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Copyright © 2005,
Bruno Andrighetto

Home  >  Chairman Miaow

Chairman Miaow

I have a pet cat and his name is Chairman Miaow. How did he get that name? Well he's a cat that miaows (a lot), he's red (okay ginger) and he commands all that he sees.

He was born around September 1995, so that makes him 9 years old now.

Feeding him is never a big problem. Ever since he was small he hasn't been too fussy. Of course he loves cat food, fish and meat. But he'll happily eat most edible things, including: cheese, breakfast cereal, nuts, raisins, rockmelon, bread, cake and pasta. He often fulfils a valuable function of polishing off most leftovers.

In his younger days he did a good job of keeping the local rat population in check. And he was quite happy to show off his prey.

Here are some photos that I've taken over the past few years. To see a larger view, click on the thumbnails. Alternatively, you can view the pictures using a .Mac photo album I set up.

When he's not miaowing or eating, he's probably sleeping, which is most of the time. Anywhere will do, and he has a different spot depending on the time of day and the weather.

He does all the usual things, like clean himself, roll around and sniff for food.

When the car engine's warm, he likes jumping onto the bonnet.

The obligatory "Cat on the Mat" shot.

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