Unisex Fashion
About Myself


Hi, nice to have you visiting my site.

My name is Lewis, a Chinese man, married and is having a good family, with small children. I have excellent educational background and hold a good job. Like other typical person, I work hard and am responsible to the society. I am EVERYTHING normal except that the public may think I am strange because I think wearing some so called 'female' clothing is acceptable for men, and I like to wear some of them. I am everyday in pantyhose to replace cotton socks and panty to replace cotton 'men' underwear. I also wear 'women' tight short when I do exercise at home.

Sometimes if I have the mood I also wear short skirts, high-heels etc. I like them because they help to show my feminine side as a normal MAN!

In fact the above I wear WILL NOT change me to a female figure, though many people may think that they are for women and ONLY women (or abnormal men) can wear them.

Pantyhose - throughout the web site you can see it is in fact a very practical clothing also for men!

Nylon panty - the materials are light and comfortable

'Women' tight shorts - it is excellent for exercise. It is fit and difficult to move up and down when you are doing some exercises like sit-up. Normal sport shorts cannot be.

Short skirt, high-heels - how can you find any replacement from 'Men' collection that you can show your legs very beautifully!? Yet, I do not wear them in public because local law does not allow.

I also shave legs. They look more beautiful in sheer hosiery. Moreover, the feel of bare skin in pantyhose is much more comfortable if compared with hairy legs.


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