Generation No. 1
1. George1 Durant Was Born October 01, 1632 in England (Source: George Durant's Bible), and Died Abt. January 1692/93 in Perquimans County, NC (Source: Will 1688 Proved 2/6/1693). He Married Ann Marwood January 04, 1658/59 in Northumberland County, Va.
Notes for George Durant: Will dated October 9, 1688, proved February 6, 1693. Lists sons John & Thomas, nephews George, Henry & John Durant, sons of brother John, wife An, daughters Sarah, Matytya, Pertyenia & Ann. Purchased land from Yeopin Indians Mar 1, 1662. Oldest recorded deedand record of a land grant in Book A, #374 of records of Perquimans County, NC. Bible printed 1599 in England now at University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill, NC. Came to Virginia on ship Potomac age 25 years, Refers to self in will as "Marriner". Parents unknown. Biographical History of NC states may be John Durant "the bloody minded" parson to the parliament. Another researcher gives William Durant and Alice Pell (unverified) Another source lists George Durant, Clerk & Vicar of Blocklee, Co, Worcester, England as probable father. He served as Attorney General of N. C. in 1676 and Speaker of the House of Burgesses in 1679. (NC Hist & Gen Register, Hathaway, Editor)
More About George Durant: Fact 1: October 01, 1632, George Durant's Bible Fact 2: January 1692/93, George Durant's Bible Fact 3: January 1658/59, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
Notes for Ann Marwood: Probably (but unverified) daughter to Jo Marwood who was brought into Virginia in August 1635, age 17 in Globe of London by Jeremy Blackman, Master. (N.C. Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol 4 pg 261, "Passages to Virginia"). State Marker at Hertford, NC honors first female attorney. Ann Marwood Durant "First woman known to have acted as an attorney in an N. C. Court 1673. Appeared before Council in Perquimans Precinct." Marker is placed at intersection of N.C. 17 and state road 1300.
Children of George Durant and Ann Marwood are:
i. George2 Durant, b. December 24, 1659, Lower Norfolk County, VA; d. September 13, 1671.
Notes for George Durant: Date of birth and death listed Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkley
More About George Durant: Fact 1: December 24, 1659, Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkley Fact 2: September 13, 1671, Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkley Fact 3: December 24, 1659, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks Fact 4: September 13, 1671, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages, Death & Flesh Marks
ii. Elizabeth Durant, B. February 11, 1659/60, Perquimans County, N.C. d. Bef. 1688.
Notes for Elizabeth Durant: Date of birth listed Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkeley. At least one source, Dictionary of NC Biography, states that she married Thomas Waller and had two daughters, Elizabeth and Ann. Not listed in father George Durant's will dated 1688 so she is dead by this time. Perquimans Precinct NC, Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks gives date of birth as 13 February 1661/0 (sic).
More About Elizabeth Durant: Fact 1: February 11, 1658/59, Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkley
2. iii. John Durant, b. December 26, 1662, Albemarle, NC; d. January 15, 1698/99. iv. Mary Durant, B. February 11, 1664/65, Perquimans County, NC.
More About Mary Durant: Fact 1: February 11, 1664/65, Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkley Fact 2: February 11, 1664/65, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
3. v. Thomas Durant, b. August 28, 1668, Perquimmons County NC. vi. Sarah Durant, b. January 17, 1669/70, Perquimmons County, Nc; M. Elias Rowden, August 14, 1690.
Notes for Sarah Durant: Mentioned in father's will. Some sources give husband's name as Isaac Rowden. (Dictionalry of NC Biography) Hathaway gives Elias Rowden.
More About Sarah Durant: Fact 1: January 17, 1669/70, Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkley Fact 2: January 17, 1669/70, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
More About Elias Rowden: Fact 1: August 14, 1690, Perquimans Pr. NC,Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
vii. Martha (Matytya) Durant, B. August 28, 1673, Perquimmons County, NC.
Notes for Martha (Matytya) Durant: Listed in father's will.
More About Martha (Matytya) Durant: Fact 1: August 28, 1673, Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkley
Fact 2: August 28, 1673, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
4. viii. Parthania (Pertyenia) Durant, B. August 01, 1675, Perquimmons County, NC. 5. ix. Ann Durant, B. April 01, 1681, Perquimmons County, NC.
