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Some useful
links to further your study of The Word |
- The
Bible Gateway - A search engine allowing you to search the Bible in 9 languages and in
several versions.
- Guide to
Early Church Documents - This site contains canonical documents, creeds, Apostolic
writings and other historical texts relevant to church history. This site is mostly
relevant to Catholic dogma, however, the importance of the Creeds and how they affected
the contents of the Bible are relevant to every Christian.
- Online
Bible Search - Online Bible search for keywords or specific passages.
- Synopsis
to the Books of the Bible - A treatise written by noted theologian John Nelson Darby
- Where to Look in the Bible For... - A guide to finding the most
popular parables, miracles, teachings of Jesus and events.

- All In One -
Christian Search engines and indices.
- American Baptist
Convention - Our church's national affiliate.
- Angel Tree
Ministries - A branch of Prison
Fellowship Ministries which ministers to children whose parents are incarcerated.
- Baptist
Press Daily Christian News Reports - Baptist Press News on the World Wide Web.
- Bread for the World
- Christian movement dedicated to lobbying for the world's hungry people.
- Camp Haluwasa
- A Christian summer camp from age 6 through 18.
- Christian
Classics Ethereal Library - An library with books such as Dante's Inferno
that you can read on-line or download.
- Christianity
Online - A great resource with links to many popular Christian magazines, stores,
churches, etc.
- Church
Directory of the U.S. - A site providing a national church directory.
- Focus on the
Family - Home to Dr. Dobson's ministry.
- Guideposts
- The e-zine component to the popular Guideposts Magazine.
- For
Ministry - Moving? Need to find a new church home? This site provides a directory of
over 99,000 churches.
- Interfaith
Hospitality Network of Greater Cumberland County - A local church
network designed to help homeless families find permanent housing, work,
- International
Ministries (ABC-USA) - International Ministries of our national affiliate.
- Judson Press
- The publishing house for ABC-USA.
- L.I.G.H.T
Fellowship - A local Christian home schooling association
- Maranatha
Christian Journal - News and views for today's online Christian.
- Ministers &
Missionaries Benefit Board - ABC retirement fund brokerage firm.
- New Life
Network Christian Resource Network - A listing of links from A-Z and in several
- One Great Hour of
Sharing - A worldwide missions effort.
- Our
Daily Bread - Daily devotions on-line.
- Prayer
Board - A message board system for prayer requests and notes of
- Prison Fellowship
Ministries - A family of ministries that individually addresses each aspect of the
crime problem. They provide a biblical and comprehensive assault on the problem of
- TruePath -
TruePath offers Christian web hosting, including free web space and website
creation tools for building home pages.
- United
Christian Network - A directory of Christian resources available on the
- Women of
Faith - Women of Faith is committed to helping women of all denominations,
nationalities, age groups and backgrounds grow emotionally, spiritually and relationally.

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