Fonvielle Family of North Carolina
Generation No. 1
1. Jean1 Fonvielle Was Born Abt. 1672 in La Rochelle, France1, and Died 1741 in Newbern, Craven County, N. C.2. He Married (1) Francoise Lamy June 27, 1699 in West Street Church, London, England3. He Married (2) Jane 1731.
Notes for Jean Fonvielle: Arrived Virginia aboard passenger ship Nassau in 1701 with wife. Vestry Book at King William Parish, Mankintown, Va lists Jean Fonuielle as vestryman from Dec 1707 thru Mar 1718. Tithables list Jean Fonuielle from 1710 thru 1717. From above it is assumed Jean moved to NC in 1718. Marriage license at Faculty Officer, London FHL#355453 dtd 26 Jun 1699. List age as 20. French Huguenot and immigrated America 1701, settling at a Huguenot settlement on James River, later moved to Craven Co, NC. NC Hist & Gen records, Hathaway. Will dated 1741, names sons John, Peter, David & Isaac. Wife and son John Executors
Notes for Francoise Lamy: Age listed as 32 on marriage license dtd 26 Jun 1699. Listed as spinster. Name misread as Larry on handwritten copy of marriage license. Name books for French surnames list Lamy but no Larry. Marriage license only document found so far that gives ages of Jean and Francoise. Minnie Rogers received letter from O. E. Hart, Devon, Engaland pertaining to marriage license and she states handwriting very difficult to decipher, hence name Larry.
Notes for Jane: Court minutes, Craven County, 1741-1742 lists her as Jeane/Jane. By Sep 1741 she had married William Windham and by Dec 1741 was widow Windham, by Ju 1742, she had married Samuel Griffin. John (son of Jean) kept taking her to court to settle estate of Jean Fonvielle.
Children of Jean Fonvielle and Francoise Lamy Are:
2. i. John2 Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1702, Mannikantown, Va; D. January 26, 1773,
Craven County, N. C.
ii. Cornelius Fonvielle, D. Bef. 1730.
Notes for Cornelius Fonvielle: FFF (Fonvielle Family Finders) probably son of Jean and Francoise but might be nephew and son of Jean's brother Peter.
iii. Thomas Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1708; D. Abt. 1736.
Notes for Thomas Fonvielle: FFF Probably son of Jean and Francoise. May be nephew and son of Peter brother of Jean. Unverified. Bought land in Craven County in 1733 which makes him at least 21 at that time. Married and died by 1736 when Thomas Walker partitions for administration of his estate. In court minutes he is called Fanwell, mariner, Fraiville or Fronville.
Children of Jean Fonvielle and Jane Are:
iv. Peter2 Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1733, Craven County, N. C.4; D. Abt. 1741, Craven County, N. C.5; Stepchild.
Notes for Peter Fonvielle: No record of him after 1741 when mentioned in father's will. Peter died a few months after father as called an orphan & under 21 in Craven County court minutes. John, brother of Peter, petitioned court in 1742 that estate of Peter be divided among other 3 sons of John Fonvielle, deceased. This was rejected as law at time was for oldest brother to inherit.
v. David Fonvielle, B. Abt. 17366; Stepchild; M. Anne.
Notes for David Fonvielle: Will 1770 according to FFF. In 1774 was at least 16 as listed in roster of Captain Thomas Graves militia. At time had to be 16 to be member. Listed in father's will dtd Apr 1741.
3. vi. Isaac Fonvielle, b. Abt. 1739; d. Abt. 1780; Stepchild.
Generation No. 2
2. John2 Fonvielle (Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1702 in Mannikantown, Va7, and Died January 26, 1773 in Craven County, N. C.. He Married (1) Mary ???. He Married (2) Elizabeth Brice Aka Brousse Fr. 1730 in Craven County, N. C.
Notes for John Fonvielle: He was successful planter, church warden for Christ's Church Parish, Craven County and served in the NC Legislature 1754-1761. Heritage of Onslow County. Will dated 25 Jan 1773, proved 27 Jan 1773. Lists wife Mary, sons John, William Brice, Francis, Frederick, Stephen, & Jeremiah. Dau, Mary Hatch, Elizabeth Hatch, Ester Fonvielle. Grand dau Elizabeth Fonvielle, dau of Frederick. Execs=John, William Brice and Francis. It is not certain which of the younger children were Mary's and which were Elizabeth's. Stephen is listed as son of Elizabeth because he was of similar age as Francis and Frederick and his descendants used Brice as a name, and listed Elizabeth as daughter of Mary because her daughter named a child Mary Fonvielle Hatch.
Children of John Fonvielle and Mary ??? Are:
4. i. Elizabeth3 Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1742; D. Aft. 1790.
5. ii. Jeremiah Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1744.
iii. Esther Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1752.
Notes for Esther Fonvielle: Listed in father's will dtd 12 Jan 1773 as Ester. No guardian appointed for her giving impression she is old enough to handle own affairs.
Children of John Fonvielle and Elizabeth Brice Are:
6. iv. John3 Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1731, Craven County, N.C.; D. Abt. 1794, Craven
County, N. C..
7. v. William Brice Fonvielle, B. December 1733, Craven County, N. C.; D.
8. vi. Mary Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1735; D. Aft. 1777.
9. vii. Francis Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1738, Craven County, N. C.; D. Abt. 1799,
Craven County, N. C..
10. viii. Frederick Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1740, Craven County, NC.
11. ix. Stephen Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1740, Craven County, N.C.
3. Isaac2 Fonvielle (Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1739, and Died Abt. 1780. He Married Sarah Fields, Daughter of Samuel Fields.
Notes for Isaac Fonvielle: Samuel Fields, father in law administrator of estate. Enlisted 10th Regiment, continental line 1778. Listed father's will 4/1741. In 1742 Samuel Griffis, stepfather took out bond as guardian of Isaac and David and agreed to see they were schooled.
Notes for Sarah Fields: Daughter of Samuel Fields.
Children of Isaac Fonvielle and Sarah Fields Are:
12. i. David3 Fonville, B. Abt. 1772; D. Bef. 1830.
ii. Elizabeth Fonvielle, b. Abt. 1775.
Generation No. 3
4. Elizabeth3 Fonvielle (John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1742, and Died Aft. 1790. She Married John Hatch.
Child of Elizabeth Fonvielle and John Hatch Is:
13. i. Elizabeth4 Hatch, B. Abt. 1762.
5. Jeremiah3 Fonvielle (John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1744. He Married (1) Mary Johnston. He Married (2) Elizabeth Rhodes Abt. 1773.
Notes for Jeremiah Fonvielle: Lived in Onslow county, NC. Listed in father's will 23 Jan 1773. Father paid poll tax for him in 1769, married by 1777, deed records wife born in 1756, Rhodes Family Bible.
Notes for Elizabeth Rhodes: Sister to Woodhouse Rhodes and daughter of Henry Rhodes
Children of Jeremiah Fonvielle and Mary Johnston Are:
i. Mary W4 Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1800; M. Joel Lewis Mackey, April 01, 1823,
Maury County, Tenn.
ii. Morning Fonvielle, M. Samuel Graves Harrell.
iii. Susan Fonvielle, M. Bricknell Taylor.
14. iv. Lewis J Fonville, B. 1811.
v. Sarah Fonvielle, B. 1798; D. 1850; M. Hall Jarman.
15. vi. Jacob R. Fonville, B. 1813.
Children of Jeremiah Fonvielle and Elizabeth Rhodes Are:
16. vii. Jeremiah4 Fonville, B. Abt. 1774; D. 1811, New Hanover County, N. C.
viii. John Fonville, B. Abt. 1777; D. 1813, Onslow County, N. C.; M. Mary
6. John3 Fonvielle (John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1731 in Craven County, N.c., and Died Abt. 1794 in Craven County, N. C.. He Married (1) Unkn. He Married (2) Sarah Turner 1768.
