

Dr. Ivan's Depression Central A resource

GROWW For anyone who grieves

More people have Lupus than AIDS, Cerebal Palsey, Multiple Sclerosis, Sickle-cell Anemia and Cystic Fibrosis combined.

Lupus Foundation of America

American Cancer Society

Please Help Destroy the Destroyer

caring people doing their part for children with cancer

The Power of Prayer

People Like You

A special thank you goes out to the folks at WidowNet (a group of loving, caring people who have paid the ultimate price). THANK YOU for being there 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


Michelle's Favorites!

Flower = White Lilies.

Color = Hunter Green.

Music = Jethro Tull, Enya, Enigma, Tom Petty.

Place = Mont St Michel.

Animals = Pigs and Scotties.

Author = Stephen King.

Hymn = Amazing Grace.

Movie = Oliver!


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