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Baby will make THREE!
Bibi and Lulu Adventures in Babymaking!
was my journal when we were TTC, I now use this page
to put up links to information on PCOS***
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entry, links
and books on infertility
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Babies...they are my current obsession. Probably because
we're having a zinger of a time trying to have one. We've been at it July of 1997, it
hasn't all been in vain ,and I've discovered lots about my body in the process. First
thing I learned was that I don't ovulate, of course that rather obvious when you don't get
your monthly visit! So you can see I was off on a bad foot at the beginning. Then after an
HSG(it's a test where they inject ink into your uterus and tubes, to see if there is any
blockage), I discovered that my tubes were open but that I had uterine polyps. Joy! This
meant surgery to have the little buggers removed. So at the end of October I had them
removed. The surgery was uneventful and I wasn't sore at all, but very tired. Up until the
point that I discovered I had polyps I did 3 cycles of Clomid. I did ovulate, but no baby
due to the polyps. December, was the first cycle post-op that could possibly be a +++!
Well, I made it just to 11DPO(days past ovulation) and AF showed up on Lulu's birthday.
Charming! I was devestated, I really thought that it was my month to become a muma! It
would have been the best Christmas present ever! No such luck!
A New Start!
The New Year brought me a lot of news. I got unceremoniously dumped by my closet-anorexic
gyn. She decided that all of my problems were weight-related. I disagree/d. So the one
time that I bring in Lulu to the appt, she decided to stop all treatment. Devestated once
again, I was beginning to think that Someone, didn't want me to have children. After being
miserable for two weeks, Lulu came home one day with a list of gyns in Orléans. Turns out
my not-so-talkitive hubby, spilled out his guts to the nurse doing his yearly physical. So
I took the list sat on it for another week, I wasn't ready to get emotionally slammed
again! I finally took out the list one day and did an eeny meeny miney moe, and got my new
non-fat phobic gyn. So this is our first cycle together. He's great. He also listened to
my whole saga about my ex-gyn. After suffering in silence thru the whole ordeal, he
finally was able to to tell me,
"Let's look inside and see what's going on there!".
So during my ultrasound, he says, "Oh that explains it!".
"Explains what???", I shot back.
"Why your not ovulating.."
"What you know already???"
"Of course you've got polycystic ovaries."
"I DO?"
Wow, so after almost two years of Trying to Conceive, I learn that I have Polycystic
Ovarian Syndrome. In a bizarre way I've never been so happy. When someone asked, "Why
can't you get pg?", I always felt like I was idiot. Unexplained infertility is the
worst. You just don't know why. So now I know. I've been reading all I can find on PCOS.
I've found some really interesting info on low carb dieting and insulin resistance and how
it effects women with PCOS.
April 5, 1999
I am CD13, we did 100mg of Clomid , days 3-7, w/Gonal-F(HCG)on days 9,11,13. An ultrasound
on CD10 revealed two decent sized follicles, one on each ovary, 13mm and 14mm. I go in
tomorrow for another u/s to see if the Gonal-F is doing the job. I'm trying to stay calm;
but I am excited.
April 30, 1999
Well I'm not pg. BUT, this was my best cycle to date. With the help of some progesterone
pills I made it to 14DPO (days past ovulation). Waiting to see what gyn says so right now
nothing is happening.
May 10, 1999
I'm starting progestrone to bring on AF. My gyn gave me a 6 MONTH! prescription for
Pergoline (I think I can't read his writing!) and Gonal-F 75. This isn't new to me. I always
O w/these types of meds and these doses. Apparently my new gyn thinks that it's just a
question of time. I'm not even being monitored, which just makes me a wee bit antsy. When
I questiond my gyn he said, not necessary cos my reaction to the treatment has always been
the same. For those who are sitting there thinking OMG OCTUPLETS!!! Don't worry, I'm lucky
if my ovaries get two good follicles out there, eight would be out of the question. So
wish us luck! Oh something else is that I've started the Carb Addict diet. I've read lots
of women with PCOS have been able to gain control of their PCOS thru their diet. I'm
hoping to do the same. My gyn hasn't said anything about using alternative methods for
dealing with my PCOS. When I asked how's it treated he said w/the Pill or while TTC
w/Clomid. Hmmm...makes me wonder. Contemplating adding a link section for those interested
in finding out more on PCOS. What do you think??
June 3rd, 1999
I'm cd 12 today, I've had two of my three Gonal-F shots. My last on will be on Friday(the
4th). The games have already begun. I'm a little worried cos I don't see any CM. I am
taking 500mg of GTF Chromium, 250mg of L-carnitine, and 1000mg of EPO. I'm still
low-carbing (but I did fall off the wagon last weekend, and boy did I notice a
difference!TIRED!). I'm not being monitored and that makes me uneasy. I don't think I'll
have a problem w/hyperstimulation, but I like to know how many follicles I have and the
size. Gyn told me to stop taking my BBTs (maybe he thinks I'm obsessive??LOL!), I'm still
taking them. I'm contemplating trying to get Metformin thru my GP. I know that I can get
him to give me a fasting insulin test. Well wish us luck! I usually O between cd 14 and
June 22, 1999
Well this cycle was a bust. No baby. I'm very disappointed to say the least. I definitely
have a luteal phase problem and I'm going to see my gyn on Friday to get something for
that. I haven't been following my low-carb diet very well lately, but I plan on getting
back on track. Sigh...I'm in the wait and see mode for now.
