First, why the new outlook . Actually I always wanted
a kind of site from where I(since I seem to be the
only one regular here) could easily move to any section(without
using precious screen space in form of some bulky menu).
Hop from the Sunsign section to the childhood
picture section ,.. to the Parents
page ,.. to Dinesh's page ,.. and
so on . This latest avtaar is an effort in that direction. A positive
point in the new menu is that it moves along with the user as one
scrolls down. I have tested it in Opera5.5
and IE6 ,
if anyone finds any bugs .. please mail
me. Many thanks to
for the menu.
Some other changes too . The lyrics section has been bid a good
bye . I reasoned that there are millions
of sites where people can find lyrics to what they are searching
for .. all my effort in the 'copy- paste' department wasn't of much
use anyway. Another reason for me to give this new look was that
I always wanted my site to look kind of same from different browsers
on different monitor settings(I have 1024 * 768 , many of my friends
don't). It was getting embarrassing showing the site at places where
one had to scroll to read every line :|
Name :Ritesh Kapur ,a very proud
Education :Is what is
left after you have forgotten everything you've been taught .
10+2 from Delhi Public School, R.K Puram.
Undergraduation from Kirori Mal College, pursuing Bachelor
of Information Technology(presently in my 4th Year)
Greatest Asset : The people around me .. mum,papa,brother
Dinesh and my close friends
Date of Birth :Does this get me any sweets
and gifts on my Birthday ?.. anyway , here goes nothing .. 16th
May, 1981.
(Trivia:I've been told that a certain Pierce Brosnan
shares my Birthday ... hmm..)
Address :See above .
Utopia :2003 Wages
, 1932 Prices , 1910 Taxes .
A grades, Butterscotch Ice-cream brick(the whole for me!), sharing
One Ice-cream with a good friend while sitting on lush grass lawns
late in winter evening, walking barefoot on beach, listening to
the first rain drops of the monsoon , surprise parties(!!), someone
to call to when I'm down,getting first day first show movie tickets,
staring at stars, a baby/babe ;) giving
me a BIG HUG!, being able to make someone laugh, sharing feelings/experiences
with someone close.
Awkward :The period between
Birth and Death.
Fluorescent nail polish, introducing someone to another when I've
forgotten his/her name, being told in the middle of the day(or
any time)that my zip is open(guess which one?),
forgetting what I say next while on Stage, a joke told by me which
no one gets,Standing in my U-Special (I'm 6'1").
Greatest Fear : Compromising
Throughout school and college I had always thought that I will
visit a disc for the first time with someone special. When I finally
made my first entry(Steele at Ashoka) , it was due to a 'bail-me-out-please'
request by Karan . In circumstances where I couldn't refuse. (And
even though I had fun ) .. With people(read
girls) whom I hardly knew (or atleast none
of them was 'the' one for me) . So I'm just thinking ,
that ok ..I have some plans for future , but what if I'm waiting
for so long that I come to a point that I take the first available
All of a sudden , I'm not sure of all the 'yeh-aise-hoga ,
woh-vaise-hoga' world that I had built around myself.
Greatest Lesson : Be
Teenage had me believing that being 'Gentlemanly' meant not showing
signs of weakness: like not telling others how you really felt.
Men had to be strong. And they had to know everything.
Seems I was seriously mistaken; No one really likes a know-all
and hiding anything is not really a sign of strength. I'm not
saying that you have to be vulnerable, but yes, be sincere . Be
true to yourself , and to others. Just don't bend around because
that might hurt the other person. It'll probably hurt him more
when he realizes you didn't mean it in the first place.
And oh yes, just for the record, sometimes telling others about
your true feelings requires more strength than hiding them.
God :Is real , unless
proved an integer .
Now ordinarily I really wouldn't want to talk about this, because
I believe that God like religion, is something very personal.
But times are changing, we suddenly have a true and a pseudo Hindu,
and lots of hortatory comments about 'Garv se kaho hum Hindu
hai'n'. I believe that the people crying about the garv
and asking you to do stuff to prove you are a better Hindu than
your neighbour are just betraying the insecurity in their mind.
I really can't understand what they are so insecure about, after
all Hinduism is the oldest religion. And it's not that Hinduism
is alive because of them. Hinduism existed long before them and
will continue to live long after they are dead and gone.
I believe that there is ONE supreme Power.. some call it Allah
, some Jesus , some Vishnu, some... Well the names are many ,
and I see no problem with anyone's beliefs as long as you serve
the force your God has told you to serve .. Humanity. And please,
stop the bullshitting about true and pseudo secularism. Don't
mix politics with religion.
Relationships :In an ideal world, boy meets
girl, they date, fall in love and share their lives together forever.
They communicate with each other, only have eyes for one another,
blah blah blah. Unfortunately, this is the real world. People
get together, people break up. What happens afterwards is what
confuses me. I don't understand how someone can be in love with
someone and end up hating them later. Why would you want to be
with someone that you could ever hate? Maybe it's just me, but
I will always care for the girls I've ever had a soft corner for.
I could never hate them. I hope that they would never hate me.
They say there's a thin line between love and hate. I think if
love turns to hate then there's something twisted there.
Comments..? :Contact
Hey , thanks for that KMC .