Inspiritional Thoughts and Prayers

"Prayer should be the key to the day and a lock to the night"

Do you pray, and then believing,
Grab your boots and parasol;
Scrub the barrel and get ready
For the rain you asked to fall?

What if God couldn't take the time to bless us today because we couldn't take the time to thank Him yesterday?"

With no way, there is no going;
With no truth, there is no knowing;
With no life, there is no living.

"All people smile in the same language"


I said a prayer for you today
And know God must have heard,
I felt the answer in my heart
Although He spoke no word!
I didn't ask for wealth or fame
(I knew you wouldn't mind)-
I asked Him to send treasures
Of a far more lasting kind!
I asked that He'd be near you
At the start of each new day
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way!
I asked for happiness for you
In all things great and small
But it was for His loving care
I prayed the most of all!

You cannot pray the Lord's prayer and even once say "I'
You cannot pray the Lord's prayer and even once say"My".

Nor can you pray the Lord's pray and not pray for one another,
And when you ask for daily bread, you must include your brother.

For others are each and every plea,
From the beginning to the end of it, it does not once say "Me".


The sun has gone down from the sky
And peace of night is drawing nigh.

I pray, Dear God, my soul You'll keep
While in Your loving arms I sleep.

Forgive the things I did today
When from Your glorious path I'd stray.

And as I slumber through the night
Please take my hand and hold it tight.

And when I awake to a bright new morn,
Restored, refreshed, renewed, reborn,

I'll try again, Dear God to be
The person You would hope of me....Amen.


This morning as I rose from bed and saw the sun above
I softly said "Good Morning, God, bless everyone I love".
And right away I thought of you and said a loving prayer
That He would bless you specially and keep you in His care.
I thought of all the happiness your day could hold in store;
And wished it all for you, because no one deserves it more.
I felt so warm and good inside, my heart was all aglow..
I know God heard my prayer for you, He hears them all you know.


People need people and friends need friends,
And we all need love for a full life depends
Not on vast riches or great acclaim,
Not on success or on worldly fame,
But just in knowing that someone cares
And holds us close in their thoughts and prayers...
For only the knowledge that we're understood
Makes everyday living feel wonderfully good,
And we rob ourselves of life's greatest need
When we "lock up our hearts" and fail to heed
The outstretching hand reaching to find
A kindred spirit whose heart and mind
Are lonely and longing to somehow share
Our joys and sorrows to make us aware
That life's completeness and richness depends
On the things we share with our loved ones and friends.

-Helen Steiner Rice-

We don't need soft skies to make friendship
a joy to us. What a heavenly thing it is;
World without end, truly. I grow warm
thinking of it!....Such friends God has
given me in this little life of mine!

-Celia Thaxter-

"Heavens Grocery Store"

I was walking down lifes highway, a long time ago.
One day I saw a sign that red, "Heavens Grocery Store".
As I got a little closer, the door opened wide
and when I came to myself, I was standing right inside.
I saw a host of angels, they were standing everywhere.
One handed me a basket and said, "My child, shop with care".
Everything a Christian needed was in that grocery store,
and all you couldn't carry, you could come back the next day for.
First, I got some PATIENCE, LOVE was in the same row.
Further down was UNDERSTANDING, you need that every where you go.
I got a box or two of WISDOM, a bag or two of FAITH,
I just couldn't miss the HOLY SPIRIT,for it was all over the place.
I stopped to get some STRENGTH and COURAGE to help me run the race,
by then my basket was getting full, but I remembered I needed,GRACE.
I didn't forget SALVATION, for Salvation that was free,
so I tried to get enough of that to save both you and me.
Then I started up to the counter to pay my grocery bill,
for I thought I had everything I needed to do my Master's will.
As I went up the aisle I saw PRAYER, I just had to put that in,
for I knew when I stepped outside, I would run right into sin.
Then I saw PEACE and JOY lying on a shelf,
these I could share with others, so I just helped myself.
Then I said to the Angel, "How much do I owe"?
He just smiled and said, "Just take them everywhere you go".
Again I smiled and said, "How much do I really owe"?
He smiled again and said, "My child, Jesus paid your bill a long time ago"!

(This was taken from my sisters church buletin,
I think it is the words to a song.)

"Not to seek, Lord, but to share"

Dear God, much too often, we seek you in prayer,
Because we are wallowing in our own self-dispair.
We make every word we lamentingly speak,
An imperative plea for whatever we seek.
We pray for ourselves and so seldom for others,
We're concerned with our problems and not with our brothers.
We seem to forget, Lord, that the "sweet hour of prayer"
Is not for self-seeking but to place in your care
All the lost souls unloved and unknown
And to keep praying for them until they're your own.
For it's never enough to seek God in prayer
With no thought of others who are lost in despair.
So teach us, Dear God, that the Power of Prayer
Is made stronger by placing the world in your care!

(Also found in an old church buletin)

Don't trouble trouble 'till trouble troubles you.
You'll only double trouble, and trouble others too!

(A reminder that theres no point in worrying about things that
may never happen--and upsetting the people around you as well as yourself!)

I don't have the authors to some of these writings. I have always kept clippings of things like these
and I've had most of these for years. If anyone knows the authors name, please let me know, or if you
are the author let me know and I will give you credit or remove it, if thats your wish. Thank You.

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