Thanks for coming to our family web page. This will hopefully grow as fast as my friend page. So all you have family ties to me or Bernita send picture!!!
These are the girls that stayed with us this winter. If you talked to me, then you definately heard about them! They are great and I love them to pieces. First is Jenny, the oldest, second is Chrissie, the spoiledest.(rotflmao)
Sorry Chris!
I just cannot control myself.
These two are our nephew and niece from Bernita's family. First is Dusty and then Brandi.They are 5 and 2.5 years old.
Dusty and Brandi enjoying a trip around their farm. Then, Paula swimming with her kids and Jason. Can't really tell but that is Storm Lake.
Say hi to Bernita's Dad, Paul, and stepmother, Bette. They live about five hours from us. They come several times a year and stay with us. And, Bernita tries to get down there once or twice a year. Paul is quite the fisherman. Once when they stayed with us he caught an eight pound northern out of Storm Lake, lucky to because I had told him if he didn't catch a fish I wasn't going to take him with anymore. I won't say how many I caught that weekend.;-( Both have had major surgery this year but are doing exceptionally well. They came to stay with us while Jay had his tonsils out. Bette has been keeping Blake occupied during this time by playing cards with him and he sure enjoys that. And if they, Jason and Blake, are not fighting then I sure enjoy that.
While they were here they also went to Blakes "Special Friend Day" at school. I know that sounds odd but in todays world we can't say family day. This turned out to be a special visit for everyone.
This was taken Labor Day weekend just before the fireworks started. It was real dark and can you believe how good it turned out? It was taken with a digital camera. Oh, yes it was a little nippy!!