Who is using "Growing with God"? How can it serve my needs?
We have talked with teachers who planned to use “Growing with God” in their Sunday School class in order to educate their “Sunday morning only” attendees. While craft time is not built in to the curriculum, it can be easily added.
We are aware of numerous teachers who use "Growing with God" in their mid-week classes. The lessons contained within “Growing with God” can be adapted in any learning environment. Crafts are not built in; however, they can be added. With an active teacher’s imagination, the sky is the limit!
We have spoken to church leaders who plan to use “Growing with God” as a new convert study in order to further disciple an adult student.
We have talked with pastors who plan to use the material to assist them in the simplification of the salvation message, from the pulpit, for congregations consisting of mainly new adult converts.
Having previously homeschooled our children for four years, we are very much aware of the need for apostolic-based Bible materials. We have been approached by numerous homeschoolers who have added “Growing with God” to the curriculum that they are using in their home on a weekly basis.
Recommendations for "Growing with God" Foreword from "Growing with God" Preface from "Growing with God" Lesson List from "Growing with God" "Growing with God" Chapter One: Why is a Junior Bible Study so Important? Preview upcoming lesson list for "Growing with God 2"
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