Come Sample Some Of My Favorite Recipes

Come on in and give the following Recipes a try. These are all family favorites that I have accumulated over the years. In order for a recipe to make it to my favorites list, it must be easy to prepare, use generally common ingredients and turn out perfect every time


Send me one of your favorite Recipes. I love to try out new Recipes, especially when they come recommended!! I also love trying out Recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation

And once you've done all that ...

Check out some of the following great food pages:

Favorite Recipes

Seasonal Favorites

Favorite Fruit Chutney This one has been a family staple for as long as I can remember. Mom made jars of this every fall. It is an excellent, mild chutney sauce that's great on any red meat, especially burgers.
Fruit Chili Sauce This is a staple sauce, similar to commercial chili sauce. What I like about this one is that you can make it as hot or mild as you like. I often make several batches at different strengths (just be sure to label them!) The other advantage to this sauce is that it can be used in any Recipes that call for commercial chili sauce.
Honey Baked Apples A great old-fashioned fall dessert with a slightly modern twist.

Main Dishes

(Coming Soon)

Appetizers & Snacks

Dynamite Diablo Dip This has very quickly become a favorite with all our friends. I first made it one night when I was doing a mexican themed night for a friend's birthday. Since then it is an expected appetizer whenever friends come over. A little while ago, I decided that I just wasn't going to make the same dish again. However, after the umteenth enquiry asking why I had forgotten my great dip, I have decided that it is simply a staple. Thank goodness it's so easy to make!!
Pink Party Popcorn This is a must for any children's events. Also great for boys, as it can be adjusted to any color. My son prefers black!! Also great for themed nights such as Holloween or Christmas

Decadent Deserts

(Coming Soon)

Favorite Cooking Sites

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