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[Preemie Mom]

[Jimbo's Story]

[Emily's Story]

[Jimbo's Journey Into Brotherhood]

[Making The Connection]

[Bus Stop Ahead]

[CP Mom]

[CP Diagnosis Story]

[CP Mom's Perspective]

What's What and Who's Who

Treatments for Spasticity

Piecing It All Together

[Making Life Easier]

Vision Problems

[EIP -- Early Intervention Program]

[About Early Intervention]

[EIP Transitioning]

[Special Education]

[Preschool Special Education]

[School-age Special Education]


[Meeting Tips]

What About Problems


["Mommy, Why...?"]

[Lessons From Miss Emily]


[Special Families Center]

[Exceptional Families NEED Exceptional Friends]

[Supporting (SLC) Special Families:  A survey of needs, supports, and possibilities] [A Microsoft Word document]


[Preemie Resources]

[Cerebral Palsy and Related Resources]

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