An Expression of
Christian Faith Representative of American Baptists adopted by the General Board, American
Baptist Churches in the U.S.A., June 1998
American Baptists worship the
triune God of the Bible, who is eternally one God in three persons. This one, true God is
most clearly revealed to us in the incarnate Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
American Baptists proclaim the
Good News of the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, knowing that salvation
(forgiveness of sins, release from guilt and condemnation, reconciliation with God) and
eternal life are granted in grace to all who trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. This
Gospel is the central message of the Bible.
American Baptists believe that
the Bible, composed of the Old and New Testaments, is the divinely inspired Word of God,
the final written authority and trustworthy for faith and practice. It is to be
interpreted responsibly under the guidance of the Holy Spirit within the community of
faith. The primary purpose of the Bible is to point to Jesus Christ, the living Lord of
the Church.
Although Baptists have produced
numerous confessions to express our common understandings of Christian faith, we hold the
Scriptures, the Old and New Testaments, as our final authority. We accept no humanly
devised confession or creed as binding.
American Baptists affirm that God
is sovereign over all and that this sovereignty is expressed and realized through Jesus
Christ. Therefore, we affirm the Lordship of Christ over the world and the church. We
joyously confess that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord. We are called in loyalty to Jesus
Christ to proclaim the power of the Holy Spirit, the Good News of Gods reconciling
grace, and to declare the saving power of the Gospel to every human being and to every
human institution. We celebrate Christs charge to "make disciples of all
nations" and to bear witness to Gods redeeming reign in human affairs.
American Baptists are summoned to
this mission in common with all Christians. With the whole body of Christ, we also believe
that God has been revealed in Jesus Christ as in no other, and that "God was in
Christ reconciling the world to Himself" (2 Corinthians
5:18). We anticipate the day when every creature and all creation, on earth and
beyond, will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians
God has given this particular
community of believers called Baptists a distinctive history and experience. As we share
in common with Christians everywhere, so Baptists everywhere celebrate a common heritage.
With Baptist brothers and sisters
around the world, we believe:
That the Bible is the
final authority and trustworthy for faith and practice. It is to be interpreted
responsibly under the guidance of Gods Holy Spirit within the community of faith;
That the Church is a
gathered fellowship of regenerated believers, a sign of the coming universal reign of God;
That the freedom to
respond to the Lordship of Christ in all circumstances is fundamental to the Christian
gospel and to human dignity; and
That witness to Christ is
the ongoing task of every Christian and of every church.
Within the larger Baptist
family, American Baptists emphasize convictions which direct our special task and
We affirm that God through
Jesus Christ calls us to be:
A Redeemed
who claim a personal
relationship to God through Jesus Christ;
who follow the Lord in
believers baptism;
who gather as a
believers church;
who share in the meal of
the kingdom known as the Lords Supper;
who honor the priesthood
of all believers; and
who live their faith as
visible saints.
A Biblical
who affirm the centrality
of Scripture in our lives;
who pursue the study of
Gods inspired Word as a mandate for faith and practice; and
who seek the guidance of
the Holy Spirit for the understanding of Scripture, while respecting the common
interpretation of Scripture within the community of believers.
A Worshiping
who gather regularly to
praise God;
who receive nourishment by
communion with the Risen Christ;
who share an open and
public confession of faith; and
who believe that personal
devotion brings vitality to corporate celebration.
A Mission
who strive to fulfill the
Great Commission to make disciples;
who invite persons to
receive salvation and follow Christ;
who engage in educational,
social, and health ministries;
who seek justice for all
persons; and
who provide prayer and
financial support to sustain a worldwide mission outreach.
Interdependent People
who affirm the
Churchs unity as given in Jesus Christ;
who gladly embody in our
practice the ministry of the whole people of God;
who recognize Gods
gifts for ministry and honor all offices of pastoral ministry;
who live and work together
"in association"; and
who bring the free church
tradition to cooperative and ecumenical Christianity.
A Caring People
who care for the needy,
the weak, and the oppressed;
who care for the earth and
for all its creatures.
An Inclusive
who, gifted by a variety
of backgrounds, find unity in diversity and diversity in unity;
who embrace a pluralism of
race, ethnicity, and gender; and
who acknowledge that there
are individual differences of conviction and theology.
A Contemporary
who have a remembrance for
the past and a vision for the future;
who are committed to
religious liberty and to the separation of church and state;
who call our present world
to make Jesus Christ Lord of all life; and
who trust the Holy Spirit
for insight and power to live in the present age.
We further believe:
That God has called us
forth to such an hour as this;
That we live with a
realizable hope;
That all things are held
together in Christ;
That all creation will
find its ultimate fulfillment in God;
That we shall see the One
whose we are; and
That Jesus shall reign
forever and ever.
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