Unisex Fashion
Advocate to the Public


We need to shorten the time to advocate to the public that it is no big deal for men to wear pantyhose.

Due to some very poor images given by individual cases, the public in general feels 'Men like pantyhose because they are abnormal'. The road is tough for us!

However, with our effort together, I believe that we will be successful very soon!

I have written some letters to leading pantyhose manufacturers to emphasize the market need. (Join me to tell them!) I am planning to write more articles and publish them in the WWW. I also plan to visit some 'officials' like human right organisations, fashion designers, pop stars etc. AND definitely with your help by doing the same, we can speed up the trend significantly.

I am wearing pantyhose in public with shorts, feminine loafers etc. Pantyhose legs / feet look much better in those narrow head or high-heel shoes! If you support me and all of us, join me by action to speed up the TREND!

Here are the actions you can take to speed up the advocation process.

  • When you wear pantyhose, don't hide it. Just behave as if you are wearing "men's" clothing. No need to panic when you are discovered. It's really no big deal!
  • Organise 'pantyhose-men' gatherings within your geographical area. Arouse the public's concern and acceptance.
  • Use this search engine as your daily search engine! Help to get my site expose more!
  • Tell the public - we wear pantyhose not for sex reason. It is not always a fetish. Pantyhose is a practical clothing for both women and men.
  • Tell the officials and ask them join us!
  • Write on my guestbook or post your stories.
  • Click my banners - so that my site could get promoted throughout the WWWorld. For sure I am not making any benefit by inviting you to click the banners. I just want to invite more non-pantyhose wearers to my page and let them know us more. It works! Some ladies entered my site through the Link Exchange Banner and had sent useful tips to us!
  • Build up your own homepage like me. Get a free homepage here. DO NOT use web site names such as 'sex', 'fetish' etc. Like me, just use 'Fashion'.
  • If you are a webmaster, give me a link.
  • Join actively in the discussion forumto give more information, opinion, articles, thoughts . . . everything.

AND Load this counter to vote for Pantyhose - Unisex Fashion :

We can't wait anymore!

I will regret if I can't wear what I want in any one day in my life.

If you just sit there and wait, don't expect the world will change for you!



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