to my adopted MIA page
I have just adopted an MIA soldier from the Vietnam War. I checked out someone else's page on her adopted MIA soldier. I never knew the problem was so great. Like many people, I guess I just never thought about it. My father-in-law was in Vietnam. He came home, so I guess that's probably why I was ignorant of the problem. I can't even imagine going through life without knowing if your family member was alive or dead. I guess I am pretty lucky in that respect. We have a fairly close family. I decided to adopt an MIA from the Navy because that is the branch of service most of my military family members servered or are serving in. I suppose that is all about why I'm doing this for now. Now for the real reason you came to this page--to get to know my adopted MIA. By the way, if you would like to adopt your own MIA, please visit: Operation Just Cause.
NAME: Richard Clive Lannom
UNIT: Attack Squadron 35, USS ENTERPRISE (CVA 65)
DATE OF BIRTH: January 24, 1941
HOME CITY OF RECORD: Union City, Tennessee
DATE OF LOSS: March 1, 1968
COUNTRY OF LOSS: North Vietnam / Over water
LOSS COORDINATES: 203800N 107300E (YH605833)
STATUS (in 1973): Missing In Action
REFNO: 1068
OTHER PERSONNEL IN THE INCIDENT: Thomas E. Scheurich (missing)
Source: Compiled by Homecoming II Project April 1, 1990 from one or more of the following:
raw data from the U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, and/or interviews.
Updated by the P.O.W. NETWORK 1998.
This is the account of what happened to Richard. I am trying to get research done to try to add some personal details. We need to put a person behind each and every story about MIAs and POWs. These people have given us a precious gift without regard to their own safety. I think someone like that is definately worth the time to find out about!
The Gruman A6 Intruder flew most of its missions from the decks of Navy attack carriers of the Seventh Fleet. Their primary missions were close-air-support, and night attacks on enemy troop concentrations and night interdiction.
Seventh Fleet Commander, Admiral William F. Bringle, said, "The low-level missions flown by the A-6 over Hanoi and Haiphong were among the most demanding missions we have ever asked our aircrews to fly. Fortunately, there is an abundance of talent, courage, and aggressive leadership in these A-6 squadrons."
LTCDR THOMAS SCHEURICH was the pilot of an A6A on just such a mission over Haiphong on March 1, 1968. He launched on that day from the USS ENTERPRISE with his bombardier/navigator (BN), LTJG RICHARD C. LANNOM,along with 2 other A6 aircraft.
The flight proceed to their target area located approximately 45 miles northeast of Haiphong. The area was defended by medium anti-aircraft artillery, automatic weapons,and small arms. The aircraft reported at the execute point, 5 minutes prior to coast-in point, at which time they turned off their IFF transpoder. Therefore, radar contact was lost on the aircraft.
Following their attacks, the other two aircraft in the flight proceeded to a pre-briefed rendez-vous point which was to be used in the event of radio failure for battle damage assessment. Both aircraft searched the rendez-vous area and attemptedrdio contact with SCHEUSICH and LANNOM with negative results. Search and Rescue (SAR) forces were alerted. No emergency beepers were heard during the overland flight or during the subsequent electronic search.
SCHEURICH'S and LANNOM'S aircraft was evidently hit by ground fire and went down about 55 miles southeast of Haiphong in the Gulf of Tonkin. It was considered that there was little chance that the enemy knew the fate of either man, and prospects were rather dim for their survival, but both were classified Missing In Action. There was no proof they died. There still was the possibility that they bailed out and were picked up by the Vietnemese.
When American involvement ended in Indonesia, and 591 American prisoners were released, LANNOM and SCHEURICH were not among them. Their families and those of nearly 2500 others still do not know with certainty whether they are alive or dead.
Reports continue to be received that Americans are still being held prisoner in Southeast Asia. Whether LANNOM and SCHEURICH could be among themis unknown. It is clear, however, that it is long past tome to bring these men home.
During the period they were maintained missing, RICHARD C. LANNOM was promoted to the rank of Leitenant, and THOMAS E. SCHEURICH was promoted to the rank of Captain.

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