
When I came into this world
I was just a baby girl
I grew up in a world of pain
where fists and sticks
were used everyday
Kind words I cherished
Love I craved
I learned to not trust
And to stay away
from anyone who could hurt me
or brought me pain
Until one day all alone
I wanted to leave this world I now call home
Through many years of learning to be brave
I learned what I needed to do
to follow my heart
And to it be true
So I walk into the world
And what do I learn
the hate and pain is here again
From people who claim to be natives true
and say that I am not one too
And if I am not
then what must I be
a person without an identity
Not everyone is full blood anything
Many of us are mixed
not of two races but more
And we dont need to be greeted with war
From our forefathers families
who we should be calling friends
not enemies
I am a mixed blood of many things
A mutt full of pride
My grandparents were mixed bloods
who had learned to hide
All that they were
From this racist unloving world
traditional beliefs lost in the past
but what remains draws me back
And deep within my soul
To learn of all that was not told
To pass it on
My heart and soul drawn to my native pride
My skin and hair from the other side
You can call me a wannabe
But All I want to be
is me

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