Allie Hafez OTR/L, CDMS, CCM
Professional Interests / Activities

I am an Occupational Therapist with a private practice as an industrial injury consultant and disability case manager.

Occupational Therapy emphasizes balancing a variety of meaningful and purposeful activities along the spectrum of human functions to promote and enhance independent function and satisfaction with life.

More information about Occupational Therapy

Practice Specialty/Niche

As owner of my own company (Vital Link Consulting), I work in the specialized field of Disability Case Management, which focuses on return to work (RTW). Although I work closely with therapists in providing work conditioning/work hardening services, I myself do not provide clinical treatment. As a case manager and consultant, I coordinate services for people with disabilities seeking to return to work; assist employers with identifying, designing and/or implementing modifications to job tasks and work environments; and I provide training and consultation to corporations in injury prevention , cost-effective management of workers' compensation claims, and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA). For Human Service providers, I do a workshop on strategies for dealing with manipulative clients. On contract with a national seminar company, AE Roberts Educational Seminars, I have provided training to Human Resource professionals on the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and the integration of company policies with FMLA, workers' compensation and the ADA.

I also have a special interest in Rural Rehabilitation

Favorite aspects of my job include:

Disadvantages of my job include:

Because it is so unusual for Occupational Therapists to be among the professionals more commonly known as either Rehabilitation Counselors or Case Managers, a small group of us "non-traditional" Occupational Therapists were nearly deprived of our career niches when a local administrative change took place. I formed a task force, and we lobbied the agency involved to make an exception for Occupational Therapists in the revised certification process. The experience was a crash course in political activism , not to mention a "wake up call" about the dangers of career complacency.

I am very interested in cross-cultural rehabilitation, and I'm one of the very few Disability Case Managers in Minnesota who speaks Spanish.

Spirituality and rehabilitation is of great interest to me, and I was featured in an article on the subject in the October 24, 1994 issue of ADVANCE for Occupational Therapists. As a result of the article, I have been quoted in a Masters' thesis on Spirituality in Occupational Therapy practice; and have acquired two new friends who have developed their interests beyond mine.

I maintain a variety of Professional Affiliations that help keep me connected both to Occupational Therapy, and to multi-disciplinary colleagues. A list of these affiliations is part of my Professional Profile

Through these affiliations, I have some made some interesting friends, many of whom have "adopted" me for meals, or even as a houseguest, when I've had business in their towns; and many of whom have become "email pals."

A Japanese Occupational Therapist asked me co-author an article with him on the subject of Occupational Therapists in Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). Although the project has been put on hold at his end, I discovered, as a result of this collaboration, that EAP organizations in the U.S. have never considered having Occupational Therapists either as part of their staffs, or as a professional to whom to refer their clients. I hope to do some "consciousness-raising" among EAP professionals on how/why OTs should be considered as team members.

Site Index

Vital Link Consulting logoMy Company, Vital Link Consulting
Wearable Art cardMy Wearable Art Creations
Meaning of the initials OTR/L, CDMS, CCM
My Professional Interests and Activities
My Professional Profile (resume)
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Links to more info. about Occupational Therapy
List of articles about Case Management and OTs as Case Managers
Essay: "Distinguishing OT from other Disciplines"
Article: "A Case Study in [OT] Activism"
Article: "Occupational Therapists: Essential Team Members as Service Providers and Case Managers"
General Information about me
My Avocational / Leisure Occupations
EMail Me
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Allie Hafez.

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Professional Interests and Activities of an Occupational Therapist Case Manager
Web Page by A. Hafez OTR/L, CDMS, CCM (
© Copyright 2000 A. Hafez/Vital Link Consulting
Page updated November, 2000