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WORLABEAN' FUNPAGE : Laura and I met in French class at USF, seems like we've known each other forever!  Check out her page (it's very cool she's sooo clever!)

7Rings : Kelly makes some of the most BEAUTIFUL graphics I've ever seen on the internet! I got all of my FREE graphics off of her site. Kelly doesn't seem to be doing free graphics any longer, but if you need a kick ass web site built, she can do it!

Personal China Adoption Stories : This is probably one of the largest collections of China adoption stories on the web.  We are also listed way down at the bottom, Bibi and Lulu's Bebe.

HGTV - Oh boy...I am a HGTV addict.  Thursday nights I am checking out all the home improvement programs.  I am so mentally prepared to have a house, I can't stand it.  My faves are House Hunters (even though it's the same dialogue everytime), Designing for the Sexes, and Weekend Warriors.

Cooking Links

Cooking Light - I used to get their magazine when I lived in the States; My clever sister sent me their Master Cook CDrom for my birthday! They got a huge recipe data base that you can search. - I am just a cooking fanatic.  I wish that my kitchen was bigger and better equipped

Tabasco - "Laissez les bons temps roulez!", that's right Let the good times roll!!, I love spicy food, Lulu unfortunately doesn't share this passion w/me. Lots of yummy recipes and goodies!

FoodTV - tons of recipes from different cooking shows. I hang out here alot, love this stuff, in France we don't have all these cooking shows! What a shame cos we sure have some great regional foods! cute site w/heaps of recipes (including dim sum!), explanations of cooking terms and methods

China and Chinese Culture

Chinese Culture : Tons of links from the Chinese Culture pages at My faves are the Chinese Myths and the Chinese Papercuts!! Very pretty!

China : Dim Sum : A Connection to Chinese American Culture, "a thematic cross curicula integrated resource for elementary classrooms which enhances awareness and understanding of  Chinese American culture while building basic academic skills."

  Chinese  Cultural Products - Books, Music, Clothing, Arts, Crafts

Adoptive Breastfeeding

La Leche League Adoptive Breastfeeding

Darillyn's Corner - hints, how-to's, personal stories and support for adoptive moms interested in breastfeeding their babies. I really like this one!