William and Susan's Feline Care Page For Catlovers

Hello and welcome to our brand new format! We have found so many great resources for cat lovers around the world that we had to create a separate page for them! We hope you enjoy all of the work that is going into creating this wonderland for humans and their owners. If you do, (or if not) please let us know in the guestbook and especially in email. Please bear with us while we make the transition to a multi-page format. To REALLY help us out, please send us a link that you have found to be especially useful to cat lovers. It can be your page, a humor page, anything that us cat lowers would find interesting!

I hope these links are useful to you. Take care and please sign our new guestbook-we enjoy hearing from all of you!!

Cat Links!

Cat Fancy-Feline expertise on the web! Great Care library.
Catsview-Wonderful personalized information making great use of Javascript.

Mary Ann's Big Cats Page
Purina's Home Page-usually some very nice treats and giveaways-register your pet!

More Feline Links for the Old er Kids


These sites offer Valuable resources on Health Issues for your Cat.

Is your Cat faceing a health or life crisis? Find out about the Assistance Program offered by the IRS through its Tax Deductable Certificate Progream that reimburses Vetenarians for their expenses in careing for Family Pets and Rescued Animals in Life Crisis Situations. Info Below:
Animal Medical Health Assistance Program Site

http://www.felinediabetes.com - Feline CRF Information Center A Clearinghouse for information on Diabetes in Cats. Diabetes can be life threatning to your cat if lleft untreated. Get the Knowledge, Know your options:

Feline CRF Information Center

Explore The "Studies" section and discover the latest techniques and products to promote your cats health and up to the minute news on Health-related research. Go to
The Winn Feline Foundation

Explore the 20/20 Facts of Feline eye diseases and injuries from "Public Arena" area of this professional web site. 
The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists Web Site

Are you on the prowl for the right doctor for your cat? Visit the web site below for a comprehensive listing:
The American Association of Feline Practictioners Membership Directory


For Issues, Questions and Comments about the


Go to the site below and click on Cat Fancy to dive into the world of cats and read more about some of these links listed on our page. A superb site:
Cat Fancy Website at AnimalNetwork.com

Please help control the pet population-click on the banner below.

s-nstamp.gif (12195 bytes)

Find out how you can make a difference in controling the feral cat population in your community.
The Feral Cat Coalition in San Diego

Be sure to visit the site below for key Information on pet welfare, propet laws and animal research, bookmark The Humane Society of the United States Web Site
The Humane Society of the United States of America

More than 50 articles on Breeding, training, care and much more at this web site.
The Feline Advisory Bureau

Are You Now or have You In The Past Been Grieving over the loss of a feline friend visit this site and share the experience with others who can emphathize.

Virtual Pet Cemetery

Need to find a name for you feline friend? Check out this site Magic Names for Mystic Cats
Magic Names for Mystic Cats

Looking for some good recepies for snacks you can cook up for your cat? Look below at The Rainbow Animal Refuge Organization home site.
The Rainbow Animal Refuge Organization

Explore the Rich and Exciting History and Ancestory shared by all cats. Visit Cats, Wild to Mild - an exhibition at the Natural Museum of Los Angeles-
Cats! Wild To Mild - Natural Museum of Los Angeles


Ever Wonder Why Your feline friend is acting the way he, she, or it is? Check out the Sites Below

If your're looking for answers about why you cat does what it does read Sara Etkins Study of Animal Pshchology and the phillosophy of "Zen and the Art of Animal Behavior" references.

Zen and the Art of Animal Behavior

Remember, Cats Love Praise Too. Visit The Community Animal Welfare Society web site below to find out more.
Community Animal Welfare Society

Take a look at your cats behavior from your cat's point of view at Perfect Paws


For an excellent reference and information source be sure to read

Discovery.Com's Animal Planet

Guide to Your Cat


Also For Your Cat, Kids, and Older Kids

Check out 


Sign up your cat(s) and yourself.

Hey Kids

Click on the link below for a visit to a SPECIAL page


The Pet Vet!

Click here to Sign my Guestbook Click here to View my Guestbook.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

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Click here to go back to the main welcome page.

Thank you again for paying us a visit. I know it seems bad now, but we promise it will be very good once we get the links added and so on. Please feel free to email us anytime, especially if you would like us to display your banner and/or your link.



If you Love Animals,

If you despise Animal Abusers

If you want to help affect a change

If you have not read or are not familiar with the 

True "Story of Ninja" Please pay a special visit to the

sites below and then Be a force for change! 

Join the Remember Ninja Project Webring!


This page was last updated:

Wednesday, January 07, 2009 01:52 PM

    The Rail