Generation No. 1
1. William1 Blackledge was born in England, and died 1718 in Bucks County, Pa. He married Mary Duffield dau of Benjamin Duffield.
Notes for William Blackledge: From Early Friends Families, Upper Bucks by Roberts and The Tenmile Country and its Pioneer Families by Leckey. William came from England abt 1682 & purchased a tract of land on West Bank of Neshaminy in Southampton Township, Bucks County, Pa. 17th Century Colonial Ancestors by Hutton lists William Blackledge m Mary Duffield.
Children of William Blackledge and Mary Duffield are:
i. Robert2 Blackledge, b. Bucks County, Pa; m. Elizabeth Howard, June 19, 1732,
Christ's Church.
ii. John Blackledge, m. Bridget Grimes, July 07, 1736, First Presbyterian Church,
2. iii. Benjamin Blackledge, d. Craven Co, N.C..
3. iv. Thomas Blackledge, b. 1707, Bucks County, PA; d. December 07, 1790, Milford
Township, PA.
Generation No. 2
2. Benjamin2 Blackledge (William 1) He was born December 26, 1726 in Christ Church, Philadelphia, died in Craven Co, N.C. in 1783. He married Sarah Philpot.
Benjamin's Will dated 29 March 1778, proved 1783.
Child of Benjamin Blackledge and Sarah Philpot is:
4. i. Richard3 Blackledge, d. September 26, 1777, Newbern, N. C..
Children of Benjamin Blackledge and wife unknown are
i. Sarah Blackledge m ----Allen
ii. Ester Blackledge m ----Witherington
iii. Elizabeth Blackledge m -----Lawrence
iv. Benjamin Blackledge m ------Calhoon
3. Thomas2 Blackledge (William 1) was born 1707 in Bucks County, PA, and died December 07, 1790 in Milford Township, PA. He married Elizabeth Randall April 15, 1730 in New Jersey.
Notes for Thomas Blackledge: Listed DAR Index b ca 1707 d Dec 7, 1790 m Elizabeth Randall, Patriotic Service, Pennsylvania
Children of Thomas Blackledge and Elizabeth Randall are:
5. i. Robert3 Blackledge, b. Bucks County, PA.
6. ii. Elizabeth Blackledge, b. Bucks County, PA; d. 1804.
7. iii. Thomas Blackledge, b. Milford Township, PA; d. 1787, Washington County, Pa.
iv. Mary Blackledge, m. John Clymer, September 16, 1735.
8. v. William Blackledge, b. January 16, 1730/31, Bucks County, PA; d. December 08,
1761, Milford Township, PA.
Generation No. 3
4. Richard3 Blackledge (Benjamin 2, William 1) died September 26, 1777 in Newbern, N. C..3
He married Anne Bass.
Richard's Will proved Oct 15, 1777.
Ann Bass Blackledge's Will proved September 1807.
Children of Richard Blackledge and Anne Bass are:
9. i. William4 Blackledge, B. Craven County, N. C.; d. October 19, 1828, Craven
County, N. C.
ii. Richard Blackledge, d. August 18, 1805, Washington, N. C.; m. (1) Elizabeth
Baker, March 28, 1780, Craven Co, N. C.; m. (2) Louisa Blount, October 16, 1786, Craven Co,
N. C.
iii. Ellener Blackledge, m. Captain John Jones.
iv. Elizabeth Blackledge, m. Speyers Singleton, December 30, 1775, Craven Co, NC.
v. Thomas W.blackledge, d. March 21, 1829, Washington, N. C.
10. vi. Anne Blackledge, b. 1765, Craven County, N. C.
vii. Benjamin Blackledge, b. 1775, Craven County, N. C..
5. Robert3 Blackledge (Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Bucks County, PA. He married Joanna Van Lude February 18, 1763 in Philadelphia, PA.
Children of Robert Blackledge and Joanna Van Lude are:
11. i. Elizabeth4 Blackledge.
ii. Thomas Blackledge, b.Philadelphia, PA; m. SARAH.
12. iii. Robert Blackledge, b. Bucks County, PA.
13. iv. William Blackledge.
v. Rebecca Blackledge, b. Bucks County, PA; m. John Wheeler.
vi. Hannah Blackledge, b. December 19, 1769, Bucks County, PA; d. July 12,
1850; M. John Denny, 1787, Greene co, Pa.
