William and Susan's Animal Care Links Credits Page

NOT OUR OWN. We have given credit where credit is due, and for most of the graphics that we have used through
out our Home Site. I do not recall where some came from, as we had been collecting them for quite a while prior
to starting our Home Site, and did not keep a log of where they came from. If there are any that are copyrighted,
and you recognize them to be your own and you have proof of them being yours, please let us know by E-Mail,
and we will gladly, either remove them or provide a link back to your page. .What ever you desire.} |

Credits for the Index Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Index Page.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
The background jpg is a sample included with the program "Map This" The FREEWARE Image
Map Editor for the World Wide Web Written and copyrighted © 1995-1996 Todd C. Wilson/Fresh Ground Software.
The latest version of Map This can be found at: http://www.ecaetc.ohio-state.edu/tc/mt
this is an excellent program and we recommend it.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for the About Us Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - About Us Page
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for the Bird Lovers Links Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Bird Lovers
Links Page
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for the Feline Lovers Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Feline Lovers Page
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for the Cat Lovers Page for Kids
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Cat Lovers
Page For Kids
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for the Coming Soon Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Coming Soon
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for the Dog Lovers Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Dog Lovers Page
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for the Hedge Hog Lovers Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - The African Pigmy Hedge Hog Links Page Page.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for the Hooded Rats and
Mice Links Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Hooded Rats and Pet Mice Links Page.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for Our Iguana Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Our Green
Iguana Page.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for The Pet Tributes Page One
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Pet Tributes Page One .
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for The Pet Tributes Page Two
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Pet Tributes Page Two.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for The Pet Tributes Page Three
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Pet Tributes Page Three.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the
Legal Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for The Pet Tributes Page Four
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Pet Tributes Page Four.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for The Rabbit Lovers Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Miniature Rabbit Links Page.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for The Reptile Links Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - The Reptile Links Page.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for
Our Red Eared Slider Turtle Page
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for
permission to use graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted.
Please notify us by EMAIL.

Credits for Our Snakes Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Our Snakes Page.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the
Legal Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits For Our Add-Ons Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Add Ons Page
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits For Our Password
Gate Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - PassWord Gate Page
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for the Our Pet Pictures Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Pet Pictures Page
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
We would like to thank Brooke and Jennifer for taking the pictures of our pets shown on this
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for the About Us Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - About Us Page
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

Credits for the Guinea Pig Links Page
Graphics and Contents Credits for William and Susan's Animal Links - Guinea Pig Links Page
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following individuals/organizations for permission to use
graphics/material from their web page(s) on this link page. Please see the Legal
Notice on our index page.
Again thank you to all listed above and to any whom we've unknowingly omitted. Please notify
us by EMAIL.

And in conclusion, again, Thanks. W&S

This page is maintained by David Gardner and William Arnold. You can email David at zeepman@yahoo.com or visit his fine web page at http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/8246/index.html.
You can email William at Oldeagle4300@AltaVista.com or Billandsue@Yahoo.com
Your comments and suggestions are welcomed.
Last modified:
March 10, 2000 11:22:24 Pacific Standard Time