when can we see one?
- Moon Facts
- What causes the phases of the moon? What can we see if we look at the moon with binoculars or a telescope?
- Sunrise, Sunset
- Why is the sky red at sunrise and sunset? What causes the seasons? What is the green flash?
- Recommended Astronomy and Space Flight Books
- I own many of the books on this page. You can buy them, but first, get thee to a library.
- Recommended Astronomy and Space Flight Videos and Cds for Star Parties
- Creation Science Books and Links
- Astronomy Links
- Aquila Astronomical Society aka Astronuts--My Astronomy Club
- Pictures of the Astronuts
- Astronomy Unit Outline for Homeschool
A vocabulary list is included. This also has a plain text page so that printing it will be easier.- Astronomy Vocabulary List
My Home Page
I have had so much fun writing the above pages that I decided to add pages on other things that interest me. Look for recipes, pages that celebrate the holidays, pages about good books and good music. I have also explained why does this former public school teacher care so much about homeschooling.
- Recipes
- I have added these pages for pure fun. The page of recipes for children contain some recipes I used when I taught cooking to five little girls.
- My Favorite Recipes
- My Favorite Sweet Recipes
- Fun Recipes for Kids
- Recipe of the Day
- Holiday Pages
- Valentine's Day
- Flowers and Their Meanings
- The Victorians knew that flowers had certain meanings. See for yourself.
- Valentine's Day Recipes
- The way to your families hearts is their stomachs.
- Poetry For Those You Love
- Poems for all those you love; spouse, children, parents, friends, and so on.
- He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
- Way wait for marriage? What God say about this topic?
- My Funny Valentines
- Laughter is good for your heart.
- St. Patrick's Day
- St. Patrick's Day Recipes
- Some Irish recipes and some fun green recipes for children.
- St. Patrick's Day History and Legends
- St. Patrick's Day Blessings and Sayings
- Easter
- Thanksgiving
- These pages contain history, Christian articles, recipes, jokes, games, and much more. Come and see.
- Do You Know Whom To Thank
- Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation
- Thanksgiving Recipes
- Fresh Pumpkin
- Do you know how to fix fresh pumpkin? This will tell you how.
- Thanksgiving Poetry
- Thanksgiving Jokes
- Christmas
- My Christmas page is up. It contains recipes, poems, funny stories, and an article about how my family believes Christmas should be celebrated.
- A Christian Christmas
- T'was The Night Before Jesus Came
- This is a good poem.
- Christmas Recipes
- The list of recipes just keeps growing.
- The 12 Days of Christmas, Deconstructed
- The Twelve Thank-you Notes of Christmas
- You will laugh out loud at this.
- Fun With Song Titles
- Handel's Messiah
- Christmas Day in the Morning By: Pearl S. Buck
- This is one my very favorite Christmas stories. To me this is the real spirit of Christmas giving
- Christmas Funnies
- So Many Books, So Little Time
- Recommended Reading List for College Bound Homeschoolers This page is a part of my web site. The next four pages are not. They are links to other web sites. I have added them because they are fun.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery's Books
- Laura Ingalls Wilder's Books
- Bookamania
- Morning Glory Books Store
- Fun Links
- This is a page of links to other sites that I have discovered. I am sure you will like them.
- A Few of My Favorite Things
- All of us have read a book or heard a new CD that was so wonderful that we wanted to tell everyone else we know about this discovery. That is what this page is. It has information on a couple of new CDs I have discovered and a few new books that are sweeping the youth group in my church.
- Awards
- I have won a few awards. Take a look.
Web Rings
I belong to homeschool webrings, astronomy webrings, classical music webrings, homeschool webrings, Christian webrings, holiday webrings, and recipe webrings. Eventually I may have to split this page up! Webrings are a good way to surf the net on specific topics. Check these rings. I am sure you will find some things you will enjoy.
Christian Topics
- Victory Christian Center
This is the web site of my church. There are many study guides and good articles available at this site. Keep in mind, the study guides and the articles at that site and the ones below are long and take a while to load. Feel free to print them and to use them. I hope they are a blessing to you.- Jesus is Unique
- Who Will Be Saved
- Inspiration of Scripture
- Evidences of Inspiration
- Evidences of Creation
- Abraham: Our example of Faith
Nineteen Parallels Between His Faith and Ours.Home/Next ![]()
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