Message of The Cross

The Message of the Cross??? "How can that possibly interest me?" I hear you
ask. But what seems to be foolish and irrelevant is in fact of the utmost wisdom and
relevancy. It is interesting to note that the Bible says that "The Message of the
Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing". If you believe that The Message of
the Cross is foolish, that would be quite in keeping with what the Bible says. What it
means is that you are perishing. Not a nice thought really but it means that if you die in
your current state you will go to Hell. Surely that is not what you want. I know its not
what God wants.
The Message of the Cross is all about how much God loves you and to what
lengths he has gone to forgive you (if you are willing to accept that forgiveness) and to
give you "life in all its fullness".
God has decided to forgive (save) all who will believe in the foolishness of what is
preached - The Message of The Cross. 1Corinthians 1:18-21
The Message of the Cross is the Message of how much God loves you!
You have offended God - just like everyone else. You may be the best person in the
whole world or the worst but you have offended God and that is eternally serious. God must
punish your disobedience. He is Holy so he must deal with sin. If he has to punish you
then you will go to hell for ever - not a nice thought really and not what God wants
either but none the less true. Your sin separates you from God. Sin and holiness can never
dewll together.
God's problem with this is that he doesn't want you to go to hell, he wants you to be
with him because he is a God of Love as well as a Holy God. So then, how does God remain
holy and yet have wicked people with him? In short its impossible - except for an absolute
miracle that is.
God's miracle answer is the Cross. On the Cross Jesus - who is God in the flesh, that
is what the term "The Son of God" means - took the penalty for all of your sin,
past, present and future, on himself. God the Father punished God the Son for all of your
rebellion and wickedness. In this way God satisfies his holiness by punishing sin. He
satisfies his love of you because through Jesus your sin can be taken away and you can be
reconciled to God.
God loves you so much that he became a man, suffered and died to pay for your
rebellion, wickedness and sin, while you didn't care about him at all. He has already done
it! This is real love.
For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous
for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. 1Peter 3:18
The only condition is that you turn to God wanting him and his will for you and that
you put your trust, or confidence in him and in what Jesus has done for you. In fact its a
command of God that you would turn to him and trust him.
You have nothing to lose. If God is not there nothing will happen. If God is there your
life will change completely. He is the one person in the universe who can be trusted. He
has never let me down and he will never let you down either, if you will just trust him.
© 1998 RNW Vollebregt
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