July 14,1999
This cycle got off to a rough start. I had a killer toothache that delayed O for 4days! I
was really worried that I wouldn't O at all due to the antibiotics I was taking. So far so
good. I'm 6dpo and my temps are high. Only a week more to go before I know if I'm pg or
not. I've lost 15lbs on the Carb Addict Diet so I'm very pleased. Would like to lose
another 15 by the end of August. We'll see.
September 7, 1999
This is really getting to me now. My current treatment isn't as efficace as it was. This
cycle I am "sans" meds. I figured it was just a waste of time to take them if
they don't work. I've got an appt w/my gyn soon. I wrote to the pharmaceutical company
that makes Glucophage and they are supposed to send my gyn the info about it's use in
treating PCOS. It' very strange because I requested a copy as well. The researcher told me
that they don't give this info out to patients. I find this very typical of French
mentality. They don't tell you anything! ARGH! It' so frustrating. Mentally this is really
taking it's toll on me. I think for the last couple of cycles I've been extremely positive
and right now I can't muster up any positive thoughts. I am ready to move on to adoption.
I have come to terms w/the fact that I might not physically have a baby, but in fact that
doesn't really bother me at all. To not have a child at all is what would really upset me.
September 20,1999
I saw my gyn last week. He didn't receive the info on Glucophage! ARGH! I could kill the
researcher who swore he'd have it by my appt!Anyway after calmly explaining to my gyn that
I want a more agressive treatment and that I think Glucophage would be most beneficial.
Jean-Luc(my gyn) said.."OK, we'll start w/you meds this cycle. Get me the info on
Glucophage and if it doesn't work this cycle, we'll start Glucophage." WHEW! Of
course I would have prefered to start right away, but I suppose this is better than
nothing. He said that he was happy that I was losing weight (I didn't say it was a LC
diet, cos he's French and they diet weird!)and would like me to continue. So I'm waiting
ever so patiently for AF to show up so I can start Clomid. Ta-dah! I've been researching
adoption as well. Actually we've considered adoption for a long time now. I believe that I
am at the end of my infertility rope. If Jean-Luc decides that he doesn't want to give me
Glucophage, we will adopt and I will be just as happy.
November 21,1999
Well I'm afraid that my infertility journal will be more or less ending here. My last
cycle on meds (in October) was a bust, but for the first time since we've been TTC, I
didn't have my usual breakdown and cry fest that lasts two days. I've know for awhile now
that we will be pursuing adoption. We're very happy w/this decision. I will still be
updating this page since I am very interested in PCOS and it's possible effects on my
future health and think that I should share this info w/other women who suffer from PCOS.
I had a GTT done a couple of weeks ago and I am indeed insulin resistant(IR), My insulin
levels were very high and glucose was above the norms but not too much. A good note, my
cholesterol levels were good!(YEAH! I was very worried about them!). I am currently taking
a treatment to improve my IR, it's a drug called Stagid, it's a deritive of Glucophage,
but less harsh. I'll be on Stagid for 4mos and if all goes well we will switch over to
Glucophage. Oh something very important!! I didn't get Stagid from my gyn. He finally
rec'd the info on Glucophage and he referred me to an endocrinologist that specializes in
Diabetes Management. I love this guy! He speaks English!!! He asked to see all my docs
about Glucophage and PCOS; He READ them! He ran the following bloodwork
up :
fasting glucose
glucose after 1hr
cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL
uric acid
creatinine (very important if you have kidney probs!)
sodium & potassium
chlore,bicarbonates, protides (these are the French terms sorry!)
fasting insulin (very important!)
thyroid test
LH, FSH, Prolactine
I spent the whole morning in the clinic! ICK! I hate needles and ended up w/3!bruises
cos the nurse kept popping my veins! All said I would do it again cos now I can move on
and try to correct this problem.
I've been on Stagid for a week now. I've restarted LCing and so far so good! I'll be
updating this page as I find my info on PCOS and as my treatment progresses. Our
adventure to parenthood isn't over it's just taken another direction....see our
new journey to
UPDATE ON TREATMENT (January 28, 2000)
I've been on Stagid for two months now, and for two months I've had 30 day cycles. I
never expected it to work so quickly! I am not ovulating, but I am very happy just to get
AF back w/o needing meds. I've lost about 10lbs doing the Carb Addict Diet and I
feel really good!
