Try out some of these amazing Sites
Warning: These links will bring you out of this Web Site.
Aisbitt's (Shaun) Site will give you just about
anything you want to know about The Message. He deals with so much there isn't space to
tell you about it.
Alan Thorne has many
concerns about our modern age and a deep commitment to making the good news known.
Answers in Genesis
Deals with issues surrounding the Creation / Evolution Issue.
The A UK Christian
publication dealing with contemporary Christian issues.
Christian Classics
Ethereal Library. Visit here
for lots more books.
Christian E-mail Cards for all occasions. Want to send some one a card via e-mail, the this is
the way to go.
Creation Science Evangelism Deals with issues surrounding the Creation / Evolution
Freedom Sing Ministries will show you concern for the truth and
shows how the Bible is correct in saying that false teachers would come up in the Church.
Also there is opportunity to help those in need.
Institute for Creation Research Deals with issues surrounding the Creation / Evolution
In Touch Ministries Featuring the excellent teaching
ministry of Charles Stanley.
Ravi Zacharias An author and speaker dealing with
communicating The Message to a modern world that does not understand.
Ray Comfort has some good exhortations for modern
Christians to preach an uncompromising message. He calls for repentance and a returning to
the preaching of the true gospel. He is also an open air preacher.
Samovar Books. Check out this home page, full of
interesting books at great prices. Louis Hemmings has also some poems on the poetry page.
Sutek, Gerald is another open-air preacher of a different sort. Why not have a look at
what he is doing?
The Rutherford
Institute These folks are
dealing with issues of freedom of speech and religious liberty.