Course Description

This four day course is designed for all levels of allied health care and law enforcement personnel desiring additional knowledge of concepts and principles in forensic science, clinical forensic medicine and medicolegal death investigation. This course has also been designed so that the participants may sign up for one or more days or the whole course. The ABMDI Registry Exam is offered at the end of the course.


By the end of the course, the participant will be able to identify the following forensic concepts:

  • Specific functions of the different members of the forensic investigation    team
  • Blunt and sharp force injury and patterned injury recognition
  • Basic knowledge of ballistics and gunshot wounds
  • Features of asphyxia and in custody deaths, environmental hazards and    forensic toxicology
  • Trace evidence collection and chain of custody
  • Signs of child abuse, elderly abuse and domestic violence
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