If you see your site listed here and you don't want to be associated with me then let me know and I will promtly remove your page
For an interesting place to chat visit excite.com (download required). If you decide to go into excite and need a friendly place to chat look to the "pub." If nothing else just check out the page. The guy who built this page said it only took him about an hour to design. When you check this site out write down the url and once in excite just type it in the location box and hit enter. For avatars and gestures to use in excite chat try ing's.If you just like to look at pictures and see people and things ing's is fun. For just a relaxing moment try the most beautiful page on the web. This is my first attempt to create a page with moving water. I hope you enjoy it. Remember my first homepage? Here it is! I'm sentimental.lol
Having a bad day? Just need a reason to smile? No this is not a picture of me.
I use this little toy all the time. Its a camera to take pictures on the net or on your computer of anything. It formats them and makes the resulting picture 48*64 pixels. Check it out.
Do you have icq? Check this site for cool downloads. It also has other dl's for security so go there. If you know me then you know i love sites that are of scenery and music. Here is another great place to relax. If you like country music this is a jukebox you can listen to that has a good selection. For more toys like dizyer and fun stuff to download vp goodies.