William and Susan's Animal Care Links

Red Eared Slider Turtles

    Red-Eared Slider World - Care Info, pictures, and a message board. Be sure to surf in.

    Reslider's Swamp - general care, housing, feeding and breeding of Red-Eared Slider.

    Turtle World - This site is a MUST SEE. for all turtle lovers, Excellent; It includes reference material on the care of Red Ear Sliders and pictures of turtles.

    Elway - a Red-Eared Slider. With photos and a brief bio. Check out this Site, You should really Enjoy it.

    Elmer - the Last Woolworth's Turtle, a 26-year-old Red Eared Slider. This is another one you won't want to miss.

    Pokey and Godzilla - two Red Eared Sliders. This site also has a section on basic care of Red Eared Sliders.

    Lance and Jade - William and Susan's Red Eared Sliders


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This home page is maintained by David S. Gardner. and William Arnold. Please email David (zeepman@yahoo.com) or William (billwill11@msn.com) with comments and/or corrections.

Your comments and suggestions are welcomed.
Last modified:

Wednesday, January 07, 2009 13:52:00 -0600