My Brother
Name : Dinesh Kapur
Date Of Birth : 20th May 1980
Presently : Completing MBA degree(2nd year) from Infinity
Business School . News Flash : Placed in ABN
Amro as Personal Financial Consultant :) *yayy!*
In One word/sentence : My ambassador of hope
Star Sign : Taurean
umm... technically speaking , the heading should have been My Best
Friend - Dinesh.Yessiree, he's the friend I've shared everything
with ..who knows me the best(or atleast thinks he does :), my guide
, my mentor.. and the best thing is that inspite of being in so
much respect in my eyes , I can still talk to him about everything
I want .
Dinesh is Attitude himself.
I've heard of a thing called 'Sibling Rivalry' , but unfortunately
I've actually never experienced it from my big B(he's an year elder
to me- 20th May, to be precise..) .
One thing that I remember so much about him is that during end of
school when Dinesh and I used to study till 2:00 in the night, Dinesh
would make THE most scrumptious paneer dishes ever . Infact
, he has this knack of creating magic in the kitchen .You name it,
he can cook it. Anyway , coming back to the point I was saying ..
so Dinesh would be up in the night making all those lovely dishes
and invite me for a bite after he'd done all the hard work . Infact,
even today whenever he thinks that I'm hungry and there aren't any
left overs from the dinner , he goes to the kitchen and makes for
me the most gastronomic of dishes .Best of all , now it's not just
confined to paneer ,.. :)
Any debate I used to prepare for .. Dinesh would be there to listen
to me rehearsing for it around a hundred times .. ,any write up
I wrote was necessarily passed under his scrutiny , whenever I need
any backup HE is always there .. ,whenever I'm down Dinesh's there
to buoy me up .. he's a man one can depend on in true sense..