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Wrong perceptions

Our journey to the world where men can wear pantyhose is blocked by many wrong perceptions or special abnormal exceptions.

  1. Men like to wear pantyhose for sex only. What an abnormal fetish!
  2. Only abnormal men wear pantyhose!
  3. Men like pantyhose just because they like to look at beautiful women, especially beautiful legs.
  4. Pantyhose is sexy. It represents sex.
  5. Pantyhose are delicate and soft. It is an image for women.
  6. Men must be strong and tough. Men should not pay so much attention on their outlook. Pantyhose is definitely not for men.
and more . . .

Especially, we need to eliminate the first two! Someone use a tool for abnormal behaviour DOES NOT MEAN the tool is abnormal.

Sadly, in our world we find that pantyhose-men often have some differences. They dare not buy pantyhose openly; they are not honest to their wives about their fashion choice; some of them even steal the items from the neighbour! --> i.e. Many bad habits are associated with pantyhose-men.

BUT THIS IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE and they can change themselves easily. Like me, if they accept themselves, they can buy and wear pantyhose without shame and all of the bad related habits are off straight away.

I strongly recommend you to visit Men in Pantyhose - Paraklet's site. This is the extract.

Clothes are a mirror of the social conditions and the position of a person therein. With the emancipation of the women therefore they demanded not only equal social rights but also the right to wear men's clothes, especially trousers. Today women are in nearly all postions that are traditionally only for men and today women wear nearly all clothes traditionally made for men (e.g. ties). And society still accept them as women.

However, how different is the situation for men. For them power and (professional) success still has to count only. But more and more men discover the feminine side in them. They want to express this part of their personality in their clothing and in this way want to put themselves contrary to the expectations of society.

And pantyhose have a central role therein: They are tender and stroke the skin with every movement (men on the other hand should be rough and hard, sensitivity is reserved for women). Legs in pantyhose are erotic (but a man has to be the hunter, not the person, who is admired). And the fine cloth rips easily and gets a ladder fast. As a result, the person who wears pantyhose also looks vulnerable (but a man must always be the invincible hero).

Nothing against Dirty Harry, but I don't like to be a lonely wolf. I long for sensuality and softness. But nevertheless I would like to be accepted as a man by society. Why is that not possible?

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