Generation No. 2
2. John2 Durant (George 1) was born December 26, 1662 in Albemarle, NC, and died January 15, 1698/99. He married Sarah Cooke April 09, 1684 in Berkeley (Source: NC Hist & Gen Rec), daughter of Thomas Cooke and Ann Yorke.
Notes for John Durant: Mentioned in Father George's will dated Oct 9, 1688. Date of death listed in Bible of father George Durant. Date of Marriage listed Births, Deaths, Marriages, Berkley. He became a Council member and justice of the General court. Date of death listed as 19 January 1699/00 in Perquimans Pr. NC, Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks.
More About John Durant: Fact 1: January 15, 1698/99, george Durant's Bible Fact 2: April 09, 1684, Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkley Fact 3: April 09, 1684, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks Fact 4: December 16, 1662, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages, Death & Flesh Marks
Notes for Sarah Cooke: Listed in some records as Sarah Jooke but this believed to be error. Married second to William Stephens. Date of marriage from NC Hist & Gen record, Hathaway. Daughter of Captain Thomas Cooke and Ann Yorke.
More About Sarah Cooke: Fact 1: August 16, 1717, George Durant's Bible
Children of John Durant and Sarah Cooke are: 6. i. George3 Durant, b. September 30, 1685; d. September 12, 1730. 7. ii. Ann Durant, b. January 10, 1688/89. 8. iii. Sarah Durant, b. March 29, 1695; d. April 04, 1728. iv. Mary Durant, b. May 19, 1698; d. Aft. May 19, 1698.
More About Mary Durant: Fact 1: May 19, 1698, George Durant's Bible Fact 2: May 19, 1698, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
v. Elizabeth Durant, B. January 28, 1691/92; M. Anthony Hatch.
More About Elizabeth Durant: Fact 1: January 28, 1691/92, George Durant's Bible Fact 2: January 28, 1691/92, Deaths & Marriages, Berkley Fact 3: January 28, 1690/91, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
More About Anthony Hatch: Fact 1: October 06, 1726, Perquimans Pr. NC,Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
3. Thomas2 Durant (George 1) Was Born August 28, 1668 in Perquimmons County NC. He Married Elizabeth Gaskill.
Notes for Thomas Durant: Listed in father's will.
More About Thomas Durant: Fact 1: August 28, 1668, Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkley Fact 2: August 28, 1668, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
Children of Thomas Durant and Elizabeth Gaskill Are:
i. Elizabeth3 Durant, B. 1692. ii. Sarah Durant, B. 1695. iii. George Durant, b. November 25, 1696 (Source: NC Hist & Gen Rec.).
More about George Durant: Fact 1: November 25, 1696, NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway Fact 2: November 25, 1696, Old Albemarle NC Perquimmons Birth Recs Fact 3: November 25, 1696, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
iv. Mary Durant, B. 1698. v. Ann Durant, b. February 16, 1701/02.
Notes for Ann Durant: Perquimans Pr. NC, Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks gives date of birth as 16 Feb 1702/3
More About Ann Durant: Fact 1: February 16, 1701/02, NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway
4. Parthania (Pertyenia)2 Durant (George 1) Was Born August 01, 1675 in Perquimmons County, Nc. She Married (1) John Stevens. She Married (2) Joseph Sutton June 18, 1695, Son of Nathaniel Sutton and Debro.
Notes for Parthania (Pertyenia) Durant: Listed in father's will. Perquimans Precinct NC Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks gives date of birth as 1st of August (torn).
More About Parthania (Pertyenia) Durant: Fact 1: August 01, 1675, Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkley Fact 2: June 18, 1695, Births, Deaths, Marriages Berkley Fact 3: August 01, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
More About Joseph Sutton: Fact 1: June 18, 1695, Perquimans Pr. NC,Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
Child of Parthania Durant and John Stevens Is: i. William3 Stevens.
5. Ann2 Durant (George 1) Was Born April 01, 1681 in Perquimmons County, Nc. She Married William Thomas Bartlett October 06, 1698, Son of William Bartlett and Elizabeth.