March 19, 2000
I had my 4mos visit w/my endo this week. It was rather uneventful, he
wants me to lose more weight (no duh!) and he switched me over to
Metformin, I'm on 2550mg of it! WooHOO! that's quite a bit, but I had
very high IR. So far only a little bit of stomach upset, but not as much
if I would have started it cold turkey. Still getting AF regularly,
hoping now w/the switch to Met that maybe I'll start Oing. Not
doing to well on my LC diet, eek! It was very hard to follow while I'm
in classes. But fortunately I've got a new job and I'll be able to pick
up CAD again! YEAH!
July 16. 2000
Well I had an appt w/my gyn yesterday cos my left side was hurting
and I figured that my ovaries were probably in a hideous state since I'm
not on BCP. I also wanted a pap since I hadn't had one since
stopping fertility treatments and I figured that it would be an
excellent idea. I ended up w/an ultrasound and a little
Jean-Luc: Well there's your uterus
Me: Glad to see it's still there
Jean-Luc: and this...
Me: It's huge it must be my ovary that's killing me
Jean-Luc: Nope, that's a follicle... nope it's two follicles!
Me: What? You're kidding me right?
Nope: You've got two follicles 22mm and 25mm, you just might O, not
guaranteed but possible.
Me: Wow...this is weird.
So apparently, I've got one ovary on strike (righty) and my left
ovary is functioning more or less. So I've dug out my trusty old
thermometer and I'm going to start charting my temps to see if I do
O. I find this very amusing since we are now in the process of
adopting, though I don't believe that our adopting has ANYTHING to do
November 5.2000
Well time for a little PCOS update, actually
there's not much to say since I'm just taking my meds and getting
bloodwork done every four months. So far my bloodwork says that my IR is
improving. My cycles seem to be getting more "normal" as in 30
days. I'm not Oing, or if I am it's a very wimpy O. The only real
changes I have noticed is that I have definite CM patterns. So I am
happy with what I have so far. I'm on 850mg of Met and I'm also taking
something called "Mediator" which is a "fat burner",
no I'm not dropping tons of weight, but I have lost some. I'm trying,
I'm trying! I've signed back on eGroups, PCOS-low carb mail list so
hopefully the ladies there will help kick my butt into shape! Got an
appointment at the end of December so I'll update again then!
To be continued...
PCOS links
INCIID just added!!
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association: news
articles, mailing lists, support groups, tons of useful info.
Natural Remedies for PCOS and
Insulin Resistance from Callalil's PCOS Pages
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome...treatment with
Insulin Lowering Medications by Dr. Mark Perloe of the Atlanta Reproductive Health
Realmedia online lecture on PCOS again by Dr.
Mark Perloe ARHC, look under "Infertility Overview and General Information".
PCOS Links from
the ivf.com website
Medical Journal Articles online:
Ovarian Drilling
Role of
Metformin in FSH Treated Women w/PCOS
Effects of
Carbergoline on Iterine Perfusion on PCOS Patients
More links to come soon!

to learn more? Bibi and Lulu
If you are interested in a book and want more info, just
click on the title, use "back" to return to this page
Charge of Your Fertility" by
Toni Weschler *this was just an incredible eye-opener. Makes you wonder what they teach in
sex-education classes! Although the book is really aimed at fertile women, it has so much
good info in it, it was useful even for someone like me whose ovaries don't work unless
threatened w/ a heavy dose of Clomid and a couple of HCG shots!*
Infertility Naturally" by Karen
to get Pregnant" by Sherman J. Silber
Pregnant : What Couples Need to Know Right Now" by Neils H. Lauersen, Colette Bouchez
Healing for Women : Simple Home Remedies for Women of All Ages" by
Rosemary Gladstar by
Rosemary Gladstar *I've heard so many good things
about this book, I'm ordering it! *
Complete Woman's Herbal : A Manual of Healing Herbs and Nutrition for Personal Well-Being
and Family Care" by Anne McIntyre by Anne McIntyre * another book that has been recommended to me by the ladies in my
TTC circle*
Low Carb Diets
Atkins' New Diet Revolution"
Dr. Atkins **The Atkins Diet is not recommended for pregnant women. If you are TTC you
should have a minimum of 100gr carbs/day. ASK YOUR DRs BEFORE STARTING THIS DIET!
Power : The High Protein/Low Carbohydrate Way to Lose Weight, Feel Fit and Boost Your
Health in Just Weeks" by
Michael R. Eades
Carbohydrate Addict's Diet : The Lifelong Solution to Yo-yo Dieting"
by Rachel & Richard Heller *I like this diet
alot, the reward meal is just that. Some PCOSers prefer Sugar Busters cos they feel that
the reward meal can turn into a feeding frenzy!*
Zone : A Dietary Road Map to Lose Weight Permanently : Reset Your Genetic Code : Prevent
Disease : Acheive Maximum Physical Performance"
by Barry Sears
Busters : Cut Sugar to Trim Fat"
by H. Leighton Steward, Morrison C. Bethea, Sam S. Andrews, Ralph O. Brennan,
Luis A. Balart *this diet is getting very popular in the PCOS TTC circles. |


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