6. Elizabeth3 Blackledge (Thomas 2, William1) was born in Bucks County, PA, and died 1804.
She married George Hoge December 09, 1756 in Bucks County, PA.
Children of Elizabeth Blackledge and George Hoge are:
i. Thomas4 Hoge.
14. ii. Ann Hoge, b. March 19, 1759; d. 1828, Greene County, Pa.
7. Thomas3 Blackledge (Thomas 2, William1) was born in Milford Township, PA, and died 1787 in Washington County, Pa. He Married Margaret Wright May 11, 1758 in Bucks County, PA.
Children of Thomas Blackledge and Margaret Wright are:
15. i. Mary4 Blackledge.
ii. WilliamBlackledge, m. Mary Unknown.
iii. Thomas Blackledge, d. Jefferson County, Ohio; m. Margaret Unknown.
16. iv. Levi Blackledge.
v. Martha Blackledge, m. Uriah White.
vi. Abraham Blackledge, d. 1823, Columbiana County, Ohio.
vii. James Blackledge.
viii. Margaret Blackledge, d. August 1819, Greene County, Pa.
ix. Elizabeth Blackledge, b. October 26, 1758; d. July 26, 1853, Greene County, Pa;
M. Edward Burson, March 23, 1779, Bucks County, PA.
17. x. Enoch Blackledge, b. March 01, 1759, Bucks County, PA; d. July 23, 1842,
Greene County, Pa.
18. xi. Isaac Blackledge, b. November 03, 1770, Bucks County, PA; d. June 22, 1816,
Green Co, Pa.
8. William3 Blackledge (Thomas 2, William1) was born January 16, 1730/31 in Bucks County, PA, and died December 08, 1761 in Milford Township, PA. He Married Ann Lewis June 15, 1757.
Children of William Blackledge and Ann Lewis are:
i. Elizabeth4 Blackledge, b. June 11, 1758, Bucks County, PA; m. Isaac Burson.
ii. Rachel Blackledge, b. April 13, 1760, Bucks County, PA; m. Enoch Roberts.
Generation No. 4
9. William4 Blackledge (Richard 3, Benjamin 2, William1) was born in Craven County, N. C., and died October 19, 1828 in Craven County, N. C.. He married (1) Alice Wharton October 10, 1792 in Onslow County, N.C.. He married (2) Winifred Whitfield March 12, 1819 in Newbern, N. C.
Children of William Blackledge and Alice Wharton are:
19. i. William Salter5 Blackledge, b. Pitt County, N. C.; d. March 21, 1857.
ii. Louisa Blackledge, M. George Whitfield.
iii. Richard Blackledge, d. November 17, 1820, Beaufort County, N. C.
10. Anne4 Blackledge (Richard 3, Benjamin 2, William1) was born 1765 in Craven County, N. C.. She married Joseph Hatch December 15, 1786 in Craven County, N. C.
Child of Anne Blackledge and Joseph Hatch is:
20. i. Richard Blackledge5 Hatch, b. 1797.
11. Elizabeth4 Blackledge (Robert 3, Thomas 2, William1). She married Eli Kennard June 08, 1786 in Bucks County, PA.
Children of Elizabeth Blackledge and Eli Kennard are:
i. William5 Kennard.
ii. Hannah Kennard.
iii. Thomas Kennard.
iv. Joseph Kennard.
12. Robert4 Blackledge (Robert 3, Thomas 2, William1) was born in Bucks County, PA. He married Ruth Edwards March 1787 in Bucks County, PA.
Children of Robert Blackledge and Ruth Edwards are:
i. Robert5 Blackledge.
ii. William Blackledge.
iii. Mary Blackledge.
iv. David Blackledge.
v. Margaret Blackledge.
vi. Thomas Blackledge.
vii. Hannah Blackledge.
viii. Rebecca Blackledge.
ix. Joseph Blackledge.
x. Rachel Blackledge.
xi. Benjamin Blackledge.
xii. Isaac Blackledge.
