This is Milly, our Lhasa Apso. For the moment she's our baby. I received
Milly from my mother as a wedding present. I think she's a very original present. She's a
clever and funny little dog. Most dog lovers are very enchanted by her because she's a
terrible goof. Most people when they see her say she looks like Gizmo from the film
"Gremlins". You can find more information and photos of Lhasas by going
to The Lhasa Apso Info
Source and this great web site, for tips on grooming your Lhasa. Lhasa are very active dogs and they require lots of upkeep,
but don't let that stop you from owning this wonderful breed of dog. Our Milly is very
intelligent, she understands several words and REALLY it's the word and not the way that
we say it! She knows what a "treat" is, where we're going when we say "chez
Mamie" (that's my mother-in-law), "pretty girl" could only be Milly after a
bath or good brushing. "Pee-piss" means that we go outside and right away and
"bad girl" means she'd better go hide in her box cos she's done something she
shouldn't have. Milly is very affectionate. She loves to play, "catch me if you
can" and "hide-and-go-seek". She roughhouses w/Lulu and hugs and cuddles
with me. She loves stuffed animals, those are her babies. Her favorite was a cow
"vachon" cos it looked like a cross between a pig,"cochon" and cow, "vache") that "mooed"when she chomped on it! Unfortunately,
she usually attacks the stuffed animal till the stuffing comes out and then plays with the
shell till it's no longer recognizable! Milly got a new and improved "vachon"
for Xmas this year from "Mamie Meredith". When I took it out of the box, she went
bonkers, she knew that cow was for her! She's definitely a character.
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This page updated August 8, 2003
© 1997 Robbye Meredith Griet