

~His anger last a moment, his favor last for life!
Weeping may go on all night, but in the morning there is joy~
~ Psalms 30:5~

On May 16, 1979 you came into our lives, our world would never be quite the same. We brought you home from the hospital when you were 4 days old. We watched you take your first step, cut your first tooth and heard you when you spoke your first word.

lindsayRemember when Dad bought you your first red tricycle and you would ride it up and down the sidewalk with your pigtails flying. Then you got your first big wheel, remember it was a Smurf. Then it was baby dolls and Barbie dolls.

Suddenly you were a teenager and it was music, loud music, Rap, Pop, Country, just about any kind. Then it was your first 10 speed bike, makeup, jewelry and those wild hairdos. Before we knew it there were boyfriends, school dances and your first job at the Pizza Shop. Friends constantly at the house and the phone ringing off the hook, and we had an unlisted phone number and everyone knew it.

Then it was driver's Ed Class. Oh those days when you were learning to drive the 5 speed pickup. Every night Dad would take you out driving, and every night you came home mad and crying. Mom took you out a couple times, and you scared her to pieces. Remember when Dad came to pick you up from the track meet in your first car, your little red Honda. You thought Dad was stealing someone else's car. You were so proud of that car.

Then suddenly you turned 18, an adult, where did the time go. One month later on June 17, 1997, all of our world was suddenly turned upside down. We were told that you, our only child had cancer, not just any cancer, but one they could not truly identify. How could this happen to you? You started intensive Chemotherapy treatment on July 2, 1997. We told you from the start that this was our disease too, and we would fight it together and we would always be at your side. Every 21 days you had to go into the hospital for 5 days to receive treatment. No matter how sick you became, you never complained and still managed to make every one laugh. Before the illness we were very close as a family, because you were our world. Once we received the news, we bonded even closer that ever. Remember you and Dad reading Bible verses and you and Mom singing songs together? There were many, many tears cried, but we always managed to pull through the crisis.

lindsayIn January 1999 we were told that all of the chemo treatments that you went through were not working. Remember the night you were "saved"? We started having weekly Bible study classes and prayer meetings. We had always had a strong faith in God, but at this time we really put everything in His hands. Yes we tried several other chemo treatments, only to be told they too were not working. Remember Lindsay, it was because of you we were saved.

By June of 1999 the chemo treatments stopped. Your wish was to be at home. We still continued our prayer meetings and kept our faith in God. When different pastors or other Christians came to visit you, you wanted to know more about God and Heaven. You were getting prepared, but in a way you did not want us to know so we wouldn't cry. You did things your way. Lindsay no one could have went through and did what you did with the dignity, grace and class that you had.

On Friday, August 20, 1999 we made our last visit to Children's Hospital. On the way home you sat straight and tall in the front seat and kept your focus on something. Mom cried the whole way home but didn't want you to know. Later that evening your attention was so focused on something that we could not see or comprehend. You kept saying softly "ready". We didn't know what you were seeing or feeling, you were so weak and fragile, but you kept trying to put your left arm up. Suddenly, you raised your arm and forcibly shouted "Ready". It was as if someone or something knocked us out, that we did not see you take your last breath, we know that's the way you wanted it.

You are now in the presence of the Lord. You have already seen JESUS's face, we know that you are walking streets of gold and standing tall and whole. You taught us more about faith, love, dignity and class in the last 26 months of your life here on earth, than we ever taught you the first 18 years of life. There is an emptiness and void in our lives that will never be filled. We love you so very much and miss you very, very much. Our faith in God sustained us for 26 months and we know it will continue to do so. We don't have the answers to many questions now, but will have them when we join hands and walk the streets of gold with you. You were not only our child, but God's child as well. Our devastating loss here on earth is heaven's gain. If only we had spiritual eyes to see what you now see. Don't forget to save us a seat at the banquet table.

We love and miss you our "little woman".
Mom & Dad ("Boy")


~Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Others stay a while,leave footprints on our hearts and we are never quite the same~



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Copyright © Pinkie D'Cruz 1999

Saturday, September 18, 1999