13. William4 Blackledge (Robert 3, Thomas 2, William1). He married Elizabeth Unknown.
Children of WilliamBlackledge and Elizabeth Unknown are:
i. Robert5 Blackledge.
ii. Sarah Blackledge.
iii. Elizabeth Blackledge.
iv. Samuel Blackledge.
v. John Blackledge.
14. Ann4 Hoge (Elizabeth 3 Blackledge, Thomas 2, William1) was born March 19, 1759, and died 1828 in Greene County, Pa. She Married Noah Smith.
Child of Ann Hoge and Noah Smith Is:
21. i. George5 Smith, b. 1801, Greene County, Pa; d. September 04, 1869, Monroe
County, Ohio.
15. Mary4 Blackledge (Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William1). She Married Jeremiah Williams April 25, 1779.
Children of Mary Blackledge and Jeremiah Williams are:
i. John5 Williams, b. January 27, 1780; d. June 06, 1858; m. Christiana Kimbal.
ii. Thomas Williams, B. April 11, 1781; M. Rebecca Arndt.
iii. Benjamin Williams, B. December 18, 1782; M. Mary Meridith Burson.
iv. Susan Williams, b. June 10, 1785.
v. Williamwilliams, B. June 10, 1785; M. Hannah Whiting.
Vi. Samuel Williams, B. June 18, 1792.
vii. Isaac Burson Williams, B. April 23, 1794; M. Martha Shelton White.
viii. Margaret Williams, B. April 28, 1796; M. Abel Lester.
ix. Jeremiah Williams, B. December 28, 1798; M. Margaret Lake.
16. Levi4 Blackledge (Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William1). He Married Barbara Rofelty.
Children of LEVI Blackledge and Barbara Rofelty Are:
i. Sarah5 Blackledge, M. Nathan Harris.
ii. Jesse Blackledge.
17. Enoch4 Blackledge (Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William1) was born March 01, 1759 in Bucks County, PA, and died July 23, 1842 in Greene County, Pa. He married Sarah Adamson.
Children of Enoch Blackledge and Sarah Adamson are:
22. i. Mary5 Blackledge, b. April 06, 1782; d. September 28, 1862, Little Berea, Ohio.
23. ii. Thomas Blackledge, b. July 21, 1784.
24. iii. John Blackledge, b. July 21, 1786.
iv. Margaret Blackledge, b. June 11, 1789; m. (1) Nehemiah Richardson; m. (2) Eli
25. v. WilliamBlackledge, b. October 16, 1793; d. December 19, 1853, Carroll County,
vi. Martha Blackledge, B. August 21, 1795; M. Joseph Baker.
26. vii. Levi Blackledge, b. October 15, 1797; d. November 15, 1870, Greene County, Pa.
viii. James Blackledge, b. April 24, 1803.
18. Isaac4 Blackledge (Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William1) was born November 03, 1770 in Bucks County, PA, and died June 22, 1816 in Green Co, Pa. He Married Allee Evans.
Child of Isaac Blackledge and Allee Evans is:
i. Noah Teal5 Blackledge.
Generation No. 5
19. William Salter5 Blackledge (William4, Richard 3, Benjamin 2, William1) was born in Pitt County, N. C., and died March 21, 1857. He married Mary Fonvielle Hatch April 21, 1815 in Craven County, N. C.4, daughter of Edmund Hatch and Miriam Simmons.
Children of William Blackledge and Mary Hatch are:
27. i. Virginia6 Blackledge.
28. ii. Richard Burkhead Blackledge, b. July 10, 1838, Craven County, N. C.; d. January
14, 1916.
20. Richard Blackledge5 Hatch (Anne 4 Blackledge, Richard 3, Benjamin 2, William1) was born 1797. He Married Clarissa Rhodes 1820.
Child of Richard Hatch and Clarissa Rhodes is:
29. i. Richard Blackledge6 Hatch, B. 1831.
21. George5 Smith (Ann 4 Hoge, Elizabeth 3 Blackledge, Thomas 2, William1) was born 1801 in Greene County, Pa, and died September 04, 1869 in Monroe County, Ohio. He married Elizabeth Iams 1826 in Pennsylvania.