Notes for Ann Durant: Mentioned in father's will.
More About Ann Durant: Fact 1: April 01, 1681, Perquimans Pr. NC,Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
More About William Thomas Bartlett: Fact 1: October 06, 1698, NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway
Children of Ann Durant and William Bartlett are:
i. Thomas3 Bartlett, B. September 25, 1699; D. Abt. 1750; M. Elizabeth.
Notes for Thomas Bartlett: Will proved Perquimans Co, Jan 1750, Names sons: William, Thomas, Joseph. Daus: Sarah, Bidgood, Elizabeth Wright, Mary Jackson & Anne Gorden, wife Elizabeth.
More About Thomas Bartlett: Fact 1: September 25, 1699, NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway
9. ii. William Bartlett, B. February 17, 1700/01. 10. iii. John Bartlett, B. February 15, 1703/04; D. Abt. 1759. iv. Samuel Bartlett, b. May 18, 1706.
More About Samuel Bartlett: Fact 1: May 18, 1706, Perquimans Pr. NC,Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
Generation No. 3
6. George3 Durant (John 2, George 1) was born September 30, 1685, and died September 12, 1730. He married Hagar Crisp 1714.
Notes for George Durant: A George Durant listed in George Durant's Bible as being born April 1682. Will dated 25 May 1730, proved 29 Sep 1730. Orders land to be sold and one half paid to Anthony Hatch's Estate. (Anthony Hatch married George's sister Elizabeth Durant.) Mentions son George, dau Mary Durant House and daus Anne, Sarah, & Elizabeth. Each child to be paid as they come of age. Makes loving brothers Zebulun Clayton and Richard Whidbee to be executors. (Probably means brothers in law as Richard Whidbee is husband of sister Sarah and wife of Zebulon Clayton is unknown but possibly he is second husband of Elizabeth Durant Hatch, George's sister].
More About George Durant: Fact 1: September 30, 1685, NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway Fact 2: January 14, 1729/30, George Durant's Bible
Notes for Hagar Crisp: Daughter of Captain Nicholas Crisp and wife ______Wilkins.
More About Hagar Crisp: Fact 1: January 14, 1722/23, George Durant's Bible
Children of George Durant and Hagar Crisp are:
11. i. Ann4 Durant, b. July 08, 1714. ii. John Durant, b. September 13, 1716; d. October 08, 1721.
More About John Durant: Fact 1: September 13, 1716, NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway Fact 2: October 08, 1721, George Durant's Bible Fact 3: October 08, 1721, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
12. iii. Sarah Durant, b. December 02, 1718. 13. iv. Mary Durant, b. December 02, 1718; d. December 10, 1746, Blount/Littlejohn Cemetery, Edenton, NC. 14. v. Elizabeth Durant, b. March 12, 1719/20. vi. George Durant, b. August 20, 1723.
Notes for George Durant: Mentioned in father George"s will dated 25 May 1730
More About George Durant: Fact 1: August 20, 1723, George Durant's Bible Fact 2: August 20, 1723, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
7. Ann3 Durant (John 2, George 1) was born January 10, 1688/89 (Source: George Durant's Bible). She married Thomas Barclift 1710.
Notes for Ann Durant: NC Hist & Gen Records Hathaway lists date of birth as as Feb 16, 1688 as does Perqimans Pr. NC, Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks.
More About Ann Durant: Fact 1: January 10, 1688/89, George Durant's Bible
Child of Ann Durant and Thomas Barclift Is: i. John4 Barclift, b. August 09, 1711.
More About John Barclift: Fact 2: August 09, 1711, George Durant's Bible
8. Sarah3 Durant (John 2, George 1) was born March 29, 1695, and died April 04, 1728. She married Richard Whidbee February 04, 1708/09.
More About Sarah Durant: Fact 1: March 29, 1695, George Durant's Bible & NC Hist & Gen Recs Fact 2: April 04, 1728, NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway Fact 3: April 04, 1728, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
Notes for Richard Whidbee: Listed in NC Hist & Gen Records as Richard Whedbee.
