Michelle Lillian DeWalt


Michelle 1961

Michelle Lillian Mercogliano was born on February 27, 1959 to Frank and Patricia Mercogliano. She has a twin sister Deborah and a younger sister named Donna. She was raised on Long Island, New York. She graduated from Island Trees High School in 1977 and studied art in New York City. Michelle would later change her direction and focus on the computer field. Until her illness she worked for the Government as a computer specialist.

At the age of ten, Michelle became very sick and would eventually be diagnosed with Lupus Erythematosus. She suffered with Lupus for the rest of her life. Although it is not proven, I believe that years of steroid use to combat the Lupus subsequently lead to cancer. Michelle was diagnosed with metastatic myxoid fibrosarcoma in September 1996. The cancer started in the soft tissue above her right knee and quickly spread to her lungs. She endured many chemotherapy treatments to no avail. On Christmas Day 1996 she became very ill. She was hospitalized the following day. Radiation treatments were being considered until extensive x-rays revealed that the cancer had progressed beyond the point of treatment having any positive impact. She died two weeks later in the hospital on January 14,1997.


Michelle at the Hard Rock Café in Paris

August 1996

To know Michelle was to know a warm, loving, compassionate friend. She was liked by virtually everyone she met. Though her talents were endless she possessed a sweet, humble nature. She was so special and loved by so many people, She was; an Artist: Michelle created a number of works of art over the years, many of which were destroyed in a flooded basement. I treasure the few that I have.

One of Michelle's Paintings

Craft Maker: Michelle could take a pile of scraps and turn them into beautiful keepsakes. She made corn husk dolls, plaques, decorations, she enjoyed embroidery, needlepoint, crochet, and I have even seen her knit a long time ago. With all these listed, I am sure that I must be leaving something out. Musician: Michelle could play the guitar and also was interested in the organ. She did not play so much in the last few years as her job took up so much of her time.
Seamstress: Michelle made curtains, costumes for the kids and even doll clothes. Tailor: In addition to being the family tailor, Michelle has made theater quality costumes.

Donna models one of Michelle's Creations.

Historian: Michelle loved to study history. She was fascinated by, and was very knowledgeable of the British monarchy. Wonderful wife: I could never say enough kind words about Michelle. Loving mother: Michelle loved her children to a fault. I pray that someday my children truly appreciate the depth of her love and the magnitude of their loss.

Daniel, Michelle, and Lauren

November 1996

Treasured daughter and Beloved sister: Michelle loved, and was loved by her family so very much. They brought such happiness into each other's lives. I pray that time will ease their pain. Cherished friend: Michelle is sadly missed by so many. Michelle worked for the Department of Defense. In the ten years she worked as a civil servant she made many friends and touched the lives of countless others. A wonderful memorial service was held for her. The service was organized and attended by her co-workers and friends. I will never forget that beautiful tribute to her.



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