Child of George Smith and Elizabeth Iams is:
30. i. Elizabeth6 Smith, b. 1840, Greene County, Pa; d. 1921, Washington County,
22. Mary5 Blackledge (Enoch 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William1) was born April 06, 1782, and died September 28, 1862 in Little Berea, Ohio. She married Samuel Richardson.
Children of Mary Blackledge and Samuel Richardson are:
i. Alfred6 Richardson, b. November 11, 1805.
ii. Faithful Richardson, b. June 12, 1807; d. October 10, 1833.
iii. Sarah Richardson, b. August 10, 1809.
iv. Lydia Richardson, b. October 28, 1811.
v. Enoch Richardson, b. October 10, 1813.
vi. Margaret Richardson, b. January 05, 1816.
vii. Mary Richardson, b. January 05, 1816.
viii. Samuel Richardson, b. August 19, 1821.
ix. Phoebe Richardson, b. August 19, 1821.
23. Thomas5 Blackledge (Enoch 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William1) was born July 21, 1784. He married unknown.
Child of Thomas Blackledge and unknown is:
i. Maryann6 Blackledge.
24. John5 Blackledge (Enoch 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William1) was born July 21, 1786. He married unknown
Child of John Blackledge and unknown is:
i. Isaac6 Blackledge.
25. William5 Blackledge (Enoch 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William1) was born October 16, 1793, and died December 19, 1853 in Carroll County, Ohio. He married Sophrona Sturgeon.
Children of William Blackledge and Sophrona Sturgeon are:
i. Hiram6 Blackledge, b. August 21, 1816; d. December 1885, Delaware County,
Ohio; m. Eleanor Mills, November 01, 1838.
ii. Maria Blackledge, b. December 18, 1817; d. December 26, 1855; m. John
iii. Enoch Blackledge, b. October 14, 1819; d. June 1857.
iv. Isaac Blackledge, b. October 10, 1823; d. May 27, 1829.
v. Margaret Blackledge, b. October 14, 1825; d. 1904; m. William Wiley,
September 03, 1854.
vi. Mary Blackledge, b. September 15, 1827; m. Samuel Groves, January 04, 1848.
vii. William Blackledge, b. September 14, 1830; M. Phoebe Jones, November 27,
viii. Phoebe Blackledge, B. September 26, 1832; M. John Hartgrove.
ix. Martha Blackledge, B. January 15, 1835; D. October 1895; M. George W. King.
x. LEVI Blackledge, b. November 17, 1836; d. January 20, 1930, Carroll County,
Ohio; m. Matilda Permar, December 1865.
xi. Elizabeth Blackledge, b. February 02, 1839; d. November 06, 1926, Carroll
County, Ohio; m. Thomas Hales, December 1892.
xii. Franklin Blackledge, b. June 09, 1843; d. July 04, 1930, Carroll County,
26. Levi5 Blackledge (Enoch 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William1) was born October 15, 1797, and died November 15, 1870 in Greene County, Pa. He married Margaret Sharpnack.
Children of Levi Blackledge and Margaret Sharpnack are:
i. Enoch6 Blackledge.
ii. Mary Blackledge, B. 1822; D. 1858; M. James Rhodes, June 23, 1852.
iii. Sarah Blackledge, B. 1825; D. March 29, 1859; M. Samuel Stewart, December
25, 1855.
iv. Martha Blackledge, B. October 24, 1830; D. 1863; M. Samuel Lewis, March 16,
v. Stiers Blackledge, B. 1833; D. 1911; M. Alena Crouch.
Generation No. 6
27. Virginia6 Blackledge (Williamsalter 5, William4, Richard 3, Benjamin 2, William1). She married John M. F. Harrison September 13, 1854 in Craven County, N. C..
Children of Virginia Blackledge and John Harrison are:
i. William7 Harrison.
ii. Corrinne Harrison.
28. Richard Burkhead6 Blackledge (Williamsalter 5, William4, Richard 3, Benjamin 2, William1) was born July 10, 1838 in Craven County, N. C., and died January 14, 1916. He married Pinkey S. Russell July 10, 1863 in Mecklenberg County, N. C.
Children of Richard Blackledge and Pinkey Russell are:
31. i. Mary Fonville7 Blackledge, B. June 18, 1864, Mecklenberg County, N. C.; d.