More About Richard Whidbee: Fact 1: February 04, 1708/09, Perquimans Pr. NC,Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
Children of Sarah Durant and Richard Whidbee Are: i. John4 Whidbee, b. April 23, 1715; d. 1783.
More About John Whidbee: Fact 1: April 23, 1715, NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway Fact 2: April 23, 1715, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
ii. Sarah Whidbee, B. January 23, 1716/17; D. 1801; M. William Hoskins.
More About Sarah Whidbee: Fact 1: January 23, 1716/17, Perquimans Pr. NC,Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks Fact 2: January 23, 1716/17, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
iii. George Whidbee, B. January 19, 1719/20.
More about George Whidbee: Fact 1: January 19, 1719/20, Perquimans Pr. NC,Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
iv. Ann Whidbee, B. February 18, 1722/23; M. Robert M Foster.
More about Ann Whidbee: Fact 1: February 18, 1723/24, Perquimans Pr. NC,Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
v. Joseph Whidbee, B. March 03, 1725/26.
Notes for Joseph Whidbee: Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks gives date of birth as 12 March 1725/26
More About Joseph Whidbee: Fact 1: March 03, 1725/26, NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway Fact 2: March 12, 1725/26, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
vi. Hisakiah Whidbee, B. April 01, 1728.
Notes for Hisakiah Whidbee: NC Hist & Gen Records lists name as Hezekiah
More About Hisakiah Whidbee: Fact 1: April 01, 1728, NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway Fact 2: April 01, 1728, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
9. William3 Bartlett (Ann 2 Durant, George 1) Was Born February 17, 1700/01. He Married Sarah Weeks.
Notes for William Bartlett: Will proved Dec 19, 1733 Perquimans Co, names son William and Wife Sarah. Hathaway
More About William Bartlett: Fact 1: February 17, 1700/01, nc Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway
Child of William Bartlett and Sarah Weeks Is: i. William4 Bartlett.
10. John3 Bartlett (Ann 2 Durant, George 1) Was Born February 15, 1703/04, and Died Abt. 1759. He Married (1) Ann Parish, Daughter of John Parish. He Married (2) Elizabeth.
Notes for John Bartlett: Will proved Perquimans Co, Jul 1759-Hathaway. Lists wife Elizabeth, (2d wife) sons: Asa, Demson, Benjamin, John, & Noah. Daus. Mary & Elisa Sanderson.
More about John Bartlett: Fact 1: February 15, 1703/04, Perquimans Pr. NC,Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
Notes for Ann Parish: Named in father's will dtd Mar 24, 1739-Hathaway
Notes for Elizabeth: Listed in Hathaway as second wife
Children of John Bartlett and Ann Parish are: i. John4 Bartlett, b. May 13, 1724. ii. Ann Bartlett, b. December 16, 1725; d. Bef. 1759.
Notes for Ann Bartlett: Not listed in father's will dtd Jul 1759-Hathaway
iii. Asa Bartlett. iv. Demson Bartlett. v. Benjamin Bartlett. vi. John Bartlett. vii. Noah Bartlett. viii. Mary Bartlett. ix. Elisa Bartlett, M. Sanderson.
Notes for Sanderson: From Hathaway
Generation No. 4
11. Ann4 Durant (George 3, John 2, George 1) Was Born July 08, 1714. She Married (1) Joseph Buncombe. She Married (2) Thomas Corprew.
Notes for Ann Durant: Mentioned in father George"s will dtd 25 May 1730
More About Ann Durant: Fact 1: July 08, 1714, George Durant's Bible Fact 2: July 08, 1714, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
Notes for Thomas Corprew: In will Thomas speaks of dau-in-law Mary Buncombe, daughter of first wife Ann Durant. From NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway
Child of Ann Durant and Joseph Buncombe Is: i. Mary5 Buncombe.
Children of Ann Durant and Thomas Corprew Are:
ii. John5 Corprew. iii. George Durant Corprew.
12. Sarah4 Durant (George 3, John 2, George 1) Was Born December 02, 1718. She Married Joseph Blount.
Notes for Sarah Durant: Sarah is twin of Mary. Date of birth on tombstone in Blount/Littlejohn Graveyard, Cheshire Hill, Edenton, NC. Mentioned in father George's will dtd 25 May 1730.
