Aussie Breeders
Following are some links to a few
breeders that I know. You will find breeders that naturally raise their litters
further down the page, have fun, look around and feel free to ask any questions.
Listed are only a handful of breeders, and there are
many more breeders out there that are also very ethical. Research is the key!
Kabri Australian Shepherds
LBarJ Stockdogs
Topgun Australian Shepherds
Westwind Australian Shepherds
Below are links to a few *Raw Fed*
breeders of Australian Shepherds. If you feed a Natural diet and would like to be
added, please just email me your information.
Daybreak Australian Shepherds
RawGlow Minature Australian Shepherds
also I have provided some links below to sites that
provide extensive links to Australian Shepherds. Remember, I do not
vouch for any of the breeders on these lists. DO YOUR RESEARCH...
Australian Shepherd Web
Aussie Info Links
Below I have provided a list of kennels/breeders of
Naturally raised Dams/Sires/Litters........:
Trojan Rottweilers Reg'd (E-mail)
Debbie Charneski
Mission, B.C
(604) 820-2655
Gold'C'Ker Reg'd
Golden Retreivers ~

**Please note that all information contained within this website, as well as any links,
are provided strictly as a public service for recreational & educational purposes
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practices of any breeders, vendors or advertisers, the quality of their animals, products
or services, or the accuracy of any information contained in any links from this website.
Listings of breeders, manufacturers, practitioners, publications, suppliers, or links to
other sites do not constitute an endorsement on our part. Individual readers are
responsible themselves to thoroughly research all matters before making any decisions or
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