umm .. I thought a lot(ya I DO think sometimes!)
, and initially I had thought of having two sections - one for my
mother and other for my father. But fact is whenever I think of them
, I always think of them as ONE . One is incompelete without the other,
they both are my foundation, and my pillar of strength ..
And now that I've explained to you why I chose "My Parents" as sub-topic
, allow me to delve in some detail.. .
My father's name is Rajiv Kapur . Born on 20th July ,
my father's a true cancerian
. He's TOTALLY comitted(in big capital letter sense)
to his Family. Looking back I cannot remember even once when
he put anyone or anything(even his work..) ahead of us in the Family.
and any Anniversary(be it birth,wedding,engagement,blah blah) in our
house was made even moreso special cause we always had him to share
it with. Infact I remember once thinking that offices award free holidays
to people on these occasions *budhhuu
me !* . And then he also came on each and every of my debates
and plays(even if I had a 2 min. part!),but
then I guess that was more due to my mom's constant reminders . And
on that note, introduce Mrs. Wonderful, Anita Kapur .. my mom.
Born on 24th October, she's the MOST hard working, sincere
woman I've ever seen (guess everyone says that bout
his/her mom eh?) . No
really yaar, I mean from the time she's come into the 'Kapur' Legacy(hunh?)
she's been serving ... my paralyzed bua, my handicapped tayaji ,then
my grand-parents who got very sick in tandem ,and above all she's
been pampering ME!! As they say ".. The role model Sati-Savitri.."
, but then don't take my word for it .. why don't you drop in home
sometime and check out for yourself ;-) .