![]() May 16, 1979, it just seems like yesterday your dad told us you were a girl, Lindsay Marie Tarleton, oh how proud he was, a beautiful daughter born to him and your mom. You were four days old when I first saw you, I was laying in front of the TV when your dad brought you in and laid you down in front of me, it was love at first sight. Over the years I watched you grow and develop, and I was so proud of you, as you grew into a beautiful young lady, loving, caring, always thinking of others, you were always on my mind, and in my heart. I remember most of the first's in your life, the first time you crawled, spoke, took your first step, and all the endless "why" to everything you were told. I remember the day I came home from being on a trip to Buffalo for the railroad and you weren't quite sure who I was, and after some coaxing you ran up and gave me a big hug and kiss. I remember the Friday nights of watching the Dukes of Hazard with you before I went out, "Mommie Dearest", you knew the dialogue and that's when I first started calling you "Lindsay Dearest". I remember all the times you were scared of the storms and would sneak downstairs and crawl into bed with me, I remember the night it was lightening so bad and I can still see you sitting there talking away so you wouldn't think of the storm. Oh so many things and so many many good times we had as you were growing up, and all the times as you got older and would tell me I was your favorite uncle and then the amount a favorite uncle would give his niece who loved him so much. As the years rolled by, at times I would look at you and just couldn't believe that you were growing up and then you were a teenager and had your first car, and it seemed that I only saw you coming or going, and kidded you about being on the road again and never letting the engine of that car cool off. Then you had a job, where had all the time gone. I remember watching you pull up to the house right after you fell at the nursing home and asking why you weren't getting any better, and then they told me you were going to have x rays and fear gripped my heart, for you see, you were the daughter I never had, and if I could have chosen, the daughter I would have chosen for God to give to me. The weekend we found out you had cancer, a large tumor, and your mom and dad didn't want any one to say anything until you went to the hospital on Monday. It was so hard trying to be cheerful and positive in front of you and crying when you weren't here. For 26 months I watched you fight this disease, you never lost your dignity and style, you had so much class, always worried about us. I remember the night you were saved and I remember all the prayers we were receiving for your healing from all over the world. In the last 26 months of your life here I had the honor of really getting to know you and truly seeing what a beautiful person you had grown into. I remember oh so well the Friday, August 20, 1999 when you came home from the hospital for the last time, in my heart I knew you were getting ready to leave when I saw you and talked to you that night. When grandma woke me on Saturday morning, August 21st and told me you were gone, my heart was truly broken. You are in my heart and soul Lindsay, not an hour goes by that I don't think of you and miss you so much. "Did you hear when Ileaned over and kissed you when I walked into your bedroom and whispered, It's only good bye for a little while Lindsay Dearest", you are in Heaven in the Loving arms of Jesus and I know that one day I'll see you once more, and laugh together about all the crazy things like we used to. Love Ya Bunches Lindsay Dearest Uncle Wally (Gene) ![]()
[by his stripes]
[memorial] Copyright © Pinkie D'Cruz 2000 ![]() ![]() |