
You have made it to my link page.

One of my best friend's online,
and his really terrific web pages.
Which by the way, love to move on me. hehe
If you like cats you will love his pages.
He has the coolest links too.
Welcome to Grumpy's Crash Pad
Prospect Park Garage

Another friends fantastic pages.
Les Abeilles Homepage
A great site for web page graphics.
Enter Honey Bunny Designs
Stories with a Dark Side.
The Dark Side of the Acolyte

Another online buds site.
A great place for employers to find employees
and employees to find a great job!!!
Refined Ventures

Art and Educational Links
I just graduated from this school, CSUS.
California State University, Sacramento
The community college I attended before CSUS, ARC.
American River College Home Page
Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada -...
Have you ever wondered about what Mother Earth is up to?
Well, on this page one will find out how upset she is,
She is shaking mad!!!
Recent Earthquakes
A place to learn and explore our world.
Exploratorium: ExploraNet
World Wildlife Fund is an organization devoted to saving Wildlife around the World.

Tsalagi - First Nations Peoples
Tsalagi (Cherokee) Literature
Native American Healing
Welcome To SpiritWalker's Apacheria

Well that is all the links I have to share for now.
Have a great time surfin the web.
And remember, You did have a life before computers!!!

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