Occupational Therapy is a Global Profession

Occupational Therapy is a very versatile profession that helps people make and/or adjust to changes in their lives so that they can achieve and maintain healthy, active and quality lives. Occupational Therapists provide services in medical clinics, in the community, in people's homes and at worksites. Occupational Therapists work as direct-care therapists, case managers, rehab. counselors, ergonomics specialists, ADA consultants, industrial safety specialists, and any number of other job titles involving health and wellness. There are Occupational Therapists all over the world. A few sites include:




New Zealand

United Kingdom


An Occupational Therapist can help you change your life for the better. If you have or acquire a disability, Occupational Therapy can help you regain and maintain a productive and meaningful life. If your health insurance policy does not include Occupational Therapy as a covered service, your policy isn't complete!

Occupational Therapists can also help people make changes that will improve their wellness. A person doesn't have to have a "disability" in order to benefit from the services of an OT!

If you know of any other OT-related sites, please send me the URL so that I can add the link to this page.

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List of articles about Case Management and OTs as Case Managers
Essay: "Distinguishing OT from other Disciplines"
Article: "A Case Study in [OT] Activism"
Article: "Occupational Therapists: Essential Team Members as Service Providers and Case Managers"
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Allie Hafez.

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Web Page by A. Hafez OTR/L, CDMS, CCM (ot_dcm@consultant.com)
© Copyright 2000 A. Hafez/Vital Link Consulting
Page updated August, 2000

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