More About Sarah Durant: Fact 1: December 02, 1718, George Durant's Bible Fact 2: December 02, 1718, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
Notes for Joseph Blount: Son of John Blount and wife Elizabeth Davis.
Child of Sarah Durant and Joseph Blount Is: 15. i. Sarah5 Blount.
13. Mary4 Durant (George 3, John 2, George 1) Was Born December 02, 1718, and Died December 10, 1746 in Blount/littlejohn Cemetery, Edenton, Nc. She Married Christian Reed October 12, 1740, Son of William Reed.
Notes for Mary Durant: Mary is twin of Ann. Date of death on tombstone Blount/Littlejohn Cemetery, Cheshire Hill, Edenton, NC. Mentioned in father George's will dtd 25 May 1730.
More about Mary Durant: Fact 1: December 02, 1718, George Durant's Bible Fact 2: December 02, 1718, Perquimans Pr. NC, Births Marriages Deaths & Flesh Marks
Notes for Christian Reed: From NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway. Brother to Joseph Reed who married Elizabeth Durant, sister to Mary Durant. Son of Governor William Reed.
Child of Mary Durant and Christian Reed Is: 16. i. William5 Reed, b. October 12, 1740.
14. Elizabeth4 Durant (George 3, John 2, George 1) Was Born March 12, 1719/20. She Married (1) Thomas Jacocks. She Married (2) Joseph Blount Reed 1740.
Notes for Elizabeth Durant: Mentioned in father George's will dated 25 May 1730.
More About Elizabeth Durant: Fact 1: March 12, 1719/20, Perquimans Pr. NC,Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks
Notes for Joseph Blount Reed: Brother of Christian Reed. Son of Governor William Reed.
Children of Elizabeth Durant and Joseph Reed Are:
17. i. Mary5 Reed. ii. John Reed, D. May 04, 1808; M. Elizabeth Christian. 18. iii. Thomas Blount Reed, D. 1826. iv. Benjamin Reed, D. March 18, 1795; M. Mary Barclift, October 21, 1784. v. Elizabeth Reed, M. Daniel Budgate. vi. Joseph Reed, D. February 02, 1793.
Generation No. 5
15. Sarah5 Blount (Sarah 4 Durant, George 3, John 2, George 1). She Married William Littlejohn.
Notes for Sarah Blount: Marriage and date of death from NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway
Notes for William Littlejohn: From Edenton NC according to NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway
Children of Sarah Blount and William Littlejohn Are:
I. Thomas Blount6 Littlejohn. Ii. Joseph Blount Littlejohn. Iii. John Wilson Littlejohn. Iv. William A. Littlejohn, D. 1802.
16. William5 Reed (Mary 4 Durant, George 3, John 2, George 1) Was Born October 12, 1740. He Married Penelope Williams September 10, 1761, Daughter of Tulle Williams and Elizabeth Hatch.
More About William Reed: Fact 1: October 12, 1740, George Durant's Bible
More About Penelope Williams: Fact 1: November 02, 1745, George Durant's Bible Fact 2: September 10, 1761, George Durant's Bible
Child of William Reed and Penelope Williams Is: i. Ann6 Reed, b. November 20, 1764.
More About Ann Reed: Fact 1: November 20, 1764, George Durant's Bible
17. Mary5 Reed (Elizabeth 4 Durant, George 3, John 2, George 1). She Married Spencer Ridley July 27, 1770.
More about Mary Reed: Fact 1: July 27, 1770, George Durant's Bible
Children of Mary Reed and Spencer Ridley Are: i. Joseph6 Ridley. ii. John Ridley. iii. Christian Ridley, M. Margaret Jordan.
18. Thomas Blount5 Reed (Elizabeth 4 Durant, George 3, John 2, George 1) Died 1826. He Married Ann Margaret (Nancy) Fletcher.
Child of Thomas Reed and Ann Fletcher Is: I. Thomas Blount6 Reed, M. Maranda Trueblood.
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