
[Preemie Resources]

[Cerebral Palsy and Related Resources]

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Preemie Resources

Preemie Parent Connection

A newsletter for families raising prematurely born children. For a free sample issue mail your request and first-class postage to: Preemie Parent Connection, c/o PaperWorks, 2668 State Highway 812, DeKalb Junction, NY 13630. (Email for more information.) This is personally recommended and endorsed by me as it is the newsletter which I created and continue to Edit and Publish.

Tommy's Cybernursery

One of , if not THE, very best preemie sites! Tons of links -- definately the place to start your search for preemie information and support on the Web!

Preemie Resources

The place to go to find preemie resources both on and off the Web. Includes books, clothing, and everything else you might want.

Preemie-l Home Page

Offers a wonderful Email-based support group of preemie parents and professionals, Archives, Forum, Newsletter, and more.

Crochet Preemie Afghans For Charity

Preemie Mom initiates this project and shares patterns for preemie size afghans. Includes pictures of afghans.

Parents of Prematures

Preemie parent support group, many other programs. Newsletter available free of charge to preemie parents anywhere in the United States. Address: PO Box 3046, Kirkland, WA 98083-3046.

IVH Parents

Parents of, and professionals working with, babies and children who have had an Intraventricular Hemorrhage share information, support, and on-going research. Address: PO Box 56-1111, Miami, FL 33256-1111. Phone: (305) 232-0381.

Jeff's Life

This site is not readily identifiable as a preemie site, however, "The Alex Essays" are about the author's premature son.

Cerebral Palsy and Related Resources

CP101 at The Craig Family Home Page

A great explanation of cerebral palsy and other related explanations. If you are unsure about what cerebral palsy is -- go here!

CPPARENT Mailing List Home Page

Great mailing list for parents of children with cerebral palsy to discuss topics of their concern. This is where I learned about Botox injections to help Emily with the spasticity in her legs!

Cerebral Palsy Charts

Growth charts for children  with cerebral palsy ages 0 - 10 years.

National Association for Sports for Cerebral Palsy

66 E. 34 Street, New York, NY 10016. Phone (212) 481-6359

National Information Center

National Information Center for children and youth with disabilities. Information clearinghouse, referrals, fact sheets -- all free of charge. 1-800-695-0285

Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children

Provides medical care, free of charge, to children up to 18 years of age. Any child is eligible for admission if the child would benefit from treatment at another facility and doing so would place financial burden on the family. (19 hospitals nationwide.)

AT Advocacy Project/Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc.

Statewide clearinghouse for information, regulations and resources needed to advocate for assistive technology, "Impact" newsletter, and more. Address: 295 Main Street, Room 295, Buffalo, NY 14203. Phone: (716) 847-0650. Fax: (716) 847-0227 The "Impact" newsletter is VERY informative, in my opinion. It has covered such topics as SSI payments and what can jeopardise these payments and, therefore, medicaid coverage, Early Intervention, and so much more!

Rifton Equipment

Gait Trainers, Walkers, Standers, Chairs, Tables, Tricycles & more. Address: PO Box 901, Route 213, Rifton, NY 12471. Phone: 1-800-777-4244. Fax: 1-800-336-5948.

Flaghouse Inc.

Wide variety of equipment for gross motor, fine motor, cognitive, sensory, positioning, sound & much and much more! Phone: 1-800-793-7900. Fax: 1-800-793-7922.

Crestwood Company

Communication aids for children & adults. Address: 6625 N Sidney Place, Milwaukee, WI 53209-3259. Phone: (414) 352-5678.

Ableware from Maddak Inc.

Mobility, positioning, wheelchair accessories, tactile, exercise, recreation, safety, communication, seating, bathroom & roilet, reading & writing, hand aids, dressing, grooming, eating, kitchen & household, non-slip surfaces, scissors, bed & much more. Address: Pequannock, NJ 0744-1993.

United Cerebral Palsy Association

How Can I Help?

Information for friends and relatives of a child with cerebral palsy. GO HERE -- THIS IS GREAT!!

United States Cerebral Palsy Athletic Association

175 Lawrence Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 10006. Phone: (718) 436-7600

Disability-Specific Web Sites:  Cerebral Palsy

Kelly's Cool Place in Cyberspace!

Who Will Help with Ramps & Home Modifications

Low Cost - Low Tech Home Modifications

Simple Home Modifications for the Disabled

The Do-Able Renewable Home

Accessible Design/Universal Design Resources

Accessible Homes

Siblings Resources

Sibling Information Network

An organization for those interested in the welfare of siblings of handicapped children. Quarterly newsletter with section especially for the siblings! Address: Dept. of Educational Psychology, Box U-64, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268. Phone: (203) 486-4034.

Siblings for Significant Change

Designed to unite siblings of handicapped individuals for the purpose of advocacy, to disseminate information, to offer conferences and workshops for and about siblings and families of handicapped peoples. Address: 823 United Nations Plaza, Room 808, New York, NY 10017.

The Sibling Support Project

For siblings of people with special health, developmental, and emotional needs. Address: Children's Hospital and Medical Center, PO Box 5371, CL-09, Seattle, WA 98105-0371. Phone: (206) 368-4911. Fax: (206) 368-4816.

Other Resources

Special Education Online Documents

Government of British Columbia site with some excellent resources on special education.

Oliver's Story

Includes info on pre-eclampsia, premature birth, as well as their personal tragic story. Links for pre-eclampsia, preemies, and grief support.

The HELLP Syndrome Society, Inc.


A non-profit organization with community-based chapter throughout the country. Provides support, education, and advocacy to women with high-risk pregnancies and their families. Publishes annual magazine. Address: PO Box 1808, Laguana Beach, CA 92652. Phone: (714) 497-2265. Fax: (714) 497-5722.

Intensive Caring Unlimited

Non-profit organization offering support to families of preemies, medically high-risk infants, parents experiencing pregnancy loss or the death of an infant. Offers Outreach Parents, quarterly newsletter, information pack, lending library, referrals. Address: 910 Bent Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118. Phone: (215) 233-6994.

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