50th.Wedding Anniversary Photo


Hand in hand they walked together,
Loved each other from the start.
Most of their lives they were together.
They were never far apart.
In their lives there were no riches,
There were times when times were rough,
But they just worked along together,
And they alwasy had enough.
They loved and raised six daughters.
Always keeping them safe from harm
They did all of this together,
On a little hillside farm.
One by one their daughters left them,
They now had families of their own.
But they still had each other,
They were together, not alone.
Time took its tole on these two partners,
And together they grew old,
But now again they walk together,
Strolling Heavens streets of gold.

"No Time for Goodbye"

There was no time to say goodbye
As he left her side one day,
But she vowed that she would meet him,
For this debt she too must pay.

Ten years passed and she stayed strong
And waited for the Lord
To take her to that better place
Seemed she'd waited much too long.

There was no time to say goodbye
This she instantly knew,
For she heard Gods voice saying,
"Come"! We've been waiting for you"!

.....We have been richly blessed to have had wonderful parents who lived long, happy, healthy lives together. The two poems are close to the way they lived and died. They did raise my sisters and me on a little hillside farm. They canned food, Mom made clothes and we had as much as anybody of that day. They spent all their time making a home for their family.

They were blessed with good health. Neither was hospitalized for more than a few days and these were not for anything serious.

They passed away quietly and quickly. Dad got up one morning,didn't feel well but went to the bathroom to wash his hands for breakfast. While Mom was making his food, she heard a noise and when she went to look about him, he was gone. Isn't that a blessing?

Mom was alone for ten years and about three months. One Saturday she went into the same bathroom to take a bath. She ran the bath water, went across the hall to her bedroom, put her robe on and sat down in a chair to take her slippers off, and she was found there. If I'm not mistaken, her bathwater was still warm when she was found. Another blessing? You bet it was. God willing, thats the way I want to leave here. They are missed but I know they are in a better place. I wouldn't call them back even if I had the power to do it. I've always heard that we die by the way we live and this is two good examples of that. God just quickly called them to him without any suffering. They just went to sleep and woke up in Beulah Land.
Heaven is sweeter today!!

Honour thy father and mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Exodus 20:12

*Quick links to my other pages*
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Poetry My Morning prayer A Tribute
Prayers/Inspirations Life Over Forty West Virginia Snow West Virginia Fall
Home West Virginia My Awards

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