Just Let Go
Please, just let go.
I can't stand
To see you hurting.
Please, just let go.
It's time for you
To spread your wings.
Please, just let go.
No matter what
Anyone else says.
Please, just let go.
Please, just let me go.
I can't stand
To see you hurting.
Please, just let me go.
It's time for me
To spread my wings.
Please, just let me go.
I can no longer
Remain here.
Please, just let me go.
Please, just let go.
You are with God now.
Please, just let go.
It's time for you
To watch over us
From the skies.
Please, just let go.
We will all miss
Your loving smile,
The way you
Brightened our day.
But even though
You've left this earth,
You'll always be
In our hearts.
You'll be there still
When you're needed,
Just not in the same way.
So, please, just let go.
What more can I say?
Please, just let go!
Written: August 4, 1998
This poem was written the day my Pop-Pop died and is dedicated very lovingly in his honor and his memory.
Here are some pictures of one of the dearest men in my life.

1934 - 1998
List of Poems
A Child
Worth The Price
Our Love
Nature's Song
The Angel
That Long Ago Night
Crying In The Dark

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