Some current background information on Allie Hafez OTR/L, CDMS, CCM:

I live in an "outer-ring suburb" of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

image of U.S. map

Believe it or not, I love the few winter weeks of sub-zero (F) temperatures that occur most years; and I am happiest when buried under several layers of wool and down. Minnesota is known as "The Land of 10,000 Lakes", which has spun off such jokes as:

Another one-liner I've always liked:

Many outsiders think that Minnesotans are polite, but aloof. One of my favorite one-liners about Minnesota is:

One of the things that I like about Minneapolis/St. Paul is the same thing that other "transplants" to the area complain about: a very large percentage of people born here returned here after living elsewhere; or never felt the need to "escape." The fact that so many people here have friendships going back to their elementary school days makes it difficult for newcomers to get their attention as new friends. I however, having lived in several places I detested, feel that it won't be a tragedy if the Twin Cities is my last permanent address.

We have a tortoise-shell cat who thinks she's Queen of the Universe (what cat doesn't?). She has some amusing idiosyncrasies, including such a loud snore that makes it easy to find her when she's sleeping out of sight. A less amusing habit is to crowd me off my own pillow during the night, or lying on my face when she wants me to get up to feed her. On those legendary cold nights, though, she curls around my neck - it's like having pajamas with a fur turtleneck.

I own a small company, Vital Link Consulting, and travel all over the U.S. as part of my job responsibilities.

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Meaning of the initials OTR/L, CDMS, CCM
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List of articles about Case Management and OTs as Case Managers
Essay: "Distinguishing OT from other Disciplines"
Article: "A Case Study in [OT] Activism"
Article: "Occupational Therapists: Essential Team Members as Service Providers and Case Managers"
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Allie Hafez.

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General Info. about an Occupational Therapist Case Manager (OTCM)
Web Page by A. Hafez OTR/L, CDMS, CCM (
© Copyright 2000 A. Hafez/Vital Link Consulting
Page updated August, 2000.

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