Our Girls
This is the page dedicated to our girls ! I have only a few pictures of them at this time, and will do updates ASAP. Please click on any of the photos for a larger view! Our first Australian Shepherd, Prairie Fire Star Litt Gem (aka Gem) is now 2 yrs old. She has training in Obedience, flyball, agility, and we have dabbled in tracking and herding. Unfortunately due to her diagnosis of Hip Dysplacia, we have had to stop many sports. She is a very personable dog, very typical aussie. She is and will always be my best buddy. Please click here to see Gem's pedigree. This is not a very good picture, I will try to update soon with a better one. This is our Mix breed dog, Santana. She has been a wonderful family pet, as well as being talented at Flyball! She is one of the sweetest dogs one will meet, only knowing friends and loving attention. Santana is 4 yrs old.