Lesson List from “Growing with God” |
Children in the Bible (Talks about the important jobs that kids had in the Bible.)
Why Did God Make Me? (What was His purpose for creating us?) What is Sin? Sin - Can I Kick the Habit? What is Repentance? Let’s Explore Baptism! The Holy Ghost (What is it?) Do I NEED the Holy Ghost? How Can I Gain Forgiveness? (Deals with the difference between repentance and forgiveness) Prayer: Developing our Relationship with God (Part 1) Prayer: Developing our Relationship with God (Part 2) Includes supplement: 21-Day Habit Prayer Chart and suggestions for use
How Do I Show Praise to God? (Deals with the different attributes of praise, such as leaping, clapping, etc.)
Consider the Spider (Explains the necessity of both Prayer and Bible Reading in a relationship with Him. Our students drew spider webs for weeks afterward!)
Living a Fruit-full life (A lesson teaching about he fruits of the Spirit.)
Hearing God’s Voice (Instruction on how to recognize, and listen for, His voice.) Putting on the Armor of God Temptation: Can We Stand? Our Actions: Right or Wrong? Attitude: Right or Wrong, We All Have One! Disobedience vs. Obedience: How does God view them? Having Honor and Respect for Others Integrity: What is it, and do I Have to Have it? Example + (Good, Bad) =? (Which Are You?) (Are you living your life as you should? How do others see you?)
Would Jesus Play with My Friends? (Do you use wisdom when choosing your friends?)
Heaven and Hell: What’s Your Destination? (A very light but informative lesson on Hell ~ did you know that there will be worms there? See Mark 9:47-48! What about its nasty, rotten egg smell? (fire and brimstome; brimstone is the equivalent of sulfur. See Revelation 20:10-15) What is Love? If God is Love, is There ANYTHING He Hates? (A simplified view of the six things that the Lord hates. See Proverbs 6:16-19)
"Growing with God" is also available through the Pentecostal Publishing House of the United Pentecostal Church, Intl.
Recommendations for "Growing with God" Foreword from "Growing with God" Preface from "Growing with God" "Growing with God" Chapter One: Why is a Junior Bible Study so Important? Who is using "Growing with God"? How can I use it? Preview upcoming lesson list for "Growing with God 2"
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