Notes for John Fonvielle: Mentioned in father's will. 23 JaN 1773, Father recorded mark for son in Craven County Court 18 Mar 1731. His will 1774, Craven County, NC. NC land to nephews, most negroes to grandchildren. Lists grandchildren Elizabeth & John Franks and nephews Lewis & John sons of Francis Fonville and John and Frederick sons of Frederick Fonville and Frederick son of Stephen Fonvill. Thomas Graves Fonvielle, son of William Brice Fonville.
Notes for Sarah Turner: Widow of Thomas Graves and daughter of Robert Turner. Her children and John's stepchildren were: Richard, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary, thomas, Ann & Sarah.
Children of John Fonvielle and Unkn Are:
i. John4 Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1757; D. Abt. 1783; M. Anne Caswell.
Notes for Anne Caswell: Daughter of Richard Caswell
17. ii. Mary Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1759; D. Abt. 1787.
iii. William Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1763.
Notes for William Fonvielle: Will l787, property willed to father. no issue.
7. William Brice3 Fonvielle (John 2, Jean 1) Was Born December 1733 in Craven County, N. C., and Died 17808. He Married Hannah Graves Abt. 1760.
Notes for William Brice Fonvielle: Mentioned in father's will 23 Jan 1773. 20 Dec 1733 father recorded mark for son William in craven County Court. Hannah Graves is stepdaughter of brother John. Will dtd 1779, proved 1780. Hannah Graves listed in father's will (Thomas Graves) as wife of William Brice Fonvielle. Will lists children William Brice, Thomas Graves & Richard, Sarah, Elizabeth and Hannah
. Notes for Hannah Graves: Daughter of Thomas Graves, yes William Brice Fonvielle's wife Hannah was the step daughter of his brother John.
Children of William Fonvielle and Hannah Graves Are:
18. i. William Brice4 Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1760; D. Abt. 1807.
19. ii. Sarah Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1762; D. Abt. 1796.
iii. Elizabeth Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1764; D. Abt. 1785; M. Edmund Hatch, August
20, 1784, Craven County, N.C.
Notes for Elizabeth Fonvielle: 1st cousin to husband Edmund Hatch, daughter of William Brice Fonvielle. No known issue from this marriage.
Notes for Edmund Hatch: Son of Lemuel Hatch & Mary Fonvielle. Listed in father's will 4/2/1776. Frequently referred to as Col Edmund Hatch. Made out will dtd 1/26/1821 and died shortly thereafter. iv. Hannah Fonvielle, b. Abt. 1766; d. Abt. 1785.
Notes for Hannah Fonvielle: One Hanah Fonvielle married to Fredrick Johnson 8 May 1785, NC Marriages, Craven County.
v. Thomas Graves Fonvielle, B. 1768; D. 1796.
Notes for Thomas Graves Fonvielle: Estate divided between William Brice Fonvielle, his brother, John Fonvielle & wife Ann (son of Francis who married Ann Fonvielle, sister of Thomas Graves Fonvielle) Richard his brother, Sarah & Elizabeth Worsley, daughters of Thomas Worsley and his deceased wife Sarah who was Sarah Fonvielle sister of Thomas Graves Fonvielle.
20. vi. Richard Fonvielle, B. 1772; D. 1836.
21. vii. Ann Fonvielle.
8. Mary3 Fonvielle (John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1735, and Died Aft. 1777. She Married Lemuel Hatch Abt. 1753, Son of Anthony Hatch and Elizabeth Durant.
Notes for Mary Fonvielle: Mentioned in father's will as Mary Hatch.
Notes for Lemuel Hatch: Lemuel Hatch in his will dtd 4/2/1774 mentions wife Mary. He mentions Francis Fonvielle as Executor. In John Fonvielle's will 1773, he lists son Francis Fonvielle and daughter Mary Hatch. In 1758 Lemuel Hatch and John Fonvielle, father of Mary, sold land patent they had taken out together. No reason to take out land patent together if there is no connection. In two deeds within next 10 years John Fonvielle refers to Lemuel Hatch as son-in-law. Member of Provincial Congress from Craven County on 8/25/1774. Provincial Congress met at Halifax NC 4/4/1776. Lemuel Hatch representing Craven County. (History Sketches of NC, Wheeler) Listed in DAR index for patriotic service. Will proved 11/17/1777.
Children of Mary Fonvielle and Lemuel Hatch Are:
i. Elizabeth4 Hatch, B. Abt. 1760, Craven County, N. C.; D. 1819, Carteret
County, NC; M. Isaac Hill, Abt. 1778.
Notes for Elizabeth Hatch: Mentioned in father Lemuel's will 1774. Her will dated 1/30/1819 proved 5/1819
Notes for Isaac Hill: Will dated 15 Nov 1814 proved Feb 1815.
22. ii. Lemuel Hatch, B. Abt. 1759, Craven County, N. C.; D. November
09, 1807, Jones County, NC.
23. iii. Anthony Hatch, B. Abt. 1769, Craven County, N. C.; D. October
01, 1810, Jones County, NC.
24. iv. Asa Hatch, B. Craven County, N. C.; D. Onslow County, Nc.
V. Ivy Hatch, B. Abt. 1767, Craven County, N. C.; D. Craven
County, N. C..
vi. Mary Hatch, B. Craven County, N. C.; M. William Lanier.
25. vii. John Hatch, B. Abt. 1761.
26. viii. Edmund Hatch, B. 1763, Craven County, N. C.; D. February 10, 1821,
Craven County, N. C..
27. ix. Durant Hatch, B. 1765, Craven County, N. C..
9. Francis3 Fonvielle (John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1738 in Craven County, N. C., and Died Abt. 1799 in Craven County, N. C.. He Married Sarah Bright.
Notes for Francis Fonvielle: Will dated 1798, Craven County, NC. Pvt NC Militia. Listed DAR Patriot Index. Listed in father's will 23 Jan 1773. Listed in Thomas Graves milita list in 1754 and had to be at least 16 at that time.
Notes for Sarah Bright: Last name from
Children of Francis Fonvielle and Sarah Bright Are:
28. i. John4 Fonville, B. Abt. 1774; D. Aft. 1830.
29. ii. Francis Fonville, B. Abt. 1768; D. 1822.
30. iii. Lewis Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1770, Craven County, N. C..
iv. Teresia Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1772; D. Bef. 1797; M. Luke Whitfield, January
20, 1789.
Notes for Luke Whitfield: Son of Constantine Whitfield.
31. v. Asa Fonville, B. Abt. 1777, Craven Co, N.C.; D. 1849, Bedford Co, Tn.
vi. Brice Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1780, Craven County, N. C.; D. Abt. 1800.
32. vii. Jeremiah Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1783, Craven County, N. C.; D. 1852.
viii. James Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1786, Craven County, N. C.; D. 1818.
10. Frederick3 Fonvielle (John 2, Jean 1) was born Abt. 1740 in Craven County, NC. He married Mary ???.
Notes for Frederick Fonvielle: Listed in father's will dtd 23 Jan 1773. Will dated 1785, Craven County, NC. Listed only sons John and Frederick in will but in estate division listed widow Mary, daughters dElizabeth, Mary, Sidney & Sarah and sons John and Frederick.
Children of Frederick Fonvielle and Mary ??? Are:
i. Elizabeth4 Fonvielle, b. Abt. 1771; d. 1790.
Notes for Elizabeth Fonvielle: Listed in father's estate division.
ii. Mary Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1771; D. Aft. 1800; M. (1) Furnifold Green Gooding, July 05, 1796; M. (2) James Houston, 1800.
Notes for Mary Fonvielle: Listed in father's estate division. Listed in NC Marriages Craven County as Polly Fonvielle.
Notes for Furnifold Green Gooding: Listed in NC Marriages Craven County as Farnifold Gooding
33. iii. John Fonvielle, B. 1775, Craven County, Nc; D. 1853.
iv. Sidney Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1778; D. 1827.
Notes for Sidney Fonvielle: Listed in father's estate division
v. Frederick Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1780; D. 1799.
Notes for Frederick Fonvielle: Listed in father's will and estate division
vi. Sarah Fonvielle, B. 1782; D. 1856; M. Moses Butler, May 26, 1808, Craven County, NC.