February 15, 1931, Greenville, N. C.
ii. Margaret Allen Blackledge, b. August 09, 1866; d. April 22, 1914.
iii. Jennie Harrison Blackledge, b. March 05, 1871; d. March 07, 1871.
iv. Annie Berrie Blackledge, b. January 22, 1873; d. August 13, 1874.
v. Adelaide Cuyhendall Blackledge, b. October 09, 1875, Newbern, N. C.; D. Fort
Lauderdale, Fla.
vi. William Salter Blackledge, b. July 07, 1877.
vii. Charles Duffy Blackledge, b. September 25, 1880.
29. Richard Blackledge6 Hatch (Richard Blackledge 5, Anne 4 Blackledge, Richard 3, Benjamin 2, William1) was born 1831. He married Julia Kornegay.
Child of Richard Hatch and Julia Kornegay is:
i. Mary Louisa7 Hatch, M. Joseph Robert Davis.
30. Elizabeth6 Smith (George 5, Ann 4 Hoge, Elizabeth 3 Blackledge, Thomas 2, William1) was born 1840 in Greene County, Pa, and died 1921 in Washington County, Ohio. She married George Washington Shook August 17, 1867 in Monroe County, Ohio.
Child of Elizabeth Smith and George Shook is:
32. i. Thomas Franklin7 Shook, b. May 07, 1868, Monroe County, Ohio; d. February
24, 1934, Washington County, Ohio.
Generation No. 7
31. Mary Fonville7 Blackledge (Richard Burkhead 6, Williamsalter 5, William4, Richard 3, Benjamin 2, William1) Was Born June 18, 1864 in Mecklenberg County, N. C., and died February 15, 1931 in Greenville, N. C.. She married Harry Huntley Roberts October 08, 1883 in newbern, N. C..
Child of Mary Blackledge and Harry Robert s is:
33. i. Anna Bessie8 Roberts, b. October 28, 1894, Raleigh, N.C.; d. February 28, 1981,
Wilmington, N.C.
32. Thomas Franklin7 Shook (Elizabeth 6 Smith, George 5, Ann 4 Hoge, Elizabeth 3 Blackledge, Thomas 2, William1) was born May 07, 1868 in Monroe County, Ohio, and died February 24, 1934 in Washington County, Ohio. He Married Laura Belle Colvin January 19, 1890 in Monroe County, Ohio.
Child of Thomas Shook and Laura Colvin is:
34. i. Harry8 Shook, b. January 06, 1891, Miller's Run, Ohio; d. January 19, 1990,
Wheeling, WV.
Generation No. 8
33. Anna Bessie8 Roberts (Mary Fonville 7 Blackledge, Richard Burkhead 6, William Salter 5, William4, Richard 3, Benjamin 2, William1) was born October 28, 1894 in Raleigh, N.C., and died February 28, 1981 in Wilmington, N.C.. She Married Louis Thames Davis May 20, 1917 in Raleigh, N.C.
Child of Anna Roberts and Louis Davis is:
i. Edward Lee9 Davis, b. August 14, 1926, Wilmington, N.C.
34. Harry8 Shook (Thomas Franklin 7, Elizabeth 6 Smith, George 5, Ann 4 Hoge, Elizabeth 3 Blackledge, Thomas 2, William1) was born January 06, 1891 in Miller's Run, Ohio, and died January 19, 1990 in Wheeling, WV. He Married Laura Smith May 14, 1918 in Marietta, Ohio.
Child of Harry Shook and Laura Smith is:
35. i. Dorothy Elizabeth9 Shook, b. April 18, 1919, Marietta, Ohio; d. November 11,
1949, Riverview, Ohio.
Generation No. 9
35. Dorothy Elizabeth9 Shook (Harry 8, Thomas Franklin 7, Elizabeth 6 Smith, George 5, Ann 4 Hoge, Elizabeth 3 Blackledge, Thomas 2, William1) was born April 18, 1919 in Marietta, Ohio, and died November 11, 1949 in Riverview, Ohio. She Married Frederick Alexander Reichenbach May 10, 1937 in Wheeling, WV.
Child of Dorothy Shook and Frederick Reichenbach is:
i. Kathryn Laura10 Reichenbach, b. January 06, 1938, Bellaire, Ohio.
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