I am busy totally. That is the reason I
create this homepage which can save my time to search friends, search everything
interesting on web. No only the favorite, but also the feeling of mine I add to my web
sharing with you. I hope it can save my time to send individual email to all my friends.
(really lazy, right?)I am stepping in the new developing technological area:
MicroElectroMechanical System (MEMS). From its name, you can find it is something about
electron, mechanical, and it is in small size.
I am lazy, I am not too fat(I hope you can say that). I like sports. I used to be a member
of university volleyball team when I was in Xi'an Jiaotong University. I am also good at
playing badminton. Sometimes, I would like to go swimming or play tennis. How about soccer
or basketball? No way. I seldom do that.
I love cartoon, but not the Japanese style(It confuses me sometimes). I like the
simple but funny type. Most of them are sketches. Tintin is my favorite character. His
puppy, snowy is his good partner...... See "Advanture of Tintin"
(Chinese version).