Notes for Sarah Fonvielle: Also known as Sally. Listed in father's estate division
11. Stephen3 Fonvielle (John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1740 in Craven County, N.C.. He Married Lucy Kibble.
Notes for Stephen Fonvielle: Will dtd 1775, Onslow County, NC
Notes for Lucy Kibble: Daughter of Abraham and Edith Kibble.
Children of Stephen Fonvielle and Lucy Kibble Are:
34. i. Brice S.4 Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1767, Onslow County, NC; D. 1818.
35. ii. Frederick Fonville, B. 1770; D. 1835.
36. iii. Hatcher Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1772.
12. David3 Fonville (Isaac 2 Fonvielle, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1772, and Died Bef. 1830. He Married Mary.
Notes for Mary: She Later Married Fred Parker. FFF.
Children of David Fonville and Mary Are:
i. Sarah4 Fonville, B. 1814; M. Volney Venters.
ii. Narcissa Fonville, B. 1816; M. Gray Norris, Bef. 1838.
iii. John E Fonville, B. Abt. 1817; D. Abt. 1851.
iv. Mary Polly Fonville, B. 1820.
v. David Fonville, B. Abt. 1822; D. Bef. 1840.
Generation No. 4
13. Elizabeth4 Hatch (Elizabeth 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1762. She Married Woodhouse Rhodes 1781.
Child of Elizabeth Hatch and Woodhouse Rhodes is:
37. I. Anthony Hatch5 Rhodes, B. April 07, 1801; D. 1865.
14. Lewis J4 Fonville (Jeremiah 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1811. He Married Susan Thompson 1836.
Children of Lewis Fonville and Susan Thompson Are:
i. Edward5 Fonville, B. 1839.
ii. Mary Fonville, B. 1840.
iii. John Fletcher Fonville, B. 1841.
iv. Sarah Fonville, B. 1843.
v. Rebeccah Ann Fonville, B. 1845.
vi. Roxanna Fonville, B. 1846.
vii. William Henry Fonville, B. 1849.
viii. Harriet Fonville, B. 1851.
ix. Ellen Fonville, B. 1854.
x. George Fonville, B. 1857.
15. Jacob R.4 Fonville (Jeremiah 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1813. He Married (1) Winnie Price. He Married (2) Winnie Price August 03, 1833 in Lawrence County, Tenn.
Notes for Winnie Price: Listed as Winny Price in Tn Marriages, Lawrence County
Children of Jacob Fonville and Winnie Price are:
i. Sarah Elizabeth5 Fonville, B. 1834.
ii. Mary Doty Fonville, B. 1836; M. Wesley Whittington.
iii. Winnie Catherine Fonville, B. 1839; M. Able Anderson Butler.
38. iv. Lewis Lindsay Fonville, B. 1840.
v. Martha J Fonville, B. 1843; D. 1861.
vi. John D Fonville, B. 1847; D. 1866.
vii. Ann Eliza Fonville, B. 1849; M. (1) Richard Wilson Reynolds; M. (2)
Anderson Reynolds.
39. viii. Amos Jacob Fonville, B. 1852.
ix. Lemuel W Fonville, B. 1855.
40. x. Marion Jacob Fonville, B. 1860.
41. xi. George William Fonville, B. 1862.
16. Jeremiah4 Fonville (Jeremiah 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1774, and Died 1811 in New Hanover County, N. C.. He Married Unknown.
Children of Jeremiah Fonville and Unknown Are:
i. Elizabeth5 Fonville, B. 1808; M. Henry R Foy.
ii. Maria Fonville, B. 1810.
17. Mary4 Fonvielle (John 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1759, and Died Abt. 1787. She Married Wickliffe Franks Abt. 1776.
Children of Mary Fonvielle and Wickliffe Franks Are:
i. Mary5 Franks, B. Abt. 1777.
ii. Elizabeth Franks, B. Abt. 1779.
iii. John Wickliffe Franks, B. 1781; D. 1795.
18. William Brice4 Fonvielle (William Brice 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1760, and Died Abt. 1807. He Married (1) Sarah Becton. He Married (2) Susan a Stevenson December 14, 1787 in Craven County, NC
. Notes for Sarah Becton: Widow of Husbands 1st Cousin William Brice Fonvielle and Widow of Levin Watkins.
Children of William Fonvielle and Sarah Becton Are:
i. Phebe5 Fonville, B. Abt. 1800; M. Abner Pearce, December 07, 1820,
Craven County, NC.
Notes for Phebe Fonville: She listed in NC Marriages Craven County as Phoebe.
Notes for Abner Pearce: Listed in NC Marriages, Craven County as Abner Pierce
ii. Eliza Fonville, B. Abt. 1804; D. 1834; M. David Shines, September 22, 1824, Craven County, NC.
Notes for David Shines: Listed as Daniel Shines in NC Marriages Craven County
19. Sarah4 Fonvielle (William Brice 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1762, and Died Abt. 1796. She Married Thomas Worsley.
Children of Sarah Fonvielle and Thomas Worsley Are:
i. Elizabeth5 Worsley.
ii. Sarah Worsley.
20. Richard4 Fonvielle (William Brice 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1772, and Died 1836. He Married Mary Dunn November 07, 1794 in Craven County, N. C..
Notes for Mary Dunn: Sister of David D. Dunn
Children of Richard Fonvielle and Mary Dunn Are:
i. Richard Graves5 Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1795; D. 1843; M. (1) Ann Grant, 1825;
M. (2) Mary Foscue, 1829.
42. ii. Elizabeth Fonville, B. Abt. 1802; D. 1843.
iii. Brice Fonvielle, B. 1807; D. 1835.
21. Ann4 Fonvielle (William Brice 3, John 2, Jean 1). She Married John Fonville April 29, 1796, Son of Francis Fonvielle and Sarah Bright.
Notes for Ann Fonvielle: John is 1st cousin, son of Francis. She listed as Nancy Fonvielle in NC Marriages Craven County 4/29/1796
Notes for John Fonville: Lived Craven Co, NC, Rutherford, Gibson and Weakley, Tenn. Wife is 1st cousin.
Children of Ann Fonvielle and John Fonville Are:
43. i. John B5 Fonville, B. 1798; D. Aft. 1850.
44. ii. Graves Fonville, B. 1800; D. 1875.
45. iii. Elijah Fonville, B. 1805; D. 1858.
46. iv. Edwin Fonville, B. 1807; D. Aft. 1850
v. America Ann Fonville, B. 1811; D. 1895; M. Dickson Calvert Brown,
August 02, 1841, Obion County, Tenn.
Notes for America Ann Fonville: Listed in Tn Marriages Obion county as Merica Fonville
47. vi. William Anderson Fonville, B. 1815; D. 1892.
Vii. Julia Fonville, B. 1809; M. John Sellers, July 17, 1828, Gibson County,
Notes for Julia Fonville: Listed as Julian Fonville in Tn Marriages, Gibson County
22. Lemuel4 Hatch (Mary 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1759 in Craven County, N. C., and Died November 09, 1807 in Jones County, Nc. He Married (1) Anne Bryan Jasper September 26, 17989. He Married (2) Holland Caswell May 20, 1801.
Notes for Holland Caswell: She listed as Hollon Caswell in NC Marriages, Craven County
Child of Lemuel Hatch and Anne Jasper is:
i. Mary5 Hatch.
23. Anthony4 Hatch (Mary 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1769 in Craven County, N. C., and Died October 01, 1810 in Jones County, Nc. He Married Susannah Hazard December 15, 1792.
Children of Anthony Hatch and Susannah Hazard Are:
i. Durant Anthony5 Hatch.
ii. George Calvin Hatch.
iii. Anthony Hatch.
iv. James Hatch.
v. Elizabeth Hatch.
24. Asa4 Hatch (Mary 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born in Craven County, N. C., and Died in Onslow County, Nc. He Married Hope Borden.
Children of Asa Hatch and Hope Borden Are:
i. Christopher Asa5 Hatch.
ii. Mehitable Hatch.
iii. Hope Hatch.
iv. Alice Hatch.
v. William Hatch.
vi. George Hatch.
vii. Mary Hatch.
25. John4 Hatch (Mary 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1761. He Married Penelope Bryan.
Children of John Hatch and Penelope Bryan Are:
i. Haskill5 Hatch.
ii. Mary Hatch.
iii. Anthony Hatch.
26. Edmund4 Hatch (Mary 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1763 in Craven County, N. C., and Died February 10, 1821 in Craven County, N. C... He Married (1) Elizabeth Fonvielle August 20, 1784 in Craven County, N.C., Daughter of William Fonvielle and Hannah Graves. He married (2) Miriam(?) Simmons
Notes for Edmund Hatch: Son of Lemuel Hatch & Mary Fonvielle. Listed in father's will 4/2/1776. Frequently referred to as Col Edmund Hatch. Made out will dtd 1/26/1821 and died shortly thereafter.
Notes for Elizabeth Fonvielle: 1st cousin to husband Edmund Hatch, daughter of William Brice Fonvielle. No known issue from this marriage
Children of Edmund Hatch and Miriam Simmons Are:
i. Lemuel5 Hatch, D. 1824.
ii. Buckner Hatch, D. December 15, 1824.
iii. Asenath Hatch, D. Bef. 1821.
iv. John Stanley Hatch, D. August 05, 1824.
48. v. Mary Fonvielle Hatch.
27. Durant4 Hatch (Mary 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1765 in Craven County, N. C.. He Married Elizabeth Norment.
Children of Durant Hatch and Elizabeth Norment Are:
i. Durant5 Hatch.
ii. Sarah Hatch.
iii. Nancy Hatch.
iv. Alfred Hatch.
v. Lemuel Durant Hatch.
vi. Harriet Hatch.
vii. Elizabeth Hatch.
28. John4 Fonville (Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1774, and Died Aft. 1830. He Married Ann Fonvielle April 29, 1796, Daughter of William Fonvielle and Hannah Graves.
Notes for John Fonville: Lived Craven Co, NC, Rutherford, Gibson and Weakley, Tenn. Wife is 1st cousin.
Notes for Ann Fonvielle: John is 1st cousin, son of Francis. She listed as Nancy Fonvielle in NC Marriages Craven County 4/29/1796
Children of John Fonville and Ann Fonvielle Are:
43. i. John B5 Fonville, B. 1798; D. Aft. 1850.
44. ii. Graves Fonville, B. 1800; D. 1875.
45. iii. Elijah Fonville, B. 1805; D. 1858.
46. iv. Edwin Fonville, B. 1807; D. Aft. 1850
v. America Ann Fonville, B. 1811; D. 1895; M. Dickson Calvert Brown,
August 02, 1841, Obion County, Tenn.
Notes for America Ann Fonville: Listed in Tn Marriages Obion county as Merica Fonville
47. vi. William Anderson Fonville, B. 1815; D. 1892.
vii. Julia Fonville, B. 1809; M. John Sellers, July 17, 1828, Gibson County,
Notes for Julia Fonville: Listed as Julian Fonville in Tn Marriages, Gibson County
29. Francis4 Fonville (Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1768, and Died 1822. He Married Elizabeth Wherry 1795.
Notes for Elizabeth Wherry: Daughter of William Wherry
Children of Francis Fonville and Elizabeth Wherry Are:
49. i. William5 Fonville, B. 1793, N.C; D. Aft. 1850.
ii. Brice Fonville, B. 1795; D. 1818, Craven County, N.C..
50. iii. James Fonville, B. 1797, Tenn; D. Aft. 1850.
51. iv. Lewis Fonville, B. 1799; D. Abt. 1870.
v. Mary Fonville, B. 1805; M. (1) Richard Taylor, 1823, Sumner County,
Tenn; M. (2) Benjamin Myers, 1830, Sumner County, Tenn.
52. vi. John Fonville, B. 1808; D. Aft. 1850.
30. Lewis4 Fonvielle (Francis 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1770 in Craven County, N. C.. He married Mary Battle June 01, 1804 in Craven County, N.C.
Notes for Lewis Fonvielle: Will dated 1805.
Notes for Mary Battle: Daughter of Ephraim Battle. She married 2d Charles Saunders. FFF
Child of Lewis Fonvielle and Mary Battle Is:
I. Lewis5 Fonville, B. 1805; D. 1811.
31. Asa4 Fonville (Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1777 in Craven Co, N.c., and Died 1849 in Bedford Co, Tn. He Married Dorothy Stevenson November 16, 1799 in Craven County, N. C.
Notes for Dorothy Stevenson: Daughter of Silas Sears Stevenson
Children of Asa Fonville and Dorothy Stevenson Are:
53. i. Israel5 Fonvielle, B. 1803; D. Bef. 1850, Tennessee.
ii. Abner P Fonville, B. Abt. 1808.
Notes for Abner P Fonville: Probably son of Asa. Bought horse from Israel in 1830's
iii. Fonville, B. 1800.
54. iv. Sarah Fonville, B. 1806, Craven Co, N.c.; D. April 1899, Marshall Co, Tn.
55. v. Silas Stephenson Fonville, B. 1813.
vi. Teressa Fonville, B. March 16, 1817, Bedford Co, Tn; D. August 28,
1894, Marshall Co, Tn; M. Samuel Ewing, January 05, 1837.
56. vii. Jeremiah Fonville, B. Abt. 1820; D. Abt. 1850.
viii. Dorothy Jane Fonville, B. 1826; M. James Y Hardison.
32. Jeremiah4 Fonvielle (Francis 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1783 in Craven County, N. C., and Died 1852. He Married Mary Brock.
Notes for Jeremiah Fonvielle: Will proved 1852
Notes for Mary Brock: Daughter of Joseph Brock.
Child of Jeremiah Fonvielle and Mary Brock Is:
i. Mary Susan Franks5 Fonville, B. Abt. 1808; M. William Cray French.
33. John4 Fonvielle (Frederick 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1775 in Craven County, NC, and Died 1853. He Married Sarah Becton 1813.
Notes for John Fonvielle: Listed in Father's Will and Estate Division
Notes for Sarah Becton: Widow of Husbands 1st Cousin William Brice Fonvielle and Widow of Levin Watkins.
Child of John Fonvielle and Sarah Becton Is:
i. Susan5 Fonville, B. 1816; M. Thomas R Crawford, February 28, 1833,
Craven County, NC.
34. Brice S.4 Fonvielle (Stephen 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1767 in Onslow County, NC, and Died 1818. He Married Athelia Ward January 23, 1788 in Onslow County, N. C.
Notes for Athelia Ward: Daughter of Edward Ward. Listed in NC Marriages Onslow County as Athilles
Children of Brice Fonvielle and Athelia Ward Are:
i. Fanny5 Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1788; M. Robert Montford
57. ii. Brice Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1790; D. Abt. 1834.
iii. Atheliah Fonville, M. (1) Daniel Charlescraft; M. (2) Peter Morton.
iv. Louisa Fonville, B. 1792; M. David Shephard Sanders.
58. v. Edward Ward Fonville, B. 1795; D. Abt. 1834.
59. vi. Thomas Jefferson Fonville, B. 1802; D. Aft. 1850.
vii. Ruth Fonville, B. 1804; M. Jacob Fields.
viii. Margaret Fonville, B. 1807; M. John Hutchings, 1838.
ix. Amanda Fonville, B. 1811; M. John Haywood Flowers, February 27, 1833,
Onslow County, N.C.
35. Frederick4 Fonville (Stephen 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1770, and Died 1835. He Married (1) Rebecca Oliver. He Married (2) Mary Averette. He Married (3) Charity Graham May 30, 1816 in Orange County, NC.
Notes for Frederick Fonville: Reverend Frederick Fonvielle.
Child of Frederick Fonville and Rebecca Oliver Is:
60. i. William5 Fonville, B. Abt. 1793; D. 1838.
Children of Frederick Fonville and Mary Averette Are
61. ii. James Roney5 Fonville.
iii. Edna Fonville, M. (1) Henry Clay Hurdle; M. (2) Thomas Graham, August
28, 1824, Orange County, NC.
Notes for Edna Fonville: She listed as Edney in NC Marriages Orange County
iv. Sarah G Fonville, M. Stephen Benson, July 07, 1831, Orange
County, NC.
62. v. John Averette Fonville, B. 1809.
vi. Hannah Fonville, M. George Garrison, November 15, 1819,
Orange County, NC.
Notes for George Garrison: Listed as George Garison NC Marriages Orange County
Children of Frederick Fonville and Charity Graham Are:
vii. Mary5 Fonville.
viii. Fanna Fonville, M. William King, January 20, 1847, Orange County, N.C.
Notes for Fanna Fonville: Listed in NC Marriages, Orange County as Faney Fonville
63. ix. Brice Frederick Fonville.
64. X. Asa G Fonville, B. 1821.
36. Hatcher4 Fonvielle (Stephen 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1772. He Married Nancy Whitehurst.
Child of Hatcher Fonvielle and Nancy Whitehurst Is:
65. i. Frederick5 Fonvielle.
Generation No. 5
37. Anthony Hatch5 Rhodes (Elizabeth 4 Hatch, Elizabeth 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born April 07, 1801, and Died 1865. He Married Elizabeth Simmons.
Child of Anthony Rhodes and Elizabeth Simmons Is:
66. i. Aliff Simmons6 Rhodes, B. May 15, 1840; D. May 20, 1906.
38. Lewis Lindsay5 Fonville (Jacob R. 4, Jeremiah 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1840. He Married Susie Cynthia Renolds.
Children of Lewis Fonville and Susie Renolds Are:
i. Early Maude6 Fonville, M. (1) Julia S Watts; M. (2) Maggie Vinona
ii. Lewis Henry Fonville, M. C I Pittman.
iii. Ellen Susan Fonville, M. Robert E Lee Hanson.
iv. C. I. Fonville.
39. Amos Jacob5 Fonville (Jacob R. 4, Jeremiah 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1852. He Married Eudora Ingold
Children of Amos Fonville and Eudora Ingold are:
i. Howard6 Fonville.
Ii. Nancy Mae Fonville.
Iii. Amos Andrew Fonville.
Iv. Agnecia Fonville.
V. Peter Fonville.
Vi. Audrey Fonville.
Vii. Vernon C Fonville.
40. Marion Jacob5 Fonville (Jacob R. 4, Jeremiah 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1860. He Married India Lyon.
Children of Marion Fonville and India Lyon Are:
i. Cornelia6 Fonville.
ii. Marion Henry Fonville.
41. George William5 Fonville (Jacob R. 4, Jeremiah 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1862. He Married Unknown.
Children of George Fonville and Unknown Are:
I. Richard6 Fonville.
Ii. Willie Fonville.
Iii. Maggie Fonville.
42. Elizabeth5 Fonville (Richard 4 Fonvielle, William Brice 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1802, and Died 1843. She Married (1) Valentine Richardson August 22, 1818 in Craven County, Nc. She Married (2) Graves Fonville December 16, 1822 in Craven Co, N.c., Son of John Fonville and Ann Fonvielle.
Notes for Elizabeth Fonville: Listed in NC Marriages Craven County 22 Aug 1818 as Elizabeth B. Fonville Married 1st cousin, Graves Fonvielle. Listed in NC Marriages Craven County 16 Dec 1822 as Elizabeth Richardson.
Notes for Graves Fonville : Lived Craven Co, NC and Weakley, Tenn
Children of Elizabeth Fonville and Graves Fonville Are:
iI. Son6 Fonville.
ii. Daughter Fonville.
iii. Richard Graves Fonville, B. 1824; D. Bef. 1830.
iv. Thomas Fonville I, B. 1829; D. Bef. 1840.
v. Julia Ann Fonville, B. 1832; D. Bef. 1840.
vi. Caroline Fonville, B. 1834; D. Bef. 1840.
vii. John G Fonville, B. 1836; D. Bef. 1840.
viii. Mary Ann Fonville, B. 1837; M. John Tansil, 1858.
ix. Elizabeth Fonville, B. 1839; D. Bef. 1840.
x. William Graves Fonville, B. 1840; D. Bef. 1843.
xi. Jeremiah Fonville, B. 1842; D. 1845.
43. John B5 Fonville (John 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1798, and Died Aft. 1850. He Married (1) Ann Terrill. He Married (2) Emeline Rutherford May 12, 1825 in Davidson County, Tenn.
Notes for John B Fonville: May Be Dr. John Brice Fonville.
Notes for Emeline Rutherford: Tenn Marriages, Davidson County Lists Jno. B. Fonville to Eviline Rutherford.
Child of John Fonville and Ann Terrill Is:
i. Henrietta6 Fonville, B. Abt. 1838; M. J L Mcglothin.
Children of John Fonville and Emeline Rutherford Are:
ii. Erasmus D.6 Fonville, B. 1826; M. (1) Josephine Ellis; M. (2) Elizabeth D Hodby, April 11, 1848, Sumner Co, Tenn.
Notes for Elizabeth D Hodby: Listed in Tenn Marriages Sumner County as Elizabeth Hobdy.
Iii. Alexander R Fonville, B. 1828; D. 1886; M. Elizabeth Mcclarin.
Notes for Alexander R Fonville: Mid name Rush or Rust
44. Graves5 Fonville (John 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1800, and Died 1875. He Married (1) Elizabeth Fonville December 16, 1822 in Craven Co, N.C., Daughter of Richard Fonvielle and Mary Dunn. He Married (2) Obediance Smith December 11, 1843 in Craven County, NC.
Notes for Graves Fonville: Lived Craven Co, NC and Weakley, Tenn
Notes for Elizabeth Fonville: Listed in NC Marriages Craven County 22 Aug 1818 as Elizabeth B. Fonville Married 1st cousin, Graves Fonvielle. Listed in NC Marriages Craven County 16 Dec 1822 as Elizabeth Richardson,.
Notes for Obediance Smith: NC Marriages Craven County lists Obediance Smith as Bede Smith
Children of Graves Fonville and Elizabeth Fonville Are:
i. Son6 Fonville.
ii. Daughter Fonville.
iii. Richard Graves Fonville, B. 1824; D. Bef. 1830.
iv. Thomas Fonville I, B. 1829; D. Bef. 1840.
v. Julia Ann Fonville, B. 1832; D. Bef. 1840.
vi. Caroline Fonville, B. 1834; D. Bef. 1840.
vii. John G Fonville, B. 1836; D. Bef. 1840.
viii. Mary Ann Fonville, B. 1837; M. John Tansil, 1858.
ix. Elizabeth Fonville, B. 1839; D. Bef. 1840.
x. William Graves Fonville, B. 1840; D. Bef. 1843.
xi. Jeremiah Fonville, B. 1842; D. 1845.
Children of Graves Fonville and Obediance Smith Are:
xii. Martha Ann6 Fonville, B. 1845; M. Archelus M. Hughes, 1867.
xiii. James Madison Fonville, B. 1847; D. 1873; M. Francis L Roberts, 1870.
xiv. John Brice Fonville, B. 1849; D. Bef. 1850.
xv. Virginia Ann Fonville, B. 1850; M. Charles Henry Owen, 1867.
xvi. Franklin Pierce Fonville, B. 1852; M. Emma Bowden.
xvii. Emma Dale Fonville, B. 1854; M. Sherrod T. Witherington.
xviii. Nancy Etta Fonville, B. 1856; M. Walter Q. Thomas.
xix. Richard Graves Fonville, B. 1862; D. Abt. 1890.
45. Elijah5 Fonville (John 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1805, and Died 1858. He Married Elizabeth Mcallister.
Notes for Elijah Fonville: Lived in Kentucky
Children of Elijah Fonville and Elizabeth Mcallister Are:
i. Armenia6 Fonville, B. 1828.
ii. Mary Ann Fonville, B. 1829; D. 1905; M. Alexander Robertson Latta, 1849.
iii. Lucretia Elizabeth Fonville, B. 1835, 1900; M. David Barnes, 1852.
46. Edwin5 Fonville (John 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1807, and Died Aft. 1850. He Married (1) Ann Jane Bush December 12, 1831 in Gibson Co, Tenn. He Married (2) Matilda Lynch April 22, 1841 in Hickman Co, Ky. He Married (3) Elizabeth Thompson May 09, 1848 in Obion County, Tenn.
Notes for Edwin Fonville: Lived in Tenn and Ky. In Tn Marriages Obion County Listed as Edward Fonville to Elizabeth Thompson
Notes for Matilda Lynch: Name Listed as Matilda Linch in Tn Marriages, Hickman County
Children of Edwin Fonville and Ann Bush Are:
i. Erasmus Dowenhodge6 Fonville, B. 1832.
ii. John Graves Fonville, B. 1834; D. 1835.
iii. Francis Marion Fonville, B. 1836; M. Mary Charlotte Walker, 1856.
Children of Edwin Fonville and Matilda Lynch Are:
Iv. Edwin6 Fonville, B. 1841; D. Bef. 1843.
V. Mary Jane Fonville, B. 1843; D. 1843.
Vi. Edwin Lent Fonville, B. 1843.
Child of Edwin Fonville and Elizabeth Thompson Is:
Vii. Henry Leandis6 Fonville, B. 1849.
47. William Anderson5 Fonville (John 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) was born 1815, and died 1892. He Married Martha Fletcher September 07, 1833 in Gibson Co, Tenn.
Children of William Fonville and Martha Fletcher Are:
i. William Washburn6 Fonville, D. 1892; M. Martha Jane Jarvis.
ii. John Brice Fonville, B. 1836; M. Francis Gila Thomas.
iii. Lafayette Fonville, B. 1839.
iv. Julia Ann Fonville, B. 1844; M. G W Terrell.
v. Graves Fonville, B. 1849; M. Mary Ball.
vi. James Anderson Fonville, B. 1852; D. 1856.
vii. Martha Parilee Fonville, B. 1855; M. Wiggs.
48. Mary Fonvielle5 Hatch (Edmund 4, Mary 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1). She Married William Salter Blackledge April 21, 1815 in Craven County, N. C., Son of William Blackledge and Alice Wharton.
Notes for Mary Fonvielle Hatch: Listed in Father's will. Listed in 1860 NC Census, Newbern, NC, 1 Jun 1860 as being 60 years of age. Living with son in law John MF Harrison and daughter Virginia age 24 and son Richard age 21.
Notes for William Salter Blackledge: Will dated 1856. US Congressman 16 & 17 Congresses. Buried Newbern Cemetery. Grad UNC 1813. BIOG Am Congress. Vol I Abstracts of Vital Records from Raleigh NC Newspapers = Married in Craven County, on the 26th ult, Wm Blackledge, Jr, Esq to Miss Mary F. Hatch, dau of Col Edmund Hatch, Raleigh Register, 12 May 1815. Marriage Bond Wm S Blackledge/Mary F. Hatch 25 Apr 1815. Will proved Craven County Court Dec term 1856. Beloved wife Mary, son Richard, daughter Virginia wife of John M.F. Harrison, executor.
Child of Mary Hatch and William Blackledge Is:
67. i. Richard Burkhead6 Blackledge, B. July 10, 1838, Craven County, N. C.; D.
January 14, 1916
49. William5 Fonville (Francis 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1793 in Nc, and Died Aft. 1850. He Married Sally Fancher 1818.
Notes for William Fonville: Lived Sumner, Bedford Counties, Tenn. Bibb County, Aal and Conway County, Ark.
Notes for Sally Fancher: Daughter of Richard Fancher
Children of William Fonville and Sally Fancher Are:
i. Richard James John Henry6 Fonville, B. 1819; D. 1898; M.
Thurza Carter, 1843.
ii. Benjamin Franklin Fonville, B. 1822; M. (1) Elizabeth; M. (2)
Liza Jane Loyd, 1859.
iii. Andrew J Fonville, B. 1824; M. Amanda Fryor.
iv. Mary Ann Fonville, B. 1824; M. William Linsey, 1839.
v. Wesley Fonville, B. 1826; M. Mary.
vi. Elizabeth Ann Fonville, B. 1828; M. Wilson Carter.
vii. William Fonville, B. 1831.
viii. Rebecca Fonville, B. 1834; M. Bard Bryant.
ix. Elijah Fonville, B. 1837.
x. James Fonville, B. 1843.
50. James5 Fonville (Francis 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1797 in Tenn, and Died Aft. 1850. He Married Sarah Fonville 1823, Daughter of Asa Fonville and Dorothy Stevenson.
Notes for James Fonville: Lived Sumner, Wilson and Marshall Counties,Tenn
Notes for Sarah Fonville: Married 1st cousin. Also known as Sally
Children of James Fonville and Sarah Fonville Are:
i. Teresa6 Fonville, B. 1827, Tenn; M. William Rinor.
ii. Caroline Fonville, B. 1829; M. Bradley.
Notes for Bradley: Unverified husband, believed to have married a Mr. Bradley
iii. Fonville, B. 1831; D. Bef. 1850.
iv. Stephenson Fonville, B. 1834.
Notes for Stephenson Fonville: Believed to have died in Civil War
v. Teritha Fonville, B. 1837.
vi. Robert Fonville, B. 1839; M. Sarah Myers, 1859.
vii. Sarah Fonville, B. 1842.
viii. Martha Fonville, B. 1844.
51. Lewis5 Fonville (Francis 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1799, and Died Abt. 1870. He Married Margaret Maloney November 29, 1827 in Greene Co, Tenn.
Notes for Lewis Fonville: Lived Sumner and Green Counties, Tenn, Morgan and Hendricks Counties, Ind.
Notes for Margaret Maloney: Listed in Tn Marriages, Green County as Peggy Maloney
Children of Lewis Fonville and Margaret Maloney are:
i. Caroline6 Fonville, B. 1830.
ii. Eliza Fonville, B. 1832.
iii. Emeline Fonville, B. 1834; M. Lewis T Hancock.
iv. John Fonville, B. 1836; M. Mary C Hite.
v. Nancy Fonville, B. 1837.
vi. Susan Jane Fonville, B. 1838; M. Joseph Bolen.
vii. Lewis Fonville, B. 1840.
viii. Catherine Fonville, B. 1842; M. Winfield S Day.
ix. Margaret Fonville, B. 1845; M. John B. Clark.
x. Martha Fonville, B. 1848; M. Thomas Hall.
xi. Mary Fonville, B. 1850; M. James J Sperling.
52. John5 Fonville (Francis 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1808, and Died Aft. 1850. He Married Mary Harris Green December 31, 1829 in Sumner County, Tenn.
Children of John Fonville and Mary Green Are:
i. Rhoda Eliza6 Fonville, B. 1830; M. John Martin, November 19,
1850, Sumner County, Tenn.
Notes for Rhoda Eliza Fonville: Tn Marriages Sumner County lists John Martin to Rhody E. Fonville
ii. Mary Jane Fonville, B. 1833.
iii. Valerius Elmore Fonville, B. 1835; M. (1) Louisianna
Rogers, 1861; M. (2) Georgia a Gaines, 1867.
iv. Sarah Elizabeth Fonville, B. 1837; M. Silas E Cummings.
v. Lucy Ann Fonville, B. 1839.
vi. William E Fonville, B. 1843; D. Bef. 1866; M. Mary Emeline
53. Israel5 Fonvielle (Asa 4 Fonville, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1803, and Died Bef. 1850 in Tennessee. He Married (1) Emily Brame. He Married (2) Julia Ann Williams.
Children of Israel Fonvielle and Emily Brame Are:
i. Washington B6 Fonville, B. 1826.
ii. Virginia Fonville, B. 1829; M. William G Reaves.
iii. Ann O Fonville, B. 1830; D. 1915; M. Jefferson Montgomery
iv. William Brame Fonville, B. 1833; D. 1907; M. (1) Martha W
Blackwell, 1852; M. (2) Mary K Old, 1855.
Children of Israel Fonvielle and Julia Williams Are:
v. Emily6 Fonville, B. 1841; M. R C Smith, 1860.
vi. Asa E Fonville, B. 1845; M. Ann Farmer, Abt. 1867.
54. Sarah5 Fonville (Asa 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1806 in Craven Co, N.c., and Died April 1899 in Marshall Co, Tn. She Married James Fonville 1823, Son of Francis Fonville and Elizabeth Wherry.
Notes for Sarah Fonville: Married 1st Cousin. Also Known as Sally
Notes for James Fonville: Lived Sumner, Wilson and Marshall Counties, Tenn
Children of Sarah Fonville and James Fonville Are:
i. Teresa6 Fonville, B. 1827, Tenn; M. William Rinor.
ii. Caroline Fonville, B. 1829; M. Bradley.
Notes for Bradley: Unverified Husband, Believed to Have Married a Mr. Bradley
iii. Fonville, B. 1831; D. Bef. 1850.
iv. Stephenson Fonville, B. 1834.
Notes for Stephenson Fonville: Believed to have died in Civil War
v. Teritha Fonville, B. 1837.
vi. Robert Fonville, B. 1839; M. Sarah Myers, 1859.
vii. Sarah Fonville, B. 1842.
viii. Martha Fonville, B. 1844.
55. Silas Stephenson5 Fonville (Asa 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1813. He Married (1) Charlotte Gobold. He Married (2) Sarah D H Johnson.
Notes for Silas Stephenson Fonville: Probably son of Asa
Child of Silas Fonville and Charlotte Gobold Is:
I. Charlotte6 Fonville, B. 1842.
Children of Silas Fonville and Sarah Johnson Are:
ii. Brendy6 Fonville, B. 1848.
iii. S S Fonville, B. 1850.
56. Jeremiah5 Fonville (Asa 4, Francis 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1820, and Died Abt. 1850. He Married Frances Smith September 22, 1842 in Maury County, Tenn.
Notes for Jeremiah Fonville: Probably Son of Asa
Notes for Frances Smith: She Married (2) J.. Hazelwood
Children of Jeremiah Fonville and Frances Smith Are:
i. Nancy J6 Fonville, B. 1845.
ii. John W Fonville, B. 1847.
57. Brice5 Fonvielle (Brice S. 4, Stephen 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1790, and Died Abt. 1834. He Married Helen Oliver.
Notes for Helen Oliver: Believed to Be Helen Oliver
Children of Brice Fonvielle and Helen Oliver Are:
i. William6 Fonville.
68. ii. Mary Elizabeth Fonville, B. 1818.
69. iii. Edward Ward Fonville, B. 1826, Onslow County, Nc.
70. iv. Lewis Oliver Fonvielle, B. April 27, 1828.
v. James Rhodes Fonville, b. 1831; m. (1) Bettie Henderson; M.
(2) Mary E Holland; M. (3) Sarah a Melton.
Notes for Bettie Henderson: Last Name Questionable.
vi. Amanda Caroline Fonville, B. 1834; M. Theodore J. Hughes.
Notes for Amanda Caroline Fonville: She Listed as A. Caroline in NC Marriages Onslow County
Notes for Theodore J. Hughes: Listed as Theodore J. Hughes in NC Marriages Onslow County.
58. Edward Ward5 Fonville (Brice S. 4 Fonvielle, Stephen 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1795, and Died Abt. 1834. He Married Alice Oliver.
Children of Edward Fonville and Alice Oliver Are:
i. Harriet Caroline6 Fonville, B. 1818.
ii. Brice Washington Fonville, B. 1821; M. (1) Nancy Ball,
January 24, 1843, Onslow County, N.C.; M. (2) Julia a Sammons, 1868.
iii. James Madison Fonville, B. 1822; M. Rachel Humphrey,
September 27, 1847, Onslow County, NC.
Iv. William Fonville, B. 1826.
59. Thomas Jefferson5 Fonville (Brice S. 4 Fonvielle, Stephen 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1802, and Died Aft. 1850. He Married Francis Murphy.
Children of Thomas Fonville and Francis Murphy Are:
i. Frederick Murphy6 Fonville, B. 1828; D. 1832.
ii. Margaret C Fonville, B. 1831.
iii. Christopher Dudley Fonville, B. 1833; D. 1926; M. Mary
iv. Francis Amanda Fonville, B. 1836.
v. Edward M Fonville, B. 1837.
vi. William Thomas Fonville, B. 1842; M. (1) Mary Priddy; M. (2)
Lucy Smith.
vii. Mary E Fonville, B. 1843.
viii. George D Fonville, B. 1845; M. (1) Mary; M. (2) Patience.
60. William5 Fonville (Frederick 4, Stephen 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1793, and Died 1838. He Married Rachel Blanchard January 02, 1819 in Orange County, NC.
Children of William Fonville and Rachel Blanchard Are:
i. Elizabeth6 Fonville, M. (1) Roney; M. (2) Thomas Pyle,
March 10, 1846, Orange Co NC.
ii. Frederick Washington Fonville, B. 1820; M. Eliza Catherine Tarpley.
ii. James Brice Fonville, B. 1826; M. Mary Ann Tarpley.
iv. Edna Graham Fonville, B. 1828; M. James Washington
v. Lewis Oliver Fonville, B. 1833; M. Lucinda Adeline
vi. Cornelia Fonville, B. 1835.
vii. Margaret Fonville, B. 1838; M. (1) Tate; M. (2) Waggoner.
Notes for Tate: Unverified ?
Notes for Waggoner: Unverified ?
61. James Roney5 Fonville (Frederick 4, Stephen 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1). He Married (1) Sarah J Horne. He Married (2) Katherine Long.
Children of James Fonville and Sarah Horne Are:
i. Mary6 Fonville.
ii. Margaret Fonville, M. Humphries.
iii. Thomas Graham Fonville, B. 1831.
iv. Emma Fonville, B. 1833; M. John Sutton.
Notes for Emma Fonville: or Emiline
v. John Francis Fonville, B. 1835; D. 1922; M. (1) Leah Koonce;
M. (2) Callie Wilson.
vi. Sarah Edna Fonville, B. 1841; M. James Jefferson
vii. William Able Graham Fonville, B. 1844; D. 1904; M. Mary
Ann Coggins.
62. John Averette5 Fonville (Frederick 4, Stephen 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1809. He Married Rachel Bryan Sloan April 15, 1833 in Duplin County, NC
. Notes for Rachel Bryan Sloan: Name Listed NC Marriages Duplin County as Rachel Sloam.
Children of John Fonville and Rachel Sloan Are:
i. Mary Sloan6 Fonville, B. 1834.
ii. Margaret D Fonville, B. 1836.
iii. Susan Frances Fonville, B. 1838; M. Samuel Smith Stakley.
iv. Frederick Gibson Fonville, B. 1840.
v. John Culpepper Fonville, B. 1843; M. Florence May
vi. Sarah Medora Fonville, B. 1844; M. Tillman Puerifoy
vii. James Bryan Fonville, B. 1846; M. Rebecca Doliksa
viii. William Drakeford Fonville, B. 1849; M. Mary Winn
Yancy, September 18, 1883, Albemarle Co, Va.
ix. Atalanta Theodosia Fonville, B. 1852.
63. Brice Frederick5 Fonville (Frederick 4, Stephen 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1). He Married Catherine Roney December 04, 1845 in Orange Co, N.C
Children of Brice Fonville and Catherine Roney Are
i. Isabella6 Fonville, B. 1847; M. Levi Garrison.
ii. Barbara Jane Fonville, B. 1848; M. Jacob Garrison
iii. John Frederick Fonville, B. 1851; M. Mary a Hardin.
iv. Vendora Fonville, B. 1853; M. David M Barber.
v. Catherine Fonville, B. 1855; M. Nathan C Rogers.
vi. Gabriel Lee Fonville, B. 1859; M. (1) Martha J Mitchell; M.
(2) Minnie.
vii. Braxton Fonville, B. 1863; M. Lucy Motley.
viii. Mamie Fonville, B. 1867; M. William B Lee.
ix. Earl Fonville, B. 1869; M. Camelia Burch.
64. Asa G5 Fonville (Frederick 4, Stephen 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1821. He Married (1) Unknown. He Married (2) Susannah Huffman January 05, 1846 in Orange County, NC.
Children of Asa Fonville and Susannah Huffman Are:
i. Charles6 Fonville.
ii. Mary Fonville, B. 1849
iii. Eliza Ann Fonville, B. 1851; M. Levi Mccauley.
iv. Emma Fonville, B. 1854; M. John C Enoch.
v. Cora Fonville, B. 1864; M. William Wilson.
65. Frederick5 Fonvielle (Hatcher 4, Stephen 3, John 2, Jean 1). He Married (1) Margaret Ann Parkes. He Married (2) Mary. He Married (3) Mary C Trice.
Notes for Frederick Fonvielle: Possibly the Same as Frederick Fonville of Bedford Co, Tn If Not Son of Hatcher Has to Be son of Asa Fonville of Bedford Co, Tn
Children of Frederick Fonvielle and Margaret Parkes Are:
i. Sarah6 Fonville, B. 1834.
ii. Cynthia Fonville, B. 1836.
iii. Elizabeth Fonville, B. 1838.
iv. Fonville, B. 1840; D. Bef. 1850.
v. Harriet Fonville, B. 1842.
vi. Henry Joshua Fonville, B. 1844.
vii. Sophia Fonville, B. 1846.
viii. John Fonville, B. 1848.
ix. Laura Adeline Fonville, B. 1850.
x. Marsee N Fonville, B. 1856; D. 1873.
xi. James D. Fonville, B. 1856.
Children of Frederick Fonvielle and Mary Are
xii. James D6 Fonville, B. 1856.
xiii. William Fonville, B. 1858.
Generation No. 6
66. Aliff Simmons6 Rhodes (Anthony Hatch 5, Elizabeth 4 Hatch, Elizabeth 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born May 15, 1840, and Died May 20, 1906. She Married Nathan Williams Humphrey.
Child of Aliff Rhodes and Nathan Humphrey Is:
71. i. Nathan7 Humphrey, B. July 19, 1870; D. January 14, 1931.
67. Richard Burkhead6 Blackledge (Mary Fonvielle 5 Hatch, Edmund 4, Mary 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born July 10, 1838 in Craven County, N. C., and Died January 14, 1916. He Married Pinkey S. Russell July 10, 1863 in Mecklenberg County, N. C.
Notes for Richard Burkhead Blackledge: He Is Buried in the Harry Huntley Roberts Plot in Raleigh Nc next to His Daughter Mary Fonvielle Blackledge Roberts.
Child of Richard Blackledge and Pinkey Russell Is:
72. i. Mary Fonville7 Blackledge, B. June 18, 1864, Mecklenberg
County, N. C.; D. February 15, 1931, Greenville, N. C.
68. Mary Elizabeth6 Fonville (Brice 5 Fonvielle, Brice S. 4, Stephen 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1818. She Married Charles Hurst.
Children of Mary Fonville and Charles Hurst Are:
i. James R.7 Hurst, B. 1839.
ii. Frances Virginia Hurst, B. 1844.
iii. Franklin P. Hurst, B. 1853.
iv. Edward L. Hurst, B. 1855.
69. Edward Ward6 Fonville (Brice 5 Fonvielle, Brice S. 4, Stephen 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born 1826 in Onslow County, NC. He Married Narcissa Susan Hurst.
Children of Edward Fonville and Narcissa Hurst Are:
i. Edward W.7 Fonville, D. Abt. May 1846.
ii. William A. Fonville, B. August 1847; D. September 01, 1849.
iii. James Hurst Fonville, B. March 06, 1851; D. March 21, 1921.
iv. Narcissa C. Fonville, B. January 13, 1853; D. March 09, 1910.
v. Catherine H. Fonville, B. September 1862.
vi. Gertrude Hurst Fonville, B. August 1856.
70. Lewis Oliver6 Fonvielle (Brice 5, Brice S. 4, Stephen 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born April 27, 1828. He Married Priscilla Ann Hunter February 12, 1849 in Duplin County, NC.
Children of Lewis Fonvielle and Priscilla Hunter Are:
i. Isaac Brice7 Fonvielle, B. January 04, 1850.
ii. Mary F. Fonvielle, B. December 15, 1851.
73. iii. Eugene Hunter Fonvielle, B. April 21, 1856.
iv. Annie Borden Fonvielle, B. July 13, 1858.
v. Lewis Oliver Fonvielle, B. March 21, 1862.
vi. Wayne H. Fonvielle, B. February 17, 1865.
Generation No. 7
71. Nathan7 Humphrey (Aliff Simmons 6 Rhodes, Anthony Hatch 5, Elizabeth 4 Hatch, Elizabeth 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born July 19, 1870, and Died January 14, 1931. He Married Sarah Elizabeth Pope.
Child of Nathan Humphrey and Sarah Pope Is:
74. i. Ada Elizabeth8 Humphrey, B. November 05, 1906; D. November
22, 1990.
72. Mary Fonville7 Blackledge (Richard Burkhead 6, Mary Fonvielle 5 Hatch, Edmund 4, Mary 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born June 18, 1864 in Mecklenberg County, N. C., and Died February 15, 1931 in Greenville, N. C.. She Married Harry Huntley Roberts October 08, 1883 in Newbern, N. C.
Child of Mary Blackledge and Harry Roberts Is:
75. i. Anna Bessie8 Roberts, B. October 28, 1894, Raleigh, N. C.; D.
February 28, 1981, Wilmington, N. C.
73. Eugene Hunter7 Fonvielle (Lewis Oliver 6, Brice 5, Brice S. 4, Stephen 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born April 21, 1856. He Married Cora Lee Keaton.
Children of Eugene Fonvielle and Cora Keaton Are:
i. Louis Oliver8 Fonvielle.
76. ii. W. Alex Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1892
Generation No. 8
74. Ada Elizabeth8 Humphrey (Nathan 7, Aliff Simmons 6 Rhodes, Anthony Hatch 5, Elizabeth 4 Hatch, Elizabeth 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born November 05, 1906, and Died November 22, 1990. She Married William Diedrich Kassens.
Child of Ada Humphrey and William Kassens Is:
i. William Diedrich9 Kassens , Jr, B. July 17, 1944, Wilmington, NC.
75. Anna Bessie8 Roberts (Mary Fonville 7 Blackledge, Richard Burkhead 6, Mary Fonvielle 5 Hatch, Edmund 4, Mary 3 Fonvielle, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born October 28, 1894 in Raleigh, N. C., and Died February 28, 1981 in Wilmington, N. C.. She Married Louis Thames Davis May 20, 1917 in Raleigh, N. C.
Children of Anna Roberts and Louis Davis Are:
77. i. Louis Thames9 Davis, B. March 15, 1918, Wilmington, N. C..
78. ii. William Huntley Davis, B. June 24, 1922, Wilmington, N. C.; D.
April 27, 1990, Jacksonville, Fla.
79. iii. Mary Clementine Davis, B. February 18, 1924, Wilmington, N.
80. iv. Edward Lee Davis, B. August 14, 1926, Wilmington, N. C..
76. W. Alex8 Fonvielle (Eugene Hunter 7, Lewis Oliver 6, Brice 5, Brice S. 4, Stephen 3, John 2, Jean 1) Was Born Abt. 1892. He Married Pearl.
Children of W. Fonvielle and Pearl Are:
i. W. Alex9 Fonvielle.
ii. Chris Eugene Fonvielle.
iii. Lloyd W. Fonvielle, B. Abt. 1926; M. Laura Roe.
Jean Fonvielle's Will1740
John Fonvielle